Hakoniwa Explorer Plus

Hakoniwa Explorer Plus

Cute and lewd.

Rude and funny.

Short, but sweet.

! Just like you’re imouto.

Seriously though I wanted to write a small review while the winter sale was still running, but I didn’t want to stop 100%ing the game. Gameplay time is a little bloated due to idling, the save time was around 11 hours.

Story: Talk to people in towns to find about locations in the general area. Go in them rip and tear. Do the same in the next map until..!

Gameplay is on the basic and easy side. Jump and move around to avoid damage while spanking the monsters enough to almost stunlock them. You can also place some bombs and traps for monsters and bosses to slam/run into, but its not really required. Never felt frustated due to the controls here. Do make sure to check the control scheme in the menu though as it was something weird for my old 360 controller maybe due to button placement differences.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Dungeon Crawler Games.

A good game, not great, but atleast it good compare to many today’s RPGs. but there is something that i dont like:

  1. Maps too small (maps that have enemies), you cant run freely without pump into walls, or even worse, pump to the entrance to the other maps, which will make you lose all item that dropped on that map. Small maps also lead to another problem, the fighting style restricted, this game have many fighting style, yet the maps are too small so many of the style (especially the mobility style) are surprisingly weak (unbalance).

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Hakoniwa Explorer Plus on Steam

Waifus Smash

Waifus Smash

Waifus Smash

  • simple and straightforward interface

  • smooth and eye-catching game graphics and designs

  • realistic and detailed character designs

  • custom background designs

  • realistic rpg dungeon designs

  • a huge environment and map

  • variety of dungeons

  • the variety of enemies that can be fought

  • fun puzzles

  • the stories connected with each other in the game

  • immersive background music

  • realistic character animations

  • the levels of difficulty that are available in the game

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Rhythm Games.


After about 3 hours of game play. It’s safe to say that I am having a great time here. A combination of rhythm-based combat, puzzles and let’s not forget Boobs!

The game keeps you on your toes with rock metal, techno and retro music to fight to the beat, all to save cute Waifu’s!

Here, you get to be the Hero, save the day, and get the Waifu’s! and I mean All of them!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Waifus Smash on Steam

Paint Girl

Paint Girl

A budget drawing simulator with cute/sexy anime art from a Chinese developer ADOG (a dog?). Is their 4th Steam product worth getting? I am writing this from the perspective of someone who knows very little about drawing.

While calling it ‘a drawing simulator’ is giving creators too much credit and I’d rather call it ‘a line tracing budget puzzle’, it has its charm and for the price asked I deem it acceptable. I know little to nothing about drawing so even this budget product provided some simplified insight into drawing process (actual artists probably cringe reading this :). 8 (or 12 with the DLC) characters to line-trace, colour, and add finishing touches. This simplification could also be justified by the need to ensure accessibility for casual non-artists. It gets a bit repetitive but that is what drawing typically entails, and there is an auto-drawing function provided to aid the process. After you’re done with the drawing part character’s idle animation kicks in + some brief Japanese voice acting; nice addition. Next you can check the gallery section to enjoy simple but nicely done animated scenes of the recent girl + some interactive elements. Lastly, a few CGs unlock to enjoy to complete character’s content.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Casual Games.


Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Paint Girl on Steam

Fight Angel Special Edition

Fight Angel Special Edition

I am glad I was able to get this for free. I think I’d be pretty upset if I had already bought the original game then had to pay for this too. It is an exact copy of the original except for two things. The faces look more anime style and there is a dance session thing once you beat the game’s story mode. I actually prefer the art style of the original game over the special edition one, but I can understand how others might like the anime style more. The graphics seem a bit better. No new clothing items or characters as of yet. I was sort of hoping for at least a small amount of new stuff. Many of the things I mentioned in the original game still apply here. Overall a terrific game that has smooth controls. If you are looking for a tactical fighting game, something in the realm of MK or Street Fighter, then this is not the place for that. There are some fighting forms much better than others and all the ultimate attacks are a one button push. This doesnt bother me, because I didnt buy the game thinking it would be an amazing fighting game. I got it for a couple other reasons, hopefully I dont need to explain. I love the customization detail level in this and I hope we see more clothing items, and wishful thinking on fixing the clipping issues with clothing items and hair. Also I like the camera control thing at the end of a match so you can look around at your character after your victory and/or down at your fallen opponent. It kinda sucks I have to unlock all the clothing items and hair all over again. Still cant type in the letter “i” when naming characters. Great game and hopefully will see more content soon.

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

To start I didn’t own the previous edition of the game. I found this game randomly but I must say despite a few minor (mostly audio) bugs I was surprised how this game plays.

The gameplay is very similar to older Street Fighter games so I was more than happy about that. The gameplay is mostly smooth and it is very little to no input lag. The game also does feature Online PVP even tho the column with the tags on the Steam Store does not say so. Overall well made fighter game by an indie studio that’s worth the price.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Fight Angel Special Edition on Steam

Flåklypa Grand Prix

Flåklypa Grand Prix

Liker spillet godt. Det kommer mange minner tilbake, og en fantastisk jobb er blitt gjort for å lage spillet i en 2021 versjon. Noen forbedringer kan gjøres. “scores” blir borte av seg selv, da man lukker spillet og åpner det på nytt. Dette er frustrerende da man konkurrerer mot familiemedlemmer i bl.a postsortering. Man gå jo ikke rundt å husker på scoren sin, men når spillet glemmer den i tillegg blir det vanskelig å konkurrere. (sikkert en liten bug) Håper også highscore systemet skiller mellom lett/normal/vanskelig i en update. Har også et ønske om at resten av spillene kommer tilbake, gjerne i en “DLC” evt.

Real player with 53.1 hrs in game

I enjoyed this game greatly but it is not without problems.

It’s been so long since I played the original I can’t remember much of it, but I do remember the Ludwig’s labyrinth minigame being my favourite but they have changed into something else that is too easy and boring, in the original it was some easy addicting pac-man-ish.

The game is filled with the most useless trivia, I don’t know if it’s so they can sell it as a learning game or it’s just fun facts, but they are so pointless with one sentence each to cover entire fields of study.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Flåklypa Grand Prix on Steam

Agent X

Agent X

positives - graphics are visually appealing and weapons feel fun to shoot,

negatives - enemies are brain dead, you have to be close to them to garner any reaction, but you can kill most enemies from afar and none of the ai will react. the last level achievement is currently bugged, and I’m fairly certain they advertised 100 achievements, but the game only has give in total right now, not sure if those will come later we’ll see

I know the game advertises being a short 10-15 minute experience, but I’ve played short but fun games before. They can be fun and filled with replayibility if done right. This isn’t it unfortunately. If the dev makes updates to the game and improves anything, I’ll recommend it. One last thing, it irks that there’s no shotgun in the game. If there was a pleasant shotgun experience, I might enjoy the game as is.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The game is too short, but it was good, could use some work on the collisions, but again fun.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Agent X on Steam

Cute Honey 2

Cute Honey 2

As we all know, kidney deficiency is a very common phenomenon in male health care. We must pay more attention to it at ordinary times. We should regulate our diet and living habits. When it comes to men’s kidney deficiency, we will say that there are many ways to tonify the kidney, one of which is food tonic. Tonifying the body is naturally to strengthen the body. Then, what can a man eat for kidney deficiency quickly?

What does man kidney deficiency eat to fill quickly

1. Sesame porridge

Materials: 50g sesame, 100g japonica rice and 50g honey.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

Cute Honey 2 is a game where you draw a line and try and get water to fall into a cup. Some of the levels take a fair amount of trial and error to get through, though there is a hint option to help if you so choose.

The interactive gallery is what you’re paying for and for the most part, and the girls are pretty hot. I’m all for glasses and cat ears, but the interactivity and the looping animation in it is a bit annoying. I like saving off screenshots and I find it’s very difficult to get good ones; whether it’s because the girl’s eyes will be closed when her cooch is visible for that 1 second or the huge cursor is in the way when you get a snap of the money shot. I just find the whole thing cumbersome. Also, for those that care, trading cards take an unreasonable amount of time to drop … a total of 9 hours for a game that has about an hour of content.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Cute Honey 2 on Steam

Hentai no Hero

Hentai no Hero

Aight so i went on a spree of buying games under $1 and my god this is the worst one by far it’s like it’s got no soul its been on early accses for what 2 years now and what barely a thing it feels like just saying i was just dissapointed

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Pretty nice so far.

A little more content would be nice and it would be also nice to know, when you reached the end of the game or level or anything. Or something like: “Final Boss!”. ;)

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Hentai no Hero on Steam

Anime - Space Sniper

Anime - Space Sniper

Honestly, playing this game while streaming for my friends was way too fun and totally worth the 55 cents it cost.

If you got 20 minutes and less than a buck to spend on something, go for it.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

For a dollar, you can take your sniper rifle and focus your dot on scantily clad anime girls, then hold your breath, squeezy the trigger and blast their blood and boobies out into space. Nice.


Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Anime - Space Sniper on Steam