STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™

“Qui-Gon used to do this.

He used to roam around the galaxy picking up strays.”

~Karen Miller, Stealth (Clone Wars Gambit)

OK, this. This is exactly what many of us waited for so long. True, I am not the biggest Star Wars fan in the entire world (proud Trekkie here), and yet, I love it very much (aren’t we all?). And yet, EA, who used to have the rights for a very long time, just sat on them for years and did nothing aside from milking The Old Republic MMO (which feels more like a single player game with online features at this point) and occasionally dropping grinding-oriented online FPSs that felt nothing like what we had in proper Battlefront installments back in the days. Now finally, when EA’s Star Wars license almost ended, they’ve decided to do something real to prove that they actually can and… you know. Convince Disney to keep working with them. In other words, Jedi: Fallen Order was their way to show-off. And they really did try their best.

Real player with 67.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Platformer Games.

Well, since we had not had a Jedi game since FU II, Fallen Order was most welcome.

However, I cannot call it a perfect game.

My main issues:

  1. Ballance & Realism/Canon compliance. I started it on max difficulty, and it was a pleasant challenge until the first boss (AT-ST), which was far more difficult that anything before it. I then lowered difficulty. However, some bosses were still difficult even on the padawan difficulty. The problem is not the challenge posed by the bosses per se but the lack of any content designed to prepare you for it.

Real player with 42.4 hrs in game

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ on Steam

The End of Dyeus

The End of Dyeus

It’s a quaint little game. No handholding, no restrictions save for what you can accomplish with the gear and upgrades you find. Simple, but not entirely straighforward. Graphics/animations are a big seller for me as I’m a sucker for this style. The combat is.. Adequate. Melee consists of blocking and attacking, learning your opponents' moves, and making sure the shield you have blocks more damage than your adversary dishes out. Simple and generally not rewarding. Same goes for the bow; keep a good stock of arrows and kite. The crossbow allows for a shield, but it’s the same taste as both; kite, block if your foe gets too close, then shoot. Locations are lackluster, and the land is a bore between areas minus the ever-weakening mobs you encounter thanks to your gear. There are shops, but they’re rather redundant save for artifacts that I won’t spoil abilities/tweaks for. The story is sort of clíched, but semi-original. Still, most of it is learned through books ala Dark Souls. Oh, and keys are rebindable. Though, as much as I’m loathe to say this, Dyeus could have benefited greatly from mod support, though for nearly being out a month with hardly any Community Hub activity, I doubt that could have taken the game to greater heights.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Exploration Games.

Overall it was a pretty nice experience, it was fun having to figure out where to go next and getting brutally murdered because I went somewhere that was way over my head.

Figuring out which weapons work best for each enemy, which ones to engage in melee or ranged was also nice.

The melee was usually fine but there were some particular enemies that were a patience game, where you are both attacking and blocking and it takes quite a while to actually get a hit on them.

If you’re like me and struggled at the end one bit of advice:

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

The End of Dyeus on Steam



#### About

Gedaria is a 2D adventure platformer, from a Czech independent game developer team of three high school students. The game takes place in the past. You will take on a role of a peasant Vladimir, on the way to the liberation of his kidnapped family… The game will surely captivate you with its simple but beautiful autumn atmosphere and non-traditional game mechanics.

#### Main Character

The main character Vladimir is the son of a farmer, an ordinary boy who finds a legendary rake, which gives him the ability to rake leaves into piles and solve puzzles across levels.

#### Unique Mechanics

  • Piles of leaves

  • leaf holders

  • wind

  • quick-leaves (quick sand made of leaves 😉)

  • leaves

  • leaf blower

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Puzzle Games.

Gedaria on Steam

Strikey Sisters

Strikey Sisters

Steam Curator : ==  [u][i][url]Right to the Point![/url][/i][/u]  == Follow

The Classics Re-Imagined!

I don’t know if there are many people who don’t know or at least never heard of the titles “Arkanoid” or “Breakout”.These 2 games were big hits around 80’s and defined a whole era.But how would be a game that would take this classic formula and expand it to today’s standards,managing though to stay honest and respectful to these 2 classics?Please welcome Strikey Sisters!

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

DYA works their magic again, with their third game, Strikey Sisters. Continuing to experiment with genre fusion, this one’s half brick-breaker(Breakout, Arkanoid) and half action rpg(Link to the Past, Gaia trilogy)…and the results are fantastic! It feels like it could’ve been released as early as the Turbo CD, and as late as the Sony Playstation.

Graphically, this game feels like an authentic Super NES game. Great color palette, wonderful sprite art, and all the character designs are adorable. The only downside is that the screen can be a bit too busy. Sometimes the ball and your character can get lost in the action.

Real player with 27.6 hrs in game

Strikey Sisters on Steam

Citadale - The Awakened Spirit

Citadale - The Awakened Spirit

Scanlines should be a mandatory feature for all retro-style games. It adds so much to Citadale.

If you want to see Citadale and its difficulty in action, watch my video. Take old-school Castlevania, add a second item slot, the generosity of checkpoints, and a couple of odd design choices. Stages can be tackled in any order, with the castle acting as a sort of hub. Bosses are painfully difficult.

You have a shield that is sometimes useful. If you pick up a subweapon, I hope you were paying attention because the one you just had is gone. (This is my only serious complaint. I wish you dropped the previous one so you could switch back, especially with the two slots available.) Some enemies bleed poison that will hurt you. Being deliberate and having good timing is the key to everything.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

I wanted to like this game but I couldn’t… Graphics are fine, music is OK, animations are meh, enemy IA non existent and story, I didn’t gave it the chance.

IA is the main reason I’m not recommending this game. Enemies seems to move randomly or using some kind of pathfinding algorithm in order to reach you, which some times is just painful. There’s a boss who will move immediately after being hit, sometimes it will move in your direction… sometimes it wont, aaaand if you enter the room without a subweapon you can throw upwards you might end up dying of boredom waiting for the boss to move down so you can reach it. Also I don’t recomend it because I hate instakill spikes…

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Citadale - The Awakened Spirit on Steam

Infinite Dungeon Crawler

Infinite Dungeon Crawler

This “review” summarises my early impressions after having played this game for about 6 or 7 hours. I may update it when I learn something worth adding or changing.

Edit: Having played more than 30 hours, I find the game more interesting than before. I’ve updated my review, but decided to put the update in a forum post.

My original review:

In a nutshell: I recommend this game wholeheartedly to all players who are willing to adjust to somewhat unusual game mechanics and to cope with sometimes lengthy turn-based fights. And I recommend to try the free-to-play version first. Go through a few fights, and then make up your mind. Be prepared for some initial frustration, because fights can be lengthy, with both you and your opponent missing most of the time. You may decide that this is too boring and not worth your time. But you may also take it as a motivation to find out why there are so many misses and what you can do to hit more often - which is not so difficult once you understand the game mechanics and rules better. You can experiment (the fighting log tells you exactly what is going on), or you can read the great guide which you can access via the Steam Guides section of the game. There is also an interactive tutorial, which focusses mainly on the fighting system, but may be a bit too abstract to be used for your very first fight(s). It may be better to start playing without the tutorial, and to play it after your first, say, two or three fights, or in conjunction with reading the guide.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

love the game hours of fun keep up the good work you have me for life need in play cave Dungeons please!!!

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

Infinite Dungeon Crawler on Steam

The Bible - Exodus

The Bible - Exodus

A work of art unlike any other. Can’t recommend enough. Go buy this game now. I can guarantee you, that your eyes have never beheld such historical accuracy and theological truth.

Real player with 48.1 hrs in game

I’m Christian now.

Don’t play this game. It’s not good. It’s bad.

I actually beat it, take my word for it. I have lost 3 hours of my life. I will not get them back. Not now, not ever.


Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

The Bible - Exodus on Steam

The Vale: Shadow of the Crown

The Vale: Shadow of the Crown

I’m a long time gamer and someone who has seen pretty much everything when it comes to RPGs so imagine my surprise when I found something that offers a unique gaming experience! While this is an RPG, it’s also in a category of its own in terms of mechanics and that’s hard to do in this day and age.

Whether you’re blind or sighted the game has a lot to offer, it tests your ability to perceive the world through sound alone (use a headset!) Your success of failure depends on your ability to recognise the direction and distance of different sounds and respond accordingly.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

This is a very unique title and I will start this review by applauding the concept!

If more games like this gets developed and expanded upon, I’ll be slightly less panicked by the thought of loosing my sight one day..

But I think there are things to improve on:

I feel like the difficulty is too low at first; those super slow charge-up roars, like every enemy is doing a Frostie’s commercial, it felt almost condescending. Of course, later on, when a thousand things are happening at once, they’re a welcome variety, but I feel like they should learn pretty quickly to not use such an over-telegraphed attack? But maybe that’s just a necessary narrative compromise for the game to exist, like the fact that we’re never attacked from behind…

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

The Vale: Shadow of the Crown on Steam

Hero Sword

Hero Sword

Hero Sword is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template or using a game construction kit, and changing a few things. In this case it was a game construction kit/template for doing a simple retro 2D side scrolling brawler game.

This is deplorably low quality bundle trash. No professional effort was made in terms of game development, copying a template/using a game construction kit requires no talent, and unsurprisingly produces products that have little to no value as games, especially when compared to the work of professional developers who create genuine products for gamers. It’s almost as bad as an outright asset flip.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Hero Sword on Steam



Once upon a time…

There was a prince on a mission to save a princess from the hands of a terrifying dragon. This prince, however, wasn’t very brave, so his father ordered a witch to enchant a sword. This magical sword had a will of its own and was, unlike the prince, brave and wise.

Together they embarked on an adventure of a lifetime.

A fairy tale with a twist!

You play as the sword of the prince. Everyone in the land thinks the prince is brave and adventurous, but in reality his magical sword is all that.

Use your mouse to help the knight go through dangerous environments.

  • Defeat enemies

  • Avoid spikes

  • Slay the dragon

  • Save the princess!

#### Don’t like reading?

No worries. You write the story by playing it.

Ooh, and if you do let the prince die, we’ll just tear out that page!

#### Controls

You only need your mouse!

You control the sword with your mouse by moving it around. The prince will follow the sword, unless he is scared. Which happens more often than not. Because the prince is afraid of a lot of things. His fears include spikes, birds, green blobs, moles, heights, first dates, germs, fire and of course dragons!

By holding the right mouse button near the prince you can drag him to safety while he shivvers in his armor. You can also spin and swing the sword with the left mouse button to hit enemies or deflect projectiles.

#### What can you expect from this game?

• 2 hours of gameplay!

• 25 levels

• Experience what it’s like to be a sword

Swung on Steam