Brutal Fate

Brutal Fate

Brutal Fate is a fast-paced ultra-violent retro first-person shooter inspired by 80’s and 90’s sci-fi movies. As a marine from the Global Order Alliance sent to Callisto to take over the local corporate government, you find yourself surrounded by legions of demonic alien invaders and you must fight for your survival.

It blends the best features of classic shooters such as non-linear level design, a huge arsenal and large enemy variety with some modern aspects, making it a unique mix that does not try to hang on nostalgia, but be something of it’s own.

This game is a finely crafted first-person experience designed to be the most satisfying and detailed possible. Enemies that can be dismembered and exploded into pieces, destroyable environments including lamps, cars and even trees. All many details that makes you really feel like you are in a real living world.

Do you want to know more?

  • This game features a huge arsenal of weapons that may require the use of all your keyboard numbers to scroll through. We got battle rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers, smart missiles, laser rifles, you name it.

  • Immerse yourself in a 3 episode campaign, with branching patches, multiple endings, and a story full of twists.

  • Fight an entire circus of monstrosities, carnivorous demons, zombie-like cultists, shuffling supernatural incomprehensible abominations from beyond, and corporate henchmen that want to make sure you won’t leave this haunted colony alive after seeing everything you just did. Just like in classic fps style, each enemy type acts like a piece of chess made to compensate the weakness of another. Gib them into delicious meat pieces, burn them to ashes, almost every enemy features locational damage and dozens of death animations, including different deaths for different weapons used.

  • Explore huge non-linear levels, look for secrets to find special rare alternative ammo types for your weapons, health and armor upgrades, and much more. No “procedural generated levels”, no faux-retro arena level design, just handcrafted levels by someone with over 10 years of experience in classic game level design. Get the feeling of exploring believable highly interactive locations, fight enemies in many different scenarios, scripted or not, pick them alone or in small groups and sometimes try to come up with a strategy to fight up to 50 enemies at once.

  • Command your fellow marines out of this hell. Your character’s rank as a Staff Sergeant isn’t only for show. Find any survivors of this disastrous operation and they will follow you. They have an acceptable AI that will actually follow your commands, won’t block your movement, and will kill enemies for you. Magnificent, isn’t it?

  • Mod it until it breaks. Running on the highly reliable GZDoom engine, this game is extremely easy to be modified. You can make mods, add custom weapons, enemies, levels, and entire new user-made campaigns.


In the end of the 21th century, after a catastrophic nuclear war followed by a famine that wiped out half of Earth, the remaining governments united their military under the same banner in a vow to prevent another disaster, and so the Global Order Alliance was born.

Later the G.O.A. united with corporations in an effort to terraform and colonize other planets in the solar system, by using a method that allowed artificial black holes to be created at the center of the planets to imitate Earth’s gravity. 60 years later when the terraforming of Mars and Jupiter’s moons were completed and mass migration started, the corporations betrayed the Terran governments and decided to declare independency and not use their newfound resources to help Earth get back on it’s feet. Their moto was “We terraformed these planets and now everything on them belongs to us. If you want these resources, come and take it."

Betrayed and left for dead, the peoples from all around the world vowed to invade the colonies and take back what belongs to Earth. The armies of the G.O.A. which were once considered heroes and peacekeepers of mankind, became a violent, fanatic, imperialistic military legion. They launched military campaigns against Mars and Io that lasted for decades. Now the year is 2297 and the people of Callisto started rebelling against the corporate rule due to recent strange phenomena caused by the planet’s artificial black hole, all the interplanetary communications are shut down by the regime, and the G.O.A. sees this as a perfect opportunity to invade the planet and “liberate” it with the local population’s support. The corporate conglomerates warns that the situation in Callisto is “complicated” and warns Earth to stay away from it.

You are part of a special international battalion of the Space Division of the G.O.A. Marine Corps sent to intermediate the situation. After a four month journey, you arrive at the planet with orders to destroy the corporate government forces and secure their industrial facilities. Drone scans shows literally hundreds of thousands of dead bodies littering the streets, apparently they genocided the local populace which saves you from the work of having to watch your targets… Your orders are clear: Descend into the planet with companies of battle-hardened Marines, combat androids, tanks, mechs, gunships and orbital artillery, and eliminate any colonial military forces you may find. They are considered dangerous irregular war criminals and you have no legal requirement to grant them any human rights, engage on contact. All weapons are clear… Exterminate with extreme prejudice, just the way the Marines likes to operate.

The Marines quickly find out that something is wrong. The planet is dead. Non-combatants and colonial guard alike were slaughtered, women and children included. No signs that a war happened here, some bodies defiled in unspeakable macabre religious rituals.

You realize that what killed these people weren’t humans, it weren’t using guns, and it’s still here. An unfathomable evil from beyond lurks these dead streets, its hungry eyes are gazing upon you. Do you have what it takes to survive?

Read More: Best Action-Adventure 2.5D Games.

Brutal Fate on Steam

Hammer SandBox

Hammer SandBox

Hammer Sandbox is a solo/multiplayer sandbox game with no specific goal, except maybe having fun! You can make your own mods, maps gamemodes and plugins!

Map creators can define their own rules and goals!

Server owners can grow up their community and gamemode!

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Physics Games.

Hammer SandBox on Steam



Explore far and near in the world of Mughaan while battling or sneaking past the divine beings. In an event driven environment, with a complete day and night cycle, the enemies act differently depending on the time of the day. Find your way towards your goal or change the narrative as you desire. In a game where the events don’t wait for you, you have a new experience every time you play as you prioritize what you want to do.

Key Features

  • Level Structure: Mughaan is a multi-layered side scrolling platformer, you can go far or come near apart from the traditional 2D movements; hence, giving a feeling of depth in a traditional 2D game.

  • Event Driven: It is an event driven game where the world does not wait for you. This helps the player to prioritize what they want to do.

  • Day and Night: With the complete day and night cycle, enemies and characters act differently depending on the time and day.

  • Open: Mughaan gives freedom to the players in both exploration and action. In this open world game, you build the story you want the character to end up with.

  • Majestic: The world, its history, the divine beings, art and music are all aimed to stroke an emotional experience in this fantasy world.

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Exploration Games.

Mughaan on Steam

Asset Flip

Asset Flip

Ever wanted to play a game that has every feature you’ve ever wanted in a game?

Now you can!

Introducing, the most unanticipated title to hit the shores of the gaming community since that last indie game you bought that was utter trash.

Build, craft, survive, and asset flip.


Click the Visit Website button on this store page to jump straight in!

Presenting, an ever evolving multiplayer sandbox environment where you can craft an increasing number of items, build empires, explore environments, kill enemies, level-up, and even buy loot crates for unique and rare non-gameplay altering aesthetics as we progress through the development process. All the while having the game itself being manipulated and moulded by the community - a mod-centric asset flipping survival experience.

That’s right! This game is moddable, and it is our primary focus. It is you, the player, who will direct this game’s story, playable features, quests, AI, and any other feature that you can imagine and wish to see within this realm, alongside the direction of the developer.

Voting will occur on what assets you want to see flipped within our expanding universe. You too can add your own Unreal Engine assets to the game and have the community choose the most popular mods to see officially asset flipped. Each flipped asset that is officially introduced to the game will be meticulously integrated and optimised within the framework we desire to create a unique player experience.

Join us on our journey to flip as many assets as possible while maintaining a coherent and unique gaming experience.

Asset Flip on Steam

Zombie camping

Zombie camping

Awesome tiny game to relax and shoot some zombies. It’s still on early access, but is playable and enjoyable. Hope devs will add achievements.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

I love zombie games, especially those that are from the third person, and then there is also an unusual approach where we need to camp in order to play.

There are 5 types of weapons in the game, but it can be improved, there are also waves of zombies that become stronger

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Zombie camping on Steam



Lead the people of the Tribe of the Dawn as they venture deep into forbidden lands. Complete quests that shape their personalities, impact their wellbeing, and decide the fate of their community. Ensure the survival of your populace in a grim fantasy world inspired by Slavic folklore.

Erect palisades, develop structures, and grow your gord from a humble settlement to a formidable fortress. However, expansion won’t be easy! Your population is constantly at risk from enemy tribes, gruesome monsters, and mysterious powers that lurk in the surrounding woods.

Venture outside the walls of your settlement with Gord’s AI-driven quest system, ensuring a huge variety of challenges to take on. The Scenario’s main objectives will guide your gameplay, while versatile side quests and random encounters will send you off into the wilderness to hunt down legendary creatures, uncover secrets about the Ancients, or vanquish a nasty scourge. Expect the unexpected.

Set the stage by choosing from a wide range of Scenario options, and try to emerge victorious. Take it easy or set an impossible challenge; almost anything can be adjusted! Choose from a variety of primary objectives, select the level size, the intensity of raids, the environment you’ll play in, the types of enemies you’ll face, starting resources, and even the severity of weather. Of course, don’t forget the Horrors.

A healthy populace is the key to survival in Gord. Every aspect of your settlers’ lives - from illness and hunger to the death of their kin - can impact each subject’s Sanity and Burden levels. Keep a close eye on them, as once they reach a critical point your subject will suffer from a breakdown or even flee your rule.

Please the Gods with your prayers and they may give you access to their spellcasting abilities. Incantations vary in nature - some are offensive while others are defensive - but they all help to tip the battlefield in your favor. Conceal areas from your enemies, gain control over threatening beasts, or turn an unholy rage against all who dare to oppose you.

The Chronicle explains the history of the Gord universe that blends real-world Slavic mythology with dark fantasy. Pages torn from The Chronicle will be scattered throughout the game’s landscapes, giving dedicated players an additional challenge of discovery. Collecting as many pages as possible will provide insight into the origins of the Gods, ancient factions, and the mystical Whisperers.

Gord on Steam



Solitude is a cooperative multiplayer action survival game. Played from a first person perspective on your own with bots or with friends, you play as part of the crew of the Solitude and find yourself stranded on the other side of the galaxy as a result of the failure of the first full-scale faster than light warp test. Only by repairing Solitude and improving the FTL drive, and other systems, is there any hope of the safe return to Earth. The crew must defend themselves from previously unknown alien races and navigate difficult spatial anomalies but, in the end, will that be enough to get home?

  • Cooperative multiplayer action survival game set at the other end of the galaxy

  • Experience crewing a ship from a first person perspective

  • Command a lost experimental ship back to Earth or die trying

  • Discover rich story arcs that lead you on a journey across the stars

  • Upgrade your ship to handle hostile alien encounters and dangerous spatial anomalies

  • Every playthrough is procedurally generated and different

  • Expand the game with mod support

Solitude on Steam

Crystal Venture

Crystal Venture

What is Crystal Venture ?

Crystal Venture is a voxel based adventure game with a focus on exploration and survival. The whole world around you is uniquely generated and fully editable. Build impressive castles, fight monsters, or go through quests, the game fits many gaming styles, and is fully moddable and multiplayer.


  • Fully procedurally generated worlds, with different biomes and dungeons to explore. Will you find any of the magical biomes and creatures hidden in the game?

  • Optimised with Unreal Engine, the most powerful engine in the world with latest technologies such as VR and raytracing

  • Realistic graphics and physics for best immersion, to the service of your dream build!

  • Multiplayer, go through the story or have a house building contest, the choice is yours. Multiplayer does not require any setup (not even a server) and will download the mods needed automatically

  • Native mod support, whatever you dream of, you can make it happen

  • Share your scripted maps with other people easily

Join us on Discord!

Crystal Venture on Steam

EndCycle VS

EndCycle VS

Picked this up earlier, and found it to be quite fun. It’s similar to the old Megaman Battle Network series for the Nintendo Gameboy Advance, a series I used to love a lot. It’s fast paced with unique mechanics, as well as mixing in some old ones with a unique twist such as the CRUSH system(Think guard break from other fighter games). It’s a bit different from Battle Network 6 in terms of combat pacing, but you have a lot more weapons you can use to control the battlefield as well as your deck being more consistent since you have access to all 12 weapons in your deck all the time, with cooldowns for differing levels and weapons.

Real player with 535.8 hrs in game

If you want a game that plays similarly to Battle Network, then EndCycle VS is the game for you. I know I’ve been having a blast with it in the 109 hours I’ve already clocked in at the point of this review.

First and foremost, this game offers a very unique twist to the Battle Network “grid fighter” formula, by replacing the Battle Chips you would burn through with VOC’s that you can keep on hand at all times. Sure, you’re more limited when it comes to how many you can use during a battle, but that’s why you have three different sets you can shift through in the middle of the fight and change up your play style on the fly. It takes some getting used to, though. Even now, I’m still trying to get used to it, though that’s due in part by most of my time being eaten up getting into modding rather than the competitive scene, but I’ll get on to that subject later.

Real player with 129.2 hrs in game

EndCycle VS on Steam

Mecha Knights: Nightmare

Mecha Knights: Nightmare

As someone who loves the mecha genre, I was excited for Mecha Knights: Nightmare’s release, and I was not disappointed. There is a lot of customization within the game, allowing for many different builds - though explosives are the current meta. The randomized drops foster experimentation with new equipment and weapons, often leading to discoveries you would not have found by relying on stats alone. The many types of weapons having a distinct feel and varying use making your choices feel like they actually matter, which is something often lacking in games, where every weapon has a very similar feel.

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

tl;dr: I really like this game. For $15 it isn’t bad at all.

I have some issues with it, related almost entirely to the story, not the game itself. I’ll grade it in a normal SPAG (Story, Performance, Aesthetics, Gameplay) method. It will be mostly my thoughts on the story element (IMO) issues, though.

=== Story ===

So the story in this game is bad, but in a manner that is so inoffensive I cannot tell if it wants to set itself up in the next game as being satire or serious. I’m assuming there will be a next game, if only to introduce swords and such.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Mecha Knights: Nightmare on Steam