Ayo the Clown

Ayo the Clown

I backed this game on Kickstarter and I think it is so much better than anticipated!

It is such a colourful and fun platfurmer game. The art in this game is amazing, with such attention to small details. The 2.5D is used creatively with monsters and boss levels. At the beginning I thought it would be a bit easy but the levels become more difficult and intriguing as you go along, as well as adding side missions and charming little surprises. I love playing it and even my husband was impressed by it. Highly recommend for enjoyable and lovely time.

Real player with 68.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Platformer Games.

Kickstarter backer here. Just started playing the game with my xbox controller and I love it. What a wonderful 2.5D platformer! I dig the color scheme so much, it’s so fun and whimsical and vibrant. There’s a balloon ability that you can basically use whenever you land, so you don’t have to collect any items to activate, which allows you to float–it’s a lot of fun! There’s plenty of secrets with hidden treasure and stuff to climb (so usually there’s a path above you you may want to explore as well).

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Ayo the Clown on Steam

Landflix Odyssey

Landflix Odyssey

2020 Speedy Review Cleanup

Do I highly recommend this game? No.

But Landflix Odyssey is interesting solely for its parody aspects about the shows. Each show has its own mechanics so that it doesn’t feel like you’re doing the same thing throughout the game.

Worth a try on sale if you’re interested in the show aspects. If you don’t care about the shows, probably look elsewhere.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Indie Games.

This is a very fun, very traditional platformer where you get to explore your favorite TV Worlds! :) :) )

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Landflix Odyssey on Steam

Son of Nor

Son of Nor

First it’s important to note, that this title is the result of a Kickstarter project with a rather small budget. The developers put a lot of effort to make the most out of it, so it can be easy to forget that it’s just a very small indie game and should be considered as such.

“Son of Nor” is a combination of adventure, action and puzzle game built around an unique combat mechanic: Instead of using normal (or abnormal) weapons, you command the world and the elements around you using your extraordinary telekinetic and elemental-magical powers.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure PvP Games.

Ripping boulders out of walls and smashing your foes with them is soo much fun.

I have played the early access for a few hours now. The game has an original fantasy story and Zelda-like puzzle dungeons which I enjoy. But the game’s core experience is its physics based combat. You raise and lower the ground, you throw stuff at enemies, you throw enemies at enemies… you get the point. It’s a lot of fun and very rewarding. Combat can get out of hand in larger battles. But it hasn’t frustrated me yet. Simply reload and retry - I usually manage well the second time around.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Son of Nor on Steam



Revised on Feb 10, 2019.


Do you like rabbits? Fairies? Characters with animal ears? Cutesy art style? Lighthearted and a little bit silly story on the outside with darker themes on the inside? A variety of different personalities?

If that didn’t spark your interest then perhaps you are more interested in things like a great soundtrack, platforming and map exploration or bullet hell style boss battles? Those things I just listed are only a few reasons why I like this game.


Real player with 498.3 hrs in game

An essential addition for anyone who enjoys 2D action games and gets a thrill from persevering against insanely difficult bosses for hours on end, Rabi-Ribi is at its best when it’s testing you to dodge a swarm of bullets (with gravity, no less) in its over 30 boss fights, but is also an enjoyable platforming and exploration game that offers tons of replayablity due to its extremely non-linear design.

First thing’s first: This game is fanservice-y, but that’s not the focus of the game. It’s aware enough of this to lampshade Ribbon’s skimpy outfit at times. Don’t be turned off by the Steam store page description about a bunny-girl costume, because I would not have sunk 200 hours into this game if I just wanted to look at ecchi. You’ll see some humorous dialogue teasing at yuri themes as well, but overall, the story of the game is an actual story about Erina, Rabi-Rabi Island, and some of its inhabitants, though it doesn’t truly begin to unfold until halfway through the game. The initial premise is that Erina, formerly a pet rabbit of Rumi but turned human by unknown means, is tasked with trying to track down Rumi’s sister Miru, who has been magicked away by a stone tablet, and Erina needs the help of other magic-users on the island to power this tablet and follow Miru. But there’s a much more interesting story that you’ll uncover about the island’s origins and a figure from its past as you progress–though it remains bunny-themed to the end.

Real player with 430.0 hrs in game

Rabi-Ribi on Steam

Aquanox Deep Descent

Aquanox Deep Descent

Aquanox Deep Descent is the attempt to revive an older franchise. It began with a game named Archimedean Dynasty, released in 1996. 2 Sequels followed, under the new brand name of Aquanox.

All of those games were quite similar to the “three degrees of freedom” space simulation games that came up roughtly at the same time, but tried to put themselves apart by not going up, but rather down. All three might be considered aaa titles considering the amount of work and effort, as well as content they provided at the time. Even though their success probably fell short of that.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game


Aquanox Deep Descent (ADD) is a semi-open world shooter set underwater, after the world endured the “Last Day” - an apocalyptic event where most of humanity perished and the rest was forced into oceanic depths. Players impersonate Kaelen, one of the chosen few to be preserved in stasis for centuries, now woken up by unclear circumstances. After a dangerous escape, he and his companions - left without most memories - decide to embark on a quest to find the answers about their past, forging alliances and facing many dangers along the way.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Aquanox Deep Descent on Steam

Last Labyrinth(ラストラビリンス)

Last Labyrinth(ラストラビリンス)

Alright, I just finished every ending, I’ll do my best to edit this into an unbiased review.

First things first, the ‘endings’ are only endings in name. You’ll get your first ‘ending’ only a few hours into the game, having explored only a tiny fraction of the game’s rooms and puzzles, and each ending shows you a piece of the storyline underlying Last Labyrinth.


+Katia is adorable, and while the game could have been played on a flat monitor, there’s something about looking a 3d Katia in the eyes and feeling like she’s present in the room with you that makes it 100x more stressful when she’s in danger.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game


It really had the psychological layer of fear and I loved everything the game had to offer!

The feeling so helplessness as well as having command of the situation. Lovely contrasts executed well, together with the irie atmosphere!

Maybe it is a bit pricey but I am really glad I bought it!

I just wished the game was longer! I really want more of this game even if I would have to pay more for more content.

Update: I take back that is was short. Found more content if I kept playing after they showed the credits. There seem to be a lot more behind everything than I first thougt and I want to know all of it!

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Last Labyrinth(ラストラビリンス) on Steam