Lilly’s rescue

Lilly’s rescue

A really fun game.

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Cats Games.

Quite fun game and very cute game. Quite the short gameplay but if you are trying to get all achievements you might waste an hour or two on it.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Lilly's rescue on Steam

Soulless: Ray Of Hope

Soulless: Ray Of Hope

I can’t believe this game only has 35 reviews. I’m not going to write an essay covering each aspect of the plot/controls/audio/ etc, but I will mention them all briefly because they have made a distinct impression on me.

I think many people picked up or considered picking up this game because of its side-scrolling nature and apparent similarity to the popular title Limbo (a good game, don’t get me wrong - also check out Inside). But this game is different. True it’s a side scroller, death can come fast, and checkpoints are frequent. But the similarities mostly end there.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Sokoban Games.

I bought this game after seeing it looked like Limbo but the main character had a cool flying mechanic. After a short time in the game our hero loses his wings :( This made me a little sad for him but also now I didn’t get to fly about like I’d hoped!

The way in which the camera follows Elin (that’s his name!) about whilst flying is far from ideal. Most of the time you can’t see where you’re flying to vertically meaning having to just have faith, sometimes this means impacting with deadly spikes. Sorry Elin….

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Soulless: Ray Of Hope on Steam

Steampunk Graveyard

Steampunk Graveyard

I actually really enjoyed this despite some glaring flaws. I’ll mention the flaws first and then go over some of what I liked about it and you can decide for yourself what you think about it.

So, for flaws I noticed that the levels are pretty much identical. There isn’t much variety in the enemies or in the levels themselves. Once you’ve played one level you’ve pretty much played them all and faced most of the enemies. Despite that, I still actually had WAY more fun with this game than I thought I would. You have a melee option, there’s a long distance option, and there are zombie robots. I mean, where else are you going to find zombie robots? There’s just something really cool about that. If you see this game on sale and you dig platformers already, I recommend it. And I’m saying that despite getting frustrated with one of the levels and not continuing any further since then. I still think there’s enough here to warrant a purchase but that’s my opinion.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Roguelite Games.

This game looks like a first game after some tutorials.

First 3 levels are totally the same. You can rush through them without killing enimies. The final boss can shoot only in one direcation so if you will stay behing – he will never damage you.

Even grenades have no range damage!

this “game” should not cost anything.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Steampunk Graveyard on Steam



I’m delighted to find this hidden gem while perusing the games for a Meridian 4 bundle as it’s been a while since I really enjoyed a platformer (the last would be Trine and Trine 2). There are many detailed reviews here and I agree with most so I will try to sum things up here:

(1) Storyline - man lost his son and tries to find him in a swamp. Meets a wisp that helps him to get deep into the swamp.

(2) Gameplay and difficulty - 12 levels (about 6+ hours I’d say for one playthrough, more if you want to get all achievements). You will obtain various powers (i.e. the 3 types of light) at various levels, first when you meet the wisp and then by defeating some of the later bosses.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

It’s strange how things go sometimes. If you visit the store page for Schein on Steam you’ll see logo after logo of award nominations and wins Schein has picked up over the course of its development. And it deserves them too, it’s a great game, yet for some reason no one seems to be talking about it. It should by rights be an ‘indie darling’, but so far it’s a lost gem

Maybe part of the problem is that it’s easily dismissed as yet another indie puzzle-platformer, a Braid-like. With simple graphics, a so-so character model, and some less than great voice work. Spend some time with Schein though and you realise it’s more than that, packed with smart, challenging puzzles, and some cool aesthetics.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Schein on Steam

The Corridor: On Behalf Of The Dead

The Corridor: On Behalf Of The Dead

I truly enjoyed playing this game. The atmosphere was what kept me going to explore and discover more of what was going on here. If you liked playing Observer and Soma this game is right along those lines but with it’s own twist. It’s got a nice flavor of creepiness without resorting to jump scares to make you feel uneasy. . The ending is with a ‘to be continued’ tag and I do hope that there will be more game play to follow. Achievements are available which if you try to complete them will aid you in solving more of the mystery.

Real player with 61.0 hrs in game

The Corridor: On Behalf Of The Dead is a story based Sci-Fi / Horror game that focuses mostly on setting a strong unsettling atmosphere while adding sci-fi elements around it.

You spend most of the game walking around exploring memories and piecing together the story. The cohesion system really works well and adds a nice survival mechanic.

Audio is relay nice too and adds a disturbing layer to the experience.


Real player with 47.4 hrs in game

The Corridor: On Behalf Of The Dead on Steam

Dungeon of Zolthan

Dungeon of Zolthan

Note that the developer said that the publisher locked him out from of the game so all profit won’t go to his pocket anymore.

My playtime: 5h (based on steam, 100% achievement)

Grindy Achievement: No.

Optional Achievement: Yes (10 achievements).

Difficult Achievement: No.

Developer Response: No (last response is in 26 Aug, 2016).


Dungeon of Zolthan is a short and challenging metroidvania game where you explore areas, defeat bosses, and obtain powerups to explore more areas. The game has 4 unique bosses in total.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Edit #2: Dev listened to the complaints about the double tap dash being an issue. Thats worth more than money in my book. No reason to not play this game now. Buy it. Play it. Love it.

-end of edit #2-

Great game. Obviously reminiscent of Megaman. Music is great. Love collecting upgrades and exploring.



1. Whoever actually uses double tap dash instead of the designated dash button in ANY game that has such is a moron.

2. Maybe my fingers move quicker than the average person, however, when I want to make a very small movement so I can better time my next jump over the wall of spikes that will obviously kill me I DONT WANT TO FUCKING DASH INTO THE SPIKES AND DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Dungeon of Zolthan on Steam



Who is the FREEMAN?

One ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Scientist Who think can Beat Alien, Us Forces, Black Ops But

At the end He can beat all of them and Hired!

Shame on you if you haven’t played this Game yet

Buy this Quickly and Finish it Fast and be sure this is not a Waste of Time.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Some guidelines

1: If you want to change the field of view, you can enter “default_fov” through the console , best between 100~120

2: Looking for MP-5 and GLOCK-17? Disable “Enable HD models of available” in Options \ Video. If you want CLOT-727 (M4A1) and BERETTA 92FS, enable this option. The game seems to have replaced the MP-5 and GLOCK-17 of HD Models in an update.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Half-Life on Steam



Meh, nice idea but badly executed, You have to navigate through some kind of space anomalies which completely swallow any kind of light… of course there is a monster hunting you. To find your way through the anomalies you have to use a sonar, which gives you one particular sound for “wall ahead” and one for “no wall” within (approximation) 3 meters. Sounds like a good idea, but it sucks! You easyly lose orientation, especially when the monster is close behind you… and then you die. That also sucks because there is no way to save, only checkpoints, probably to make the game longer. Bugs - of course. The setting is a joke too. Textures and objects are so unbelievable repetitive, it actually makes this “horror game” kinda “funny”. Absolutely ridiculous!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Terrible game

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Scenner on Steam

Childhood Fears

Childhood Fears

very hard but fun night 6 and 7 are the hardest

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game


graphics are sharp on ultra. Even with a bare house, you find yourself ignoring this as your head is spinning 360 degrees constantly. it is a horror but if a child suffers from this amount of monsters for seven days AND not sleeping, it would drive anyone to hallucinate. I could only get to night six but you can watch my walk through below:

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Childhood Fears on Steam



Pros / What’s good?


The Egyptian theme is an eye-pleasing hook, and consistent throughout most of the game. The Serket armor set looks like something from monster hunter and the Ishtar set has this silly blue-pink paint job going on.

Combat is challenging, tactical almost. To Some attacks cannot be blocked, only dodged. Some cannot be dodged, only blocked. These attacks have ‘colored trails’ on them: red is unblockable, blue is undodgeable. Parrying - I found it new that you could parry enemies blocking with their shield in order to get them to drop their guard.

Real player with 116.1 hrs in game

Pharaonic is a game that has drawn many comparisons to the Dark Souls series with its action RPG features and the hacking and slashing. Honestly, I have not played one game of the Dark Souls series. I wanted to give Pharaonic, an indie game, a try because I was captivated by the art direction, the stunning environmental design, and the stunning background design. It is a side scrolling game with a steep learning curve, tough enemies, and a fantastic setting in Ancient Egypt.

The story of Pharaonic is set in Ancient Egypt and you play Dagi, a prisoner who tries to escape from prison to find out what happened to The Red Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt in the year 440. You get to escape with the assistance of a mysterious woman. This is where your journey truly begins, as you are almost fully naked and armed with a basic sword. The plot is not very deep, but the focus of the game is on combat. There are many enemies and the battles are very difficult. I died many times but was rarely frustrated. I quickly realized that getting killed was mainly my fault and it was a matter of understanding my strengths and weaknesses as well as understanding the strengths and weaknesses of my enemies. Your defense, like dodge roll, block, and parry, is just as important as your offense because taking a few too many hits will result in certain death.

Real player with 47.5 hrs in game

Pharaonic on Steam