

It’s a unique auto generated game. Missons tend to be often very similar but there is always different glitches. A unique touch I saw was each auto generated game has it’s own little backstory for why your playing the “game” like every video game. The only glitch I see is with the flying mission which is if you try to barrell roll it doesnt work then u cant shoot and in shooting as planes sometimes if u die u never respawn/get the restart u should. Through the ramble I would say it’s a good time killer if you just want good casual fun to kill stress tho some of the hard mode glitches uggh lol I’d wait for a discount but like $15 vs th e current $20

Real player with 17.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Retro Games.

I really wanted to like and recommend this game, but I cannot.

On the surface, the idea sounds great. Mix and match pieces of different retro games/genres and play through whatever wackiness gets created.

In reality, the game overall fails to deliver. Individual mashes take at most 10 minutes to play through, but rarely did I ever spend that much time in any one “game”. Instead, some are so easy (even on a hard setting) that you’re in and out in a matter of 30 seconds or less. The game description even calls out that some mash ups easy to win, some will be impossible. That’s acceptable given the premise.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

SuperMash on Steam

Cube Gothic

Cube Gothic

Even for an Arkhouse game, this was a very masochistic experience, it’s shame because this game has a great story and I wish more people could experience it - it’s almost like the developer does not want anyone to see his artwork. It took me slightly over 4 hours to complete, it’s pretty long for a 2D bullet-hell, give or take a few hours depending on your reflexes. The narrative is connected to at least 2 other Arkhouse games, so if you skip those you might have a hard time understanding the importance of recurring characters. Even though I love the narrative in his games, Arkhouse stories are very metaphorical, there is some space for personal interpretation. Unfortunately, the difficulty is not fair, I don’t mind challenging gameplay, but a lot of it has to do with confusing hitboxes, punishing checkpoint system, and the need for excessive stage repetition. If you don’t play carefully you can potentially create a very poor checkpoint with low HP, although sometimes you can reload the game and go a bit further back.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure 2D Games.

Oh this game…

I WANTED to like this game. I SO wanted to! The art style and the music was interesting! And while the game was hard, it was still fun! But then in the middle, the game jumped the shark with a m weird maze and minesweeper level and PLATFORMING levels which made no sense!

And the levels starting getting VERY cheap and annoying! Sadistically cheap! Being hit out of nowhere by attacks you can’t see! Weakpoints that you have to guess to find! And the story jumping the shark like that! And the most annoying thing being much of the non-story text being backwards! That made things VERY annoying to understand!

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Cube Gothic on Steam

RPG World - Action RPG Maker

RPG World - Action RPG Maker

Where to begin? Diablo meets Disney, Never Winter Nights meets Legoland. This game is great on so may levels.

Whether you like playing action RPG’s or you like to craft worlds/scenarios for your friends to enjoy, Single player, multiplayer, PVP, World editor.

I can honestly say I’ve not found a game that appealed so much in a long, long time. Mostly it is FUN. Fun to build, fun to play. Challenging if you’re a serious mayhem seeker, entertaining if you just like to explore.

Since I wrote the above the game has received a steady stream of upgrades in terms of new buildings,props, collectables, choosable theme music, new npcs and enemies, a brilliant character creator so you can build your own npc’s and enemies from a huge range of body parts and AI’s, upgrades to questing making it much easier to control the flow of play. The dev’s have been seemingly tireless in their dedication to fulfilling the game’s early promise.

Real player with 1783.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Multiplayer Games.

NOTE: This review is written while the game was in Early Access at 25th of april.

You know, I’ve always been a person who likes to build stuff. That’s why I LOVED to play with LEGO. I used to build all kinds of stuff. Cars, buildings…whatever I preferred, as long as I knew how the pieces connected to eachother. Because how hard is it to build a tower when you don’t know how your tools and bricks work? That would be a mighty challenge even for master builders…

The hobby of building things kind of continued when I started playing video games, so I bought a game like MyWorlds before called Fight the Dragon. That game had an amazing level editor with lots of tools to play with, including a lot of ‘‘invisible’’ mechanisms like triggers and such. Unfortunately that game is suffering a slow and silent death due to lack of players, which brought me back to the quest of finding a game where I could express my fountain of imagination.

Real player with 228.8 hrs in game

RPG World - Action RPG Maker on Steam

Uncanny Valley

Uncanny Valley

This is a fairly interesting one, as a horror game I think it has some genuine chills. Good concept with a bit of a shaky execution, but still more than worth your time for the price.

The initial recommendation for multiple playthroughs has some merit, in some ways it’s worth replaying to see how you can impact the story through your actions, which can sometimes be very silly, unprompted actions, like bashing your coworker’s head in on the first day or stealing his car keys and skipping town ASAP. It reminds me of an old PS2 game called Raw Danger, where you had mostly normal decisions, but occasionally got a really out of nowhere prompt, like stomp on a fellow survivor’s fingers to make him fall to his death for no good reason other than it’s silly to see your character be cartoonishly evil.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

I picked Uncanny Valley because it seemed like an overlooked but interesting little horror game with puzzles. The mixed ratings were a bit of a red flag for me but I decided to give it a chance and try myself. Lo and behold the actual game was completely different than I thought and in a really frustrating way.

Our pixelated protagonist is Tom, a newly hired security guard who starts doings night shifts at a remote and enigmatic facility. But Tom also expriences terrible nightmares which are somehow related to his past. The game has two distinct parts where in the first half you’ll manage your job and try to survive your dreams of shadowy monsters chasing after you; and the second half which is the ultimate test of survival that will lead to an appropriate ending. Uncanny Valley is the type of game you’ll need to play many times to see everything. Different actions lead to different consequences and will affect the outcome. Only this way you will get to clear the fog surrounding the mysterious story.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Uncanny Valley on Steam

Flynn: Son of Crimson

Flynn: Son of Crimson

I’ve been following the studio’s Twitter since who knows how long. The game was in the works for years, and it only came out now. There was one early alpha or beta stage playtest where I participated. I had a problem with that because of massive slowdowns on my end due to having a low end laptop.

Even now, with the full release of the game, the slowdowns are still present from time to time. However, it’s less apparent, especially when I run it at a lower resolution. The game is otherwise really smooth for most part.

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

I won’t go in too deep on this one as there’s not much to talk about. Your parents died in a war to prevent another world from taking over, and now you and your loyal canine protector, Dex, to put as stop to it. However, one of Zealock’s minions have been tasked to slow you down so the takeover can be completed. In doing so, she steal’s Dex’s four power shards, and there’s nothing you can do to stop the invasion until you reclaim them.

It’s a pretty simple story backing up the title, but more does get revealed as you reach the end. The game is a visual masterpiece with a couple different areas having wildly different climate effects (including the old Ninja Gaiden fight against the wind trope that is still irritating today haha) that sometimes rely on you and the magic powers you gain. Some stages are dqark and you need to light the area, others require you to freeze blocks of water to continue.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Flynn: Son of Crimson on Steam

Malcom’s Day

Malcom’s Day

Malcom’s Day® is a platformer whose development was influenced by a strong passion for videogames of the ’80s and ’90s and by the beautiful experiences lived in the daily life of those years.

Developed by a guy from the ’90s.


What follows is a brief summary that describes some details of this adventure such as the presentation of the main character and some features related to the gameplay.

The truth is that a video game is difficult to explain and the best way to understand it is to play!


Who is Malcom?

He is a middle school kid whose main passion is make a mess!

Mocking the professors and pranking them fill his school mornings.

One day after coming back from the physical education lesson with his classmates, the teacher of the next hour was sitting at her desk waiting for him.

Without even giving him the time to set his backpack down, she blamed him for hiding the items contained in her pencil case.

Given his history he was immediately put in the worst of punishments…The desk to the front of the class where it was impossible to copy during the tests, at least until the items will be returned.

But what if it wasn’t him the guilty one this time?

Malcom wants to prove his innocence, a strange journey awaits him!


At the start of the game only one physical attack at close range is available but it will not be long before you can get hold of curious instruments for long-range attacks.

At this point fighting against enemies will be much more fun!


Each area in which there is a fundamental item to solve the case is protected by a strong enemy, but after defeating him you will be rewarded with a new outfit!

After being collected, the new outfit can be worn by selecting it from the menu.

The new outfits, as well as changing the look of Malcom, allow the use of more powerful attacks or the creation of objects useful for energy recovery or the recovery of points that allow special attacks to be carried out, such as (funny) attacks that cause continuous damage to enemies.


Malcom will not be alone in this adventure.

Many will be the allies able to provide valuable advice and suggestions such as where to find a hidden object, how to complete a secondary mission or even suggest a secret password to be inserted in a strange device located inside an abandoned submarine that can only be reached after finding and wearing a wetsuit…

There will be bizarre characters and creatures whose existence is considered a legend.


It will be possible to face many missions besides the main one, each of which will have a precise goal.

Some involve the discovery of hidden objects, others the destruction of many cars, still others searching for people…or growing a plant, increasing the level of some skills, collecting medicines, etc etc ect…


The main story offers a series of challenging adventures, but ending the story does not mean having finished the whole game!

In fact in the menu there is a section dedicated exclusively to the percentage of completion in which the requests to be met are shown and next to each of them the relative percentage obtained after completing that particular request.

You can complete the whole game at any time, even after completing the main story!


As mentioned earlier some outfits give Malcom the ability to craft objects that allow the recovery of energy or the recovery of other points necessary to carry out special attacks.

It is good to keep in mind, however, that these skills will be usable only if Malcolm has the basic materials necessary for the preparation, as well as having the correct outfit.


It’s up to you to discover the rest, see you soon!

Malcom's Day on Steam

Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)

Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)

Cursed Castilla is an arcade action game which is based and inspired by the Ghosts and Goblins series and other retro titles. It brings an 16 bit graphics style, a quick action packed gameplay with tight controls and a high level of difficulty.

The story is set in the Middle Ages in the Spanish Kingdom. You play as a knight who is sent on a quest -together with other 3 fellow knights- by the King to cleanse the Kingdom from the evading demonic horde. The story basically is a Spanish mythos and there are several parts of the game where creatures from other European mythologies appear. Since the creators are Spanish the game overall in its music and its design has a Spanish vibe.

Real player with 47.0 hrs in game

Really fun, quite challenging, and at times even feel a little unfair retro-style game. However (with the exception of one part), the checkpoint system is very forgiving so it’s rarely frustrating.

You attack using only throwable weapons, where only a certain amount can be out active at a time until they either hit an enemy, an obstacle, or fly off screen. This means that the closer you are to enemies, the faster you can attack, and also that if you spam you can be left defenseless for a brief window. It also has some pretty unique jumping mechanics similar to some other retro platformers wherein you jump much farther if you are holding a direction when you jump, and jump almost straight up if you aren’t holding a direction (however, unlike some games, you can still nudge slightly in either direction while in the air). Additionally, attacking (especially if you are spamming) slows you down substantially. These mechanics mentioned above can make it feel a bit janky until you get used to it, but the game controls great and has highly accurate hitbox (although your entire character is the hitbox which makes dodging obstacles difficult). There are a variety of environments and a massive amount of bosses that for the most part where unique and fun.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX) on Steam

Taimumari: Definitive Edition

Taimumari: Definitive Edition

Tags: Platformer

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: Semi decent double jump platformer. Held back by odd minigame choices, pacing and difficulty issues and low audiovisual ambitions.

This is basically NES mario. But you can double jump. You can swing a sword at close range rather than jumping on things to kill them. You can wallgrab and jump from wall. You can swap your ability attack.

Abilities are kinda neat, throwing bombs or shooting lasers, you can charge it for more power. Coins are actually used to unlock static bonuses, not a bad idea.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

**TL;DR: it’s no masterpiece and has some very noticeable problems, but it is overall a perfectly serviceable game that will provide a couple of hours of lighthearted fun, and it’s cheap enough even at full price (and often receives huge sales anyway) that I’m pretty sure fans of the genre would find value in the short experience.

6.8/10 - Still better than Mighty No. 9**

I really am not one who bothers writing reviews, but I’m going to go out of my way because I feel people have been a bit too harsh on this little title. Let me be clear now, it’s nowhere near perfect, and has the misfortune of belonging to a genre that is already oversaturated and filled to the brim with imitators, which means it has to compete with a huge amount of similar games, including a lot of well-made indie ones. But if you don’t go in expecting the level of quality you’d want from Megaman or Cave Story, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Taimumari: Definitive Edition on Steam



This game is honestly a ton of fun, very replayable, and as time goes on Boon keeps delivering new reasons to stop in an play it for another long while.

This is one of the few rogue-likes I’ve played where the focus was definitely on the fun, not necessarily the intense planning and stat focus that I’m used to, though that isn’t to say it’s easy! The charm and humor may fool you, but this is definitely the Dark Souls of Nintendo games. (Am I a journalist now?)

The many game-modes, weapons, and options make this one of the most impressive solo-projects I’ve seen. The game does feel a bit rough in some areas, needing a bit more content and polish, but that’s hardly a negative considering the amount of work a single person has poured into this game, and continues to do so.

Real player with 52.5 hrs in game

Wally and the Fantastic Predators has enough potential to eventually stand shoulder to shoulder with games like Gungeon and maybe even Isaac, but it falls short because of technical issues.

Thematically the game is really cute and manages to be funny and tongue-in-cheek in a very charming way, on top of that the game-play seems pretty well designed in the time I’ve played. The overall message is very positive and the game is surprisingly light-hearted for its difficulty. Speaking of which the difficulty options and accessibility options in this game are really good, allowing for a range of difficulties and playstyles.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

Wally and the FANTASTIC PREDATORS on Steam

Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten

Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten

Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten

This game is about a human that goes into a cave and fights his way through that cave.

At the moment of posting this review, we don’t have a lot of lore available, so we have no clue what is happening/happened to the world. Other than that, the game is a really fun game. It looks and sometimes feels like a good mario 2D platformer game.

The jump-to-the-roof mechanic makes the game more fun. There are currently 12 levels in the game, and can take up to 3 hours to complete. You’ll have a lot of levels that will be difficult and that is really fun. Other levels you might need to play strategically. If you love a good 2D platformer, this game is really something for you.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Fun little platformer/shooter. It’s fairly basic with only a few enemy types. But taking the VVVVVV mechanic of flipping gravity makes this more interesting. The story is nothing to write home about, but the music is actually pretty solid. No major bugs in the game, and it controls well. Would love to see a sequel that expands on this, with more varied weapons, enemies and mechanics.

It took about 6 hours to play through all of Normal and Heroic modes. And I still need to grind out a couple more achievements.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten on Steam