Necromunda: Hired Gun

Necromunda: Hired Gun

Best way to describe this game: Doom in 40k. Brilliant game, the athmosphare is pure 40k, the amount of deatail given to this part of the Univers is asonishing. You can tell that the developpers were pashionate and new what they were doing with the Environment. Controls and Gameplay are also verry intuitif and streamlined.

On the negative Side, the Story is pretty bad. But i didn’t buy it for it anyways. Also, there is not as mutch to do as I would wish. The main story can probably be completed in a few hours, and the other stuff are just missions that offer no real reward, besides practice and XP. Personaly, I would also have preffered if you could have more guns on you. especially special weapons. Those are realy well made, but I cant use them, because I would have to swap another favorit of mine out.

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Warhammer 40K Games.

Yes, this is not Doom Eternal.

No, it is actually much better.

Let’s not waste the Imperium’s time - Here are three reasons:

You have a dog ✔ and you can pet ✔ and feed ✔ it.

There three reasons already, but in Terra’s name, have some more:

40k Themed Warhammer game ✔ with an Avitus' approved Heavy Bolter ✔

Fun and fast parkouring with wall-running ✔, double jumping ✔ and a grappling hook

but no fall damage ❤

So what are you waiting for?

Kill The Mutant!

Burn The Heretic!

Purge The Xenos!

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Necromunda: Hired Gun on Steam