Flyland Wars: 0 Ball Game [Trainer]

Flyland Wars: 0 Ball Game [Trainer]

The introductory part of the Flyland Wars Series tells the backstory of the Flyland Universe. The story is the strongest point of the game. It’s worth reading all seven pages of it, not just because it’s quite an entertaining sci-fi story, but because it explains mechanics that are crucial to beat the other games in the series. The main weak point is that the UI and HUDs are confusing and in-your-face at first until you’ve read the story and figured out what everything does. The level is included to get comfortable with the mechanics before introducing enemies. I’m interested too see how the developer continues the story through the series.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Singleplayer Games.

When will multiplayer be added? I need help from friends to defeat the sphere.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Flyland Wars: 0 Ball Game [Trainer] on Steam

The Wonderful 101: Remastered

The Wonderful 101: Remastered

I’ve been playing this game for YEARS back when it released on the Wii U. I never thought in a million years that The Wonderful 101 would have an official PC release. And yet here we are. So how does it hold up?

Maybe I’m being biased here but I genuinely believe this is PlatinumGames and Hideki Kamiya’s magnum opus. The combat system is extremely intricate and complex but damn does it feel satisfying to master. This is NOT a cutesey wootsey Pikmin-style adventure game. This is very much an action game that ranks up there with games such as Devil May Cry and Bayonetta (2 other games Hideki Kamiya is responsible for. Go figure.). This is a game that does NOT hold your hand whatsoever nor does it do any spoonfeeding. You’re gonna get punished. You’re gonna get destroyed. You’re gonna get nothing but consolation prizes along the way. You’re probably also gonna get frustrated with the weapon switching gimmick and say the controls are bad and that it should’ve stayed on the Wii U where it belongs.

Real player with 308.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Remake Games.

At first this game can seem very inaccessible due to its abnormal controls and original home on the Wii U. Hopefully this review will clear up some misconceptions as well as highlight, in short, what makes this game so incredible.

TLDR: PLAY THE DEMO, it will give you a basic feel for the gameplay as well as a showcase of the game’s spectacle. Any fan of Bayonetta, DMC and the likes should play this game right now. This game is incredible and my favourite of all time. The controls are responsive (when played with a controller) and the combat is incredibly mechanically deep, combined with an immense level of spectacle through its 20 hr story. It is just Wonderful.

Real player with 113.9 hrs in game

The Wonderful 101: Remastered on Steam



the game is really good id say just add online and make the map bigger

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Beat 'em up Games.

Very fun, would recommend cant wait to see how this progresses

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

BoltBreak on Steam

Nyanroo The Supercat

Nyanroo The Supercat

Absolutely love the music and the boss fights. There are still some small bugs and typos I noticed, but nothing that hinders enjoying the experience this game offers.

Mudge is easily my favorite boss fight, and the parrot was definitely amazing. I also really love that each boss fight offers players a unique challenge different from the previous ones. The Yarn power ups that were added since the demo are also really rad.

Keep up the good work, all! 3

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

A surprisingly difficult platformer that is well flushed out, its a great time with friends and trying to get further than the other. As someone who typically doesnt do platformers like this, I truly enjoyed the experience and purchased a copy for my friend.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Nyanroo The Supercat on Steam

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Episode 2 of the Flyland Wars improves on the formula set by its predecessor. It is still a combat game with an emphasis on strategt. Like the last game, the level is difficult until you’ve practiced and figured out tricks to win it. This episode is more fleshed out than the previous one; more opportunities for combat and an interesting puzzle element, with some surprises waiting for you. The game’s best quality is its dark atmosphere. I was genuinely creeped out at points when I was exploring the mine. The story in the game of how Not Yours Mine came to be is well-written and funny. I recommend Flyland Wars Ep 2 if you’re looking for a quick, gritty, unique combat game with puzzle and horror elements.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine on Steam

Lamia’s Plan

Lamia’s Plan

Not a bad game. I sat at the game with interest.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

anime aesthetic and pixel rpg is the best combo ive ever seen. the game’s world is unique and quite distinctive. music is on another level. i enjoyed playing this game and it was unforgettable experience. alas, i got some bugs during the gameplay and that’s why i give 9/10. regardless, i recommend Lamia’s Play and i would replay it someday.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Lamia's Plan on Steam

Superhero Recruitment Simulator

Superhero Recruitment Simulator

This game changed me and made me rethink my outlook on life. There is not a hour that goes by that I think about the lessons I’ve learnt from it. A truly mesmerizing experience.


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

not very fun unless you want to pretend to be in a office but yea

it should be free honestly. I would try to get a refund but its not worth it.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Superhero Recruitment Simulator on Steam



_This game might be unfinished.

As the game’s description says:

Vickinachi is an RPG game. You are thrown into a world of war and mischief, You have been called upon to fight, rescue and return the queen to the kingdom. Unlock and explore like you have never done it before. Fight monsters and beasts with weapons and skills you buy, loot or receive. Complete challenges in order to obtain the precious Vickinachi.

This game had no combat whatsoever nor had enemies or random encounters in it. This game failed to gain funds in its Indiegogo campaign. I might be wrong here but as long as this game isn’t updated, I’d say this game is unfinished or broken. Do not waste any money on this. Glad I got it for free. I even made a walkthrough leading you to the level that end up not getting done._

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

(Got this game for free courtesy of Indiegala. Thanks, guys!)

(NOTE: Dev marked this review as “ABUSIVE”. I just now realized he removed that tag.)

Vickinachi loves doors…that’s it…go home…

… What? You’re still here? Like I just said…Vickinachi loves doors. Both visible doors and invisible doors.

The “goal” of Vickinachi is to discover invisible doors (most of which are easy to find, but the first one I needed a video guide to find). There is no story and no monsters, you can open chests or sleep via assistance of innkeepers, but there’s really no point to opening the chests or interacting with the innkeeper NPCs. You’ll keep wandering from door to door…from invisible door to more doors. That’s the “game”. Oh, and there’s no music…just the door sound effects and usual RPG Maker SFX.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Vickinachi on Steam

Flyland Wars: 3 Model Trains

Flyland Wars: 3 Model Trains

You can fly! Flying is fun, swooping and soaring, going as fast as you want over, under, around and through things. You point in any direction and your anti-gravity rings fly you that way. But flying is also very dangerous! Touch anything, at almost any speed, and you’re dead– splat! Be sure you’ve gone to episode 0, Ball Game, to learn to fly first! It’s free!

The time is the 26th Century. The place is a ‘flyland,’ an adjustable-gravity, half-kilometer-square surface high over an ocean, far from any land. This flyland, Model Trains, built by a kindly old trillionaire chemist and train enthusiast, holds a giant model railroad, playable by visitors (click the arrow dot– a game within the game)!

Flyland Wars: 3 Model Trains on Steam

Hero or Villain: Battle Royale

Hero or Villain: Battle Royale

This is actually the author, so I will use this space to try to address some of the points raised so far in the reviews.

Please note that this game was only recently released, and there are some known bugs that should hopefully be ironed out soon (which appear to be blocking some of the paths through the game).

Note also that this is the 2nd in an expected 3 game story-arc. As such, the game does only take you so far in the story, which will be completed in the last part of the game.

You cannot save everybody in the story, though some characters can be saved, if you make the right decisions (or kill others yourself). Anyway, please feel free to discuss the game, here or in the discussion section! :)

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

I was really exited to read the sequel,but it turns out it was not what i expected:

First, you are treated like a slave and there is no good dialoge option to rebel, this is a major flaw with the game because it really ruins the whole cyoa thing going on.The only good thing i can comment on is that liked the side missions more then the main one.

Second, the deaths are just everywhere, this leads to just not wanting to get along with anyone, and in that same note the relatonship is also really bad, one day you can be friends then the next one she is a bitch with you (Im talking with you joo)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Hero or Villain: Battle Royale on Steam