Paladin Dream

Paladin Dream

Paladin Dream is a turn based RPG in the style of all the old favorite classics. You play as a Paladin going on a journey to find out the meaning of a dream he has been having repeatedly over the years. He leaves the abbey where he has spent his entire life and heads out to find the reason for his dream.

The game was made with RPG Maker, which I know, can leave you questioning how good it really is. But Paladin Dream is a pleasant surprise. With about five hours of gameplay and original music composed by the creator, Paladin Dream stands out where many RPG Maker games may leave you wonderful what the heck you just spent money on.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Exploration Games.

The tag for this game absolutely should have contained RPG Maker. Seemed decent on the surface with story and game play.

Not really my cup of tea, seems extremely short and balance is jacked up. I beat the game, and here is a quick summary:

  • decent music, don’t know if it is from rpg maker or they made it

-decent design (art) , don’t know if it is from rpg maker or they made it

Very short game, beat in about 4 hours

-half of that was probably grinding to try to overcome the balance

-level 15 cap

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Paladin Dream on Steam

Jagged Alliance: Rage!

Jagged Alliance: Rage!

Хорошо! Я буду работать на тебя, проклятый капиталист!

Fine! I will be working for you, you bloody capitalist!

~Ivan Dolvich

Jagged Alliance is a unique franchise. With the first two games being incredibly good and majority of the games that came afterwards being incredibly bad, nowadays, the Jagged Alliance name has a weird effect on people. If you’ll call your game “Jagged Alliance”, it’ll mean two things. First, the people would buy it. Because the original games were that good. Second, the people would bh about it. Because, obviously, the Jagged Alliance games would never be the same. For many reasons. Even Firaxis Games' XCOM is not the same with the one from Mythos Games. Sure, the last two Jagged Alliance games are not Firaxis Games' XCOM. Not even close. But I don’t think they’re that bad. I mean, sure, both Russians and Germans fd things up with their Jagged Alliance: Back in Action and Hired Guns. But they’re Russians and Germans! That’s how they make games! Now, with Jagged Alliance: Flashback and Jagged Alliance: Rage! it’s a different story.

Real player with 49.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Tactical Games.

From a Co-op perspective alone:

  • First, I’m not at all comparing it with older Jagged Alliance, I haven’t played those. But I’ve played a lot of turn-based games. My buddy and I have been playing the latest version in Aug 2020.

  • You can play complete campaign co-op with a buddy. So Yay!

  • The gameplay is fun and keeps one engaged and always nice to co-ordinate attacks with a buddy or figure out ways to kill the enemy in diff ways

  • Good balance in AP spending and tactical

  • Good maps balance

  • The Rage name is an actual element in the game where you get Rage points which are useful

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Jagged Alliance: Rage! on Steam

The Moon 2050™

The Moon 2050™

This is a Sci-fi RPG in which the protagonist must save the galaxy from The Evil Professor.

The action-packed story takes place in the future, in the artificially created galaxy of The Moon 2050. At the heart of this galactic system is Black Hole Inc., founded by the eccentric inventor and scientist ‘The Evil Professor’. It was he who became the main reason for the extermination of biological beings and the destruction of planets.

The Professor, ignoring all the laws of the existence of living beings, is obsessed with the idea of ​​creating an ideal form of life; different from the existing ones. But every attempt to create such a super-being always results in failure. He never would have imagined that all his failed experiments would end up inhabiting The Moon 2050.

One day, The Professor fired his weapon of mass extermination of biological beings at the ship on which the protagonist Harry was flying with his partner. Harry was saved, but the co-pilot was not. He disappeared and ended up in Black Hole Inc. for experimentation. Harry, worried about the loss of his partner, finds out the true reason for the loss. Harry decides to wait for the end of the haunting disappearances of biological beings, remembering that his loved ones have already disappeared in a similar way.

The player, controlling the protagonist, Harry, will have to journey to find The Evil Professor and overthrow him and all his cyborgs and robots, destroy all laboratories and generators that power Black Hole Inc., and ultimately destroy the entire evil empire.

The player will have to complete linear tasks and advance through the story saving each character, destroying enemy mobs, and looking for loot in secret places to gain access to other missions.

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Exploration Games.

The Moon 2050™ on Steam

Aurora - Hidden Colors

Aurora - Hidden Colors

Great little RPG, fun story, good graphics worth a sit down and play all the way through once it is finished and has more then one chapter. everyone needs to play this little gem. The only thing i came across was setting it to English had unfinished translations witch is ok for an unfinished game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Aurora - Hidden Colors on Steam

Suits: A Business RPG

Suits: A Business RPG


Instead of translating my French review, this will do: Suits is an amazing RPG. From the “lore”, to the battles, to the black-and-white universe, to the humor and the characters. I had a blast playing it, getting the achievements, and I’ll do another playthrough often.


  • voix off *

Un monde en noir et blanc. Où les humains ne sont que de vulgaires engrenages pour la grande machine qu’est le TRAVAIL. Où la justice se règle a coup de pot-de-vin. Où la seule nourriture existante est des sandwichs au goût douteux. (Il y a aussi des hamburgers et des pizzas, mais impossible d’en manger!) Où LE PDJ est le maître suprême. Où être VIRÉ équivaut à la mort.

! (Et devenir un sandwich!) The Guy, un employer dont le numéro est sans intérêt, parviendra-t-il à survivre garder son travail, tout en découvrant les bas secrets de ce monde? VOUS le découvrirez dans Suits : A Business RPG!

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

This has been a little game I had under my radar for a while mainly because I like RPG Maker games and the business theme looks pretty interesting. Plus it had a similar art style to OFF and while OFF was okay, it’s art was pretty interesting. So is it good?


In a world where corporations run rampant, companies can bribe to get what they want. women are treated as mere plants that look pretty and the mere act of refusing a product is enough to land you in jail. In this world, you live as a simple drone until events happen that put you in an adventure that might change the world.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Suits: A Business RPG on Steam

Die Like a Hero

Die Like a Hero

Play with a die that got tired of just being used and decided to become the game’s protagonist. In turn-based combat, he’ll do anything to be the hero of that game.

Your main skill will be to attack at the right moment, only then will you be able to reach the end of the game and be a hero.

Fight like a die! Your attack will be the number on the die that is face up, so move wisely.


  • Procedural Generation - Procedurally generated environments and enemies;

  • Permanent Death - Each death is a new experience;

  • Turn-based combat - Use your best combat strategy;

  • Rogue-lite - Less harsh and punishing mechanics.

Die Like a Hero on Steam

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tales of the Fatebounds is a wasted potential, but overall still comes out as decent and enjoyable experience made by developers who listen to the community.

RATING: 6/10.

I’ll start off with what I dislike:

  • Sub-par narrative. - WARNING spoiler potential

    The game started off nicely. Party members were interesting with their own distinct personalities, backgrounds, and personal issues. Along the way, they found themselves in disagreements, having trust issues, while they needed to face trials to test their “worth”. With this scenario, you would expect each character to have a personal development throughout the game, right? BUT THE GAME SAYS HELL NO. You are going to see this pattern very often: At first, let’s be friends! - A moment later, fck you I don’t trust you! - And then a moment later, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, my bad - aaand a moment later, fck you all I’m done with this shit!. Some party member have either bipolar disorder, or they are just a bunch of idiots who do not learn from their mistakes.

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

My review on this game, POSSIBLE SPOILERS.

Story: 6/10

The story was interesting, big war going on, chosen ones coming together to put a stop to it. Characters developing overtime as experience shape them up to be the heroes fate chose them to be. Sadly that is not really seen here. The story is interesting and the concept is cool but without developing characters to push the story to be interesting I found myself being beyond bored with the story. I love fantasy elements in RPGs and a in depth story to boot. However, I just couldn’t get behind the characters in the story because of the constant issues that kept arising throughout the journey. The plot empathizes that the Fatebound must work together and share a common purpose yet whenever there is a secret behind each character (which of course there is), the whole party loses their focus and doubts everything over and over. Even after finishing the trials that test the party to find common ground and work together, the characters in this party is purely glass and shatters at the mention of a “secret.” The concept of the story was really cool and could have been expanded upon but I just got bored, sometimes it picks up and gets interesting but then oh no this guy was secretly super evil “How could you not tell us?.”

Real player with 40.6 hrs in game

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds on Steam

Torgar’s Quest

Torgar’s Quest

The game has nice classic feel to it., it’s old school hack and slash, but with tactics. The graphics ar simple and funny and the spoken commentary is dwarfish-hammy. The masonry is amazing, of course.

Real player with 143.9 hrs in game

What’s the best way to start an adventure to find 7 shards that will grant Torgar the ultimate power? Armed with nothing but clean underwear and a lunch, of course!

This is a rogue-like dungeon crawl, questing ever downward in search of the seven shards. It has three difficulty levels, and anyone with a decent sense for this type of game will probably win in “Normal” mode after a handful of games. Hard mode is considerably more difficult, and nightmare mode is just that - swarms of baddies following you through the dungeon and trying to trap you in corners.

Real player with 63.0 hrs in game

Torgar's Quest on Steam

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion

All the time I spent on this game was just hunting for achievements, side questing, exploring, and level grinding. But aside from that, the main story of this game is quite short, and it can be completed in about 2-3hrs. All in all, I think its a fun game and if not the first game that AT has with free roam and an open world setting. The turn-based battles are alright, with the game explaining how status debuffs work, elemental advantages, and buffs, it’s pretty easy to understand and master the game with just basic knowledge. You can pretty much destroy any boss you encounter by just playing against their weaknesses (every character has different elemental skills). But, the game’s pretty much over once you get BMO to join you, you’ll see what I mean when you play it. For the price it has right now, I think its worth it IMO, but better to wait for a sale to get it.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

This is a casual turn based RPG based on the Adventure Time world including many of the shows famed voice actors. The game plays out like an extended episode or even movie with a pirates theme that gives off a WindWaker vibe with the boat you use to travel from the strange worlds.

The game is poorly optimised for PC with chopy frames and clunky feel and very poor menus, but it does all work and if you can get past the games annoyances your likely to enjoy this immersive world. Theres enough detail to make you feel like you really are in the Adventure Time world as oposed to a game developers intepretation of it.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion on Steam

Blue Fox

Blue Fox

i used to like this game but since the character redesign its absolutely repulsive to look at

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Blue Fox is a 2D top down shooter with cutesy animal art aimed at children. Run around brightly coloured low-fi maps and shoot stuff, collect little flags and so on.

This was slapped together with the godawful Construct 2 game construction kit, which seems to exist purely to make GameMaker Studio look slightly better than the pure garbage it really is. Anyway, using a game construction kit requires no talent and results in games that have little to no quality or merit as properly designed video games. Construct 2 is a terrible engine and likewise results in terrible games.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Blue Fox on Steam