DreamWorks Spirit Lucky’s Big Adventure

DreamWorks Spirit Lucky’s Big Adventure

NOTE: This has functional keyboard and mouse support, contrary to what the store page claims. Aside from platforming sections being a bit janky the default layout works just fine.

This is pretty fun, but it is almost criminally short for the initial asking price. For such a massive world around the Miradero town site, there’s not a whole lot to do in it once you’ve finished the main quest. Once you complete the side quests, there is literally nothing to do in it apart from riding around on Spirit until he needs grooming.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Exploration Games.

This game is really good! Beautiful scenery, massive open world, tons of quests/errands to do for people, and, of course, an exciting story. I haven’t got through the whole story, it’s very exciting so far, though! The reason I posted this review this early, though, is because I know lots of people considering wishlisting this might not even consider it worth getting, because it says that the keyboard and mouse is not supported, but, IMPORTANT, that is incorrect information!! You CAN use it, for this game, don’t know why it says it’s not supported, in this game, very misleading….the controls in-game are just shown by what controller buttons to press, yeah, with no option in-game to look at what the keyboard key bindings are, but they are still there, nevertheless, and do work. Because I’m a PC player, more than any other console, I’m used to using a keyboard and mouse, and didn’t like the controller when I tried it out, so am now playing this game with the keyboard and mouse, and, after trying out all the keys on my keyboard, I discovered all the keyboard controls for this game, which do work:

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

DreamWorks Spirit Lucky's Big Adventure on Steam

Horse Club Adventures

Horse Club Adventures

GREATEST HORSE GAME!!! Also has Hazelwood always been closed? It really looks fun! I would love to go riding at there with my horse. Also, there should be more quests, there are only 7.5 hours of quests and that is just sad. I’m also suprised what some of the characters actually are for example, Mr. O’Neil?

Don’t put that kind of stuff in a kids game! The game was fun, but not worth the money. I mean there is not much you can do beside, like I said only 7.5 hours of quests! Mrs. Jacobs quests are not the greatest either. This has a lot of pros and cons, there just needs to be more added that’s all. Will somebody please tell me if Hazelwood has always been closed? if the developer is reading this, good game just not enough. Graphics are awesome though!

Real player with 68.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure 3D Vision Games.

I have a weakness for horse games… specifically good ones that give me freedom. I think it’s a good game, kids surely would love it and I’m hoping for more great horse games to be released in the future! It has a great customization and the cartoonish graphics are truly adorable. It’s a simple and sweet story and while you may not be able to do a lot like in big games, it’s still great for kids or even if you’re an adult/teenager/elder it’s a really relaxing game to get rid of stress or to simply remind you of your past/childhood.

Real player with 47.5 hrs in game

Horse Club Adventures on Steam

Horse Riding Deluxe

Horse Riding Deluxe

I wanted a game where I could ride a horse and just explore. Although the graphics are not very up to date it really did not matter because it was exactly what I was looking for. You get used to the horse controls after a while and as the horse levels up they get easier to handle. The wild horses around the world are hidden but easy enough to find when looking properly, although it would be nice to see more roaming animals there was wildlife around and it looked nice.


Collecting all the horses both wild and from stables in the world.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Exploration Games.

A very interesting, enjoyable horse game!

I’ve played many horse games and am always on the lookout for new ones with different ideas. I’ve got to say this one really stands out to me, I’m very impressed. If you want a game where the horse and character animation and design are beautiful and perfect, then this is probably not the game for you. But if (like me) you want a horse game that includes unusual, interesting features (something a little different from the rest!) and an open world to explore freely, then you’d probably really enjoy this game. Let me go over some of the features:

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Horse Riding Deluxe on Steam

Horse Riding Deluxe 2

Horse Riding Deluxe 2

So far I really love this game, the graphics are pretty, I like that it’s open world and even if I haven’t gotten around to explore everything yet (still a bunch of HRD coins, dogs and wild horses missing) I already had a great time riding around! I love that you need to use the signs and the map to find your way around and to the villages.

What I also really like is that you can go swimming with your horse, I don’t think I ever played a horse game where you could do that before!

The races are challenging enough but not so challenging that you can’t win gold and they have somewhat varying degrees of difficulty which I like.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Another very interesting, enjoyable horse game!

I played the first Horse Riding Deluxe and really enjoyed it, so I was quite excited to see a second game and I wasn’t disappointed!

There are a lot of similarities between the first and second game, so I won’t go into as much detail in my review for this one as I did the first.

I’ve been looking for reasonable horse games for a long time and I’ve tried many of them. This game is one of the closest ones I’ve found to what I’ve been looking for.


Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Horse Riding Deluxe 2 on Steam

ppL: The Animated Adventures

ppL: The Animated Adventures

1: Shock - What the hell?!? I thought i’m good at computer games.

2: Denial - How is this Pastor jump even possible? I can’t believe somebody could design this game so badly.

3: Anger - throws controller on the wall

4: Bargaining - Devs should make the game a little easier, or else I give a negative review.

5: Depression - I can’t take it anymore. uninstalls the game

6: Testing - If I do some more research on this Hobo level, maybe then I will beat it.

7: Acceptance - selects “Normal” difficulty

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Anyways uhm… I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is. No, no Suge Knight, I think hes locked up in prison. Talking shungite. Anyways, its a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. So thats my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.



Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

ppL: The Animated Adventures on Steam

Secret of the Magic Crystals

Secret of the Magic Crystals



–—Basic Info—–

Here you see the overview of all of your buildings. You can upgrade them

from here in exchange for cash.You can also find pickups here.All you

need to do is click on them…

—–Info Board—–

This gives you a list of all your ponies. It tells you their level,

current amount of training, amount of time until they become available,

if they qualifyfor breeding, and tells weather or not they are sick.

It’s really only useful if you keep several ponies around at one time

Real player with 301.1 hrs in game

I’d like to start off by saying that I’ve actually beaten this game.

Second, I should note that I’m a horse person. I’ve been riding hunt-seat for quite a few years now, and consider myself fairly well-versed in equine knowledge. But you don’t need a lick of knowledge to play this game.

You got this game from a friend, didn’t you? Probably during the Winter or Summer sale. Because no one in their right mind would buy this game for themself, unless it was to occupy a seven year-old for a while.

But whatever. It’s in your library now. And if you want to 100% it, you have to beat it. And to beat it you need five level 5 horses of each different breed.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

Secret of the Magic Crystals on Steam



Have you ever wanted to become a unicorn, and use your inbuilt keratin based weaponry to maim unsuspecting drug dealers?

UNIBORNE will feature, stabbing, charging, kicking, sneaking, thinking and naturally sourced noxious rainbow clouds all at your disposal.

Join us in our venture to capture the cathartic chaos in 15 short but punchy challenges. Explore the levels, take out your target and do it as quickly as possible or enjoy the ragdolling bodies.

You play as the UNIBORNE, a unicorn assassin, tasked with ridding the world of people that have become aware of magical creatures. Each level gives you the target. You must execute your mission through your skills of stealth and violence. Being as quick as you can to reach your exit location to be extracted via magical rainbow tractor beams.

This game is still in early stages and will shift and morph over time with player feedback. Join us at Humble Sage Games, and help us develop and refine this silly concept into a fleshed out, polished, and satisfying experience.

Uniborne on Steam

Isles of Etherion

Isles of Etherion

Isles of Etherion is an open-world action/adventure sandbox RPG featuring airships, floating islands, dungeons, spell weaving, and 100% dynamically destructible environment.

Dynamically Destructible Voxel Environment

Explore a world in which everything, including terrain and structures, are dynamically destructible by players, monsters, or natural happenstances.

Airships for Combat and Transportation

Traverse the isles with your own airship, which could be acquired through purchase or battle.

Floating Islands with Dynamically Changing Seasons

In IoE, seasons change dynamically in front of your eyes. Like day/night cycle, seasons add another layer of complexity to gameplay dynamics and strategy.

Natural Disasters

Natural disasters, such as Earthquakes, Meteors, Volcano eruptions, Tornadoes, occur randomly throughout the Isles.

Voxel Combat and Spell Weaving

Voxel environment can be altered to your advantage during combat. IoE not only offers a variety of spells but the possibility to spell-weave as well!

Game play in IoE

The environment in this game is completely destructible. Terrains and structures can be altered and destroyed by player or monsters. Players have to venture into the world in order to acquire power and magic spells from monsters, Shrines and lore books.

Isles of Etherion on Steam





Territory is an unforgettable adventure; a survival/real-time strategy that has animals fighting for territory as well as their lives. All players in Territory begin as small animals; fighting and clawing your way to the top of the food chain.


Expanding your territory makes this experience like no other. Choosing land near valuable resources such as food, water, and/or shelter is vital to your survival. The more territory you have, the stronger you are. In addition, more territory may make you a more desirable partner.


It’s not enough to simply claim the best territory; you have to defend it! There are other animals out there (potentially larger) that want what you have. Grow your numbers to increase your chances of warding off neighboring packs.


Will you use the strength of a boar to fight off attackers, the agility of a fox to avoid them, or perhaps the lethality of the wolf to take from others. The choice is up to you.


Play online with your tribe and conquer the world of Territory! Territory supports up to 100 players in the world at a single time…that’s a lot of friends (or enemies).

Territory on Steam

Rectifying Zion

Rectifying Zion

Rectifying Zion is based on historical events from around 450BC, Israel. In a time when the city of Jerusalem was being rebuilt and its people were returning after a period of exile.

As player you will be faced with moral challenges and need to make choices that will ultimately direct the outcome of the game as you try to rebuild the city.

Rectifying Zion is an open world role playing game that allows the player to roam around a large open world based on Israel, including Jerusalem and the temple, as well as other smaller cities, villages and farms.

Rectifying Zion on Steam