Last Message

Last Message

First off, I loved the story, although it was pretty basic zombie stuff (with some added in details but nothing that’s new to the genre). I did enjoy the small interactions you could do on the computer (reading email, looking through files, etc), most of the gameplay is through game chat, which is okay with me (although, again, nothing new). I did like that the game does branch out from the text based play and allows you to move around. I was a bit disappointed that nothing REALLY happens while walking around, I was half hoping to come across a stray zombie or two but nothing happens beyond one part but its forewarned. I did see one typo in an email (unconcious instead of unconscious), but I didn’t really spot anything else. One of the only issues I had with the game is that the email font is really really hard to see (not the font FOR the messages but the font for the emails themselves) even using the brightest settings, I had a hard time seeing what was there (at first, I thought I only had the one email since you get a notification or whatever alerting you to an email). The game is extremely short too, even with reading all there is in-game as well as being overly cautious, it’s still about an hour.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure First-Person Games.

Last Message is a worthwhile play for the free price tag and short time investment. It focuses on its storytelling through fairly realistic text chats, although I found it jarring how the scripted chats pop up one by one rather than interleaving like real chats do. It’s a narrative that parallels real life well, and I think it’s no coincidence that this game is set in the year 2020.

Technically, the game has basic and fairly crude visuals, though the 3D environment isn’t the driving force behind the story. I had a few graphical glitches with lights outside, but this was most likely due to integrated graphics and the rest of the game was fine including the frame rate. I did notice that the graphics settings seemed to be inverted, so the fanciest graphics ran the smoothest on my integrated graphics. I hope the dev can fix this.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Last Message on Steam



I found myself quite engaged in game, it kept me on the edge of my seat.

Control system is in part responsible for that, the other part is game aesthetics and art style which I adore.

I got myself in such a rush while playing this game, almost all throughout.

And even tho I keep messing up (i’m not really a good typer, lets leave it at that) I keep coming back to it. Its not frustrating to fail.

Have fun and good luck, be nice you prick.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Dungeon Crawler Games.

I really enjoyed this game. It’s quite engaging and no matter how many times I lose I will eventually come back to try to beat this game.

The graphics and sound, as well as this unique control mechanic, greatly enrich the gameplay, making it more intense and challenging.

All in all, this game is awesome and worth playing.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

KIRO on Steam

DnD Adventure: Wizard’s Choice

DnD Adventure: Wizard’s Choice

You play a wizard in this interactive novel set in a medieval fantasy world. Stay alive, manage your spell power, find treasure, and smite evil. Wizard’s Choice is a series of RPG interactive novels that will engross you in a story while allowing you to make the decisions that will determine your fate.

The game includes the complete story of Wizard’s Choice in 6 chapters. No additional purchase.

***** Features *****

  • Zero learning curve. Read the story and make decisions.

  • Manage your health, mana, gold, and morale.

  • Outcomes are determined by decisions you make.

  • Score and rank at the end.

  • Comfort options: font, font size, screen luminosity.

    A game by Delight Games & Cold Coffee Studio

    Written by Sam Landstrom.

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

DnD Adventure: Wizard's Choice on Steam



Wishlair is a lovingly crafted call back to simpler games, with a bit of modern spice thrown in. If you enjoyed the original ZZT genre of games, you’ll find a lot to enjoy here.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

This is an excellent homage to old DOS-based CP437 games like ZZT, Caves of Thor, and Kingdom of Kroz. Had a great trip down memory lane with this one!

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Wishlair on Steam

幽灵高校(Ghost College)

幽灵高校(Ghost College)

achievement system doesn’t work, you can do the achievement a thousand times and it wont give you the medal.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

This game is honestly grinding on your nerves…

Slow movement, confusing quests & scripts, the energy limit that basically soft locks your game and forces you to start over from the previous save once you used up the energy and hence unable to proceed through triggering conversations.

You can’t talk to the NPCs in the game when you have no energy left, or do any actions other than entering different rooms.

The game is also quite buggy in times where you have scenes suddenly being jerked across the screen before settling down and allowing a go at the minigames.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

幽灵高校(Ghost College) on Steam

Kidnapped! A Royal Birthday

Kidnapped! A Royal Birthday

Delightfully written.

You will need to play through more than once to grok the mechanics, once you do shaping the story to your aims becomes much easier, especially once you see the author’s style of cause and effect.

I laugh every time I play.

I cried at the death of a monster. Sobbed honestly.

Artistically brilliant.

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game

This is such a fun and entertaining game! The characters are lovable and author’s writing is easy to understand and to follow. In my opinion, it’s a very silly game with many jokes and ‘happy accidents’, not everyone might like that, but I found myself giggling continuously while playing. I definitely recommend this game, one of the best interactive novels I’ve read so far :)

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Kidnapped! A Royal Birthday on Steam

Who Needs a Hero?

Who Needs a Hero?

💜 Audience 💜

☐ Kids

✔️ Casual Gamer

✔️ Normal Gamer

☐ Expert


🖥️ Requirements 🖥️

✔️ You can run it on a pregnancy test

☐ Decent

☐ Good PC

☐ Quantum Computer


🎴 Graphics 🎴

☐ Microsoft Paint

✔️ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Photorealism


📖 Story 📖

☐ Just Dance

☐ Bad

✔️ Alright

☐ Good

☐ The Witcher 3


☠️ Difficulty ☠️

✔️ Idle Game

☐ Average

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Dark Souls

☐ Mere mortals can’t beat it

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

100% Game Achievements in 2 1/2 hours.

Pros - Comedic Dialogue and Art

Cons - Very repetitive, Illusion of Choice

There seems to be an Illusion of Choice. Even when faced in situations where it is possible to ‘die’. I never found a situation that forced player death on me. No game over, no restart from level 1. There also were many times where the game allowed me to make purchases I didn’t have gold for, and instead left me with a negative gold value.

Another lack luster portion of the game is the risk and reward card game, may have just been my RNG but in the full time I spent playing I never had any ‘Huge Success’ outcomes and had several ‘Huge Failure’ outcomes. Personally, it might be nice to see the hero with two stats which could develop over the course of the adventure. One for combat, one for non-combat instead of using a card based minigame.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Who Needs a Hero? on Steam

Blood for Poppies

Blood for Poppies

I remember playing this demo on the COG forum years ago, and I was so excited to see that it’s finally been completed. It didn’t disappoint at all. Even though each playthrough is relatively short, they’ve been enjoyable so far and I like the choices and their impact on the game

The character development is fairly well-done, I especially liked Ashton, Kel, and Poppy. This story avoided the railroading I often see in RPG’s, and I felt like I had a good amount of control over my player character and his personality, feelings, and actions

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Such an honor to play this amazing game just as it launched.

I hope many many more players will find and enjoy this.

This game is especially fitting for you if you like COGs, but don’t want to read a 10.000 words text every time before getting to pick a choice; as the writing is more straightforward and simple than to be expected from stories like this.

After 2 hours I reached my first ending - a fairly satisfying one - and I will keep trying out for more endings. A nice bonus this game has is an ending guide for just a few coins. Genius!

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Blood for Poppies on Steam

Interstellar Airgap

Interstellar Airgap

Excellent read! The story grabbed me from page 1.

Real player with 313.6 hrs in game

The Story is interesting but the damn Code is frustating

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Interstellar Airgap on Steam

Relics of the Lost Age

Relics of the Lost Age

This is clearly one of my top 3 Hosted Games titles!

I’ll start with saying this is the first part of a TRILOGY, so some things are obviously unsolved at this point, and the ending you get isn’t final. Don’t panic if it isn’t as elaborated as you could have wished!

Also keep in mind my review is done after playing with only one MC - I don’t do multiple “routes” in these games - I just perfect the one I’ve decided to follow.

I’ll mark pros and cons, but said pros and cons are MY own personal ones.

Real player with 54.6 hrs in game

I personally loved this game as a whole and would definitely recommend it, with only a couple of things I’m so hot on.

First off, as the author warns you when you first open it up… this is a rather mature game. It doesn’t try to sugarcoat the ugliness man can dish out to their fellow man. Whether it’s Nazi racial prejudice, southern bigotry toward African-Americans, colonial policies toward natives etc. So if you’re more sensitive to these things, be careful.

The writing is generally very good (with a caveat): I liked practically everyone I came across in this game, from your student/sidekick; to an… shall we say eclectic pair of adventurers you meet rather early; to a former acquaintance who has rather sadly devoted her talents to some evil people for substantial reward.

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

Relics of the Lost Age on Steam