

đŸ”„Very good but very short

It’s not a game. Stop by our steam group (info below) and I can explain more. It’s basically a 360 degree 3D story. It requires zero controller/mouse/keyboard to play. It’s maybe 10 minutes long, and very polished. I would have loved it if it was a full game of sorts, or just a bit of interaction.

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– Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure 360 Video Games.

Horrible, 10 minutes of animation that is ok-ish, not worth 3.99 Pounds. I get that it is in memory of a friend, but there is no use to put it with such a price, not to say that it doesn’t even explain much, it’s bad. Don’t buy.

– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Aripi on Steam



EDIT: Alright so I just replayed this game TWICE and have to say the majority of all my problems were completely fixed.

I found about 2 new bugs, neither of which were game breaking and I don’t doubt the Dev will fix it as he does really care about this game.

Give this game a shot, it’s well worth it and if I can beat it before the update and twice after so can you.

LOVE THIS GAME, Try it now! I’ll add a link to my new playthrough when I get it uploaded soon.

New Playthrough as promised:

– Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure First-Person Games.

I love this game although at moments it touched a rage nerve lol. But it is great! Good atmosphere but the one thing I will touch on is the fact when you die it sends you back to the start which is really frustrating for me and probably others. But all in all a great game:) Check my playthrough and I got the bad ending so must get the good ending now:) Well doen Dev..I look forward to your next game:)

– Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Krakatoa on Steam

The Eternal Castle [REMASTERED]

The Eternal Castle [REMASTERED]

Read my full review at

In the indie game scene, a lot of games take inspiration from the games of the past. Typically this comes in the form of tributes to oldschool consoles like the NES, SNES and Mega Drive. But it’s not often you see games that pay homage to the graphics of old IBM PC’s. The Eternal Castle, a supposed remake of a lost 1987 PC game, is such a game. And much in the vein of the game MURI, it acts as a tribute to old school PC games from the late 80’s and early 90’s. In this review we’ll be taking a look at this game and also discuss its legitimacy as a remaster. So strap in, it’s time to explore the CGA glory of The Eternal Castle.

– Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action-Adventure Atmospheric Games.

The Eternal Castle is a tribute to the cinematic platformers from the past, such as Prince of Persia or Another World . This genre does not get a lot of representation these days, so I want to support developers that make games for a limited audience. Let’s be honest, this game is made for people with nostalgia for those clunky platformers. I really enjoy the gameplay because it’s very faithful, and any subjective criticism that I have does not take away anything from its artistry (which is something really special). As far as I know, the original game that is being remastered was “lost”, but I do know that this remaster imitates animation cycle from Prince of Persia . I wish the developers would give the credit for the sources of inspiration, instead of just claiming that it’s a remaster of a classic masterpiece that nobody played. But let’s make something very clear, this game combines the features from several titles, and could not exists in its current form if it wasn’t for them.

– Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

The Eternal Castle [REMASTERED] on Steam

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition

TL:DNR: A noble, but much flawed effort. Buy it very cheap ( us$1), or="" for="" the="" achievement="" 100%="" ( us$1.50) br="" Okay - so this is one of those games that the “comedians” of Steam just go on about either with brutal comments about it giving them cancer, or racist/sectist crap, or they do the lame sarcasm.

This isn’t one of those.

What I like about this game, is their intent. To make a Arabic/Northern African themed game of adventure and discovery. I like the characters most of the time, and would really like to see more games coming from Arab countries make it into the mainstream (Semaphore is a Saudi game studio), as I am intrigued to hear their cultural voice applied to gaming. The graphics are generally pretty good, though the ATV escape ‘chapter’ had some odd graphics quality, I think to mimic a sandstorm, but looked like a bug. The brother and sister team is a great idea too. /us$1),

– Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

“Oh look guys, it’s Timothy writing a review for that one game everyone on youtube makes fun of! I can’t wait until he tears it a new arsehole, because he’s a cynical bastard and that’s what cynical people do!”

If this was your reaction when you noticed this review, then I’m sorry to tell you that I will not write a funny 9/11 Allahu Akbar type of review. I respect the dev team, who put a lot of work and effort in this game, too much for that. Well yeah, this game is inspired by Uncharted, Tomb Raider, what not, they won’t deny that. But at least they are enthusiastic about it. What’s the last time you saw people this happy about making a game? Even if the game is buggy (and oh, trust me, it is, I’ll elaborate) I still had fun playing it simply because I know the devs had fun making it. They really want to make an amazing adventure series where you explore the arabic world and its many fascinating places (which it truly has, no doubt about that). The dev team knows that they’re not making GOTYAY material and doesn’t say they are. They try to stay positive while everyone on the internet’s too busy making fun of them and their “worst game ever” (a title that many other games I’ve played deserve more). They respond nicely to often assholish or ‘funny’ behaviour and criticism, which I think is something most developers can learn from. So yeah, kuddos for that, guys.

– Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition on Steam

Blair Witch VR

Blair Witch VR

My who family use the VR set but its easy for me, my brother and dad to find games, whoever, that’s not the case for my mum who prefers mystery and puzzle games but she liked the look of this and wanted to leave her comfort zone and to say the least we were all pleasantly surprised, the story is good and there’s plenty of times were were laughing at whoever was playing as they froze in place from being too scared.

You can for sure zoom past through the game but we take turn and take time to uncover everything we can, 13/17 chapters done with nearly 10 hours which was a nice surprise lengthwise.

– Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Do you like taking long walks in the woods with your dog and occasionally wetting your pants in sheer terror? Well then, have I got the game for you! Ok, so this is kind of a mixed bag but it’s a pretty good horror game for VR. Let’s talk pros and cons:

The Good:

It’s a pretty well-made game with great atmosphere. The first ~4 hours, in the woods, are about a 4/10 on the spookiness scale, atmospheric but nothing really scary, but the last ~2 hours, in the house, the spookiness gets cranked up to about 8/10 with bursts of 11/10. It was pretty intense in VR and I had to change my pants a few times
 I also liked how the documents had a pop-out window for text that made them very easy to read. Reading text in VR is not always fun but this was a good and intuitive solution.

– Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Blair Witch VR on Steam

Lucidus Mortem

Lucidus Mortem

1930’s, Samuel, a man with occult beliefs and very revolutionary ideas is contacted by S. Gordon-Stenfield an elderly man desperate for the suicide of Alice, his daughter.

Together and through a voodoo ritual they send Samuel to a world where only people who have died violently can access.There he will try to recover Alice’s soul so she can rest in peace
 But the story Samuel will discover as he enters that world will make him realize that nothing is what it seems.


Lucidus Mortem on Steam

URUZ “Return of The Er Kishi”

URUZ “Return of The Er Kishi”

I just finished the game after 5.6 hours of playtime. I must say that this game consist of great pixel art and amazing soundtrack. Other than those, game is needed to be improved at some points such as sound effects, combat mechanics and level design. Sound effects and fight mechanics should include more feeling, otherwise its empty. I do not want to compare with Dead Cells but when you fight you feel you fight, you feel you did combo or etc. Combat systematics are quite nice and simple, developer did not want to make it more complicated and way more nonsense. It is as it’s supposed to be. Quest systematic can be enhanced by adding more useful map and in-game indicators. And lastly, user interface can be made more polished and solid like Minecraft’s. I loved the way game operate the Turkish mythology. Also, this game is the only one of its kind if we consider the story and origin. Thank you for your effort. I enjoyed while playing. Waiting for your future projects.

– Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Hikaye konusunda: Gayet gĂŒzel dĂŒĆŸĂŒnĂŒlmĂŒĆŸ, TĂŒrk mitolojisiyle alakalı olması ise ayrı bir heyecan verici olmasına rağmen oyunun ortasında biraz tekdĂŒze olmuƟ aynı Ɵeyi tekrar tekrar yapıyoruz, hikaye de bu nedenle biraz kopuk geliyor. BaƟlangıç ve bitiƟ ise harika.

MĂŒzikler: Çok bir Ɵey demeye gerek yok, oyuna çok iyi uyuyor ve gerçekten gĂŒzel yapılmÄ±ĆŸ.

OynanÄ±ĆŸ: 0, direkt ve net olarak 0, her 3 saniyede bir görebileceğiniz savaƟ animasyonuna takılıp uçan karakterler mi dersiniz, görevlerin buga girip otağlara girip çıkmadan kabul edilmemesi mi dersiniz, canınız ne ara gidiyor, siz karĆŸÄ±dakine vurdunuz mu vurmadınız mı belli değil, zaten karakteri kontrol etmesi çok zor iken dĂŒĆŸmanların bu kadar fazla vurması da sĂŒrekli can basma spamlemenize neden oluyor, yaylar baƟlı baĆŸÄ±na bi saçmalık, hasar vurmuyor, kontrol efektleri dÄ±ĆŸÄ±nda kullanmaya değmiyor, ama en azından dĂŒĆŸmanlar gĂŒzel yapılmÄ±ĆŸ, sĂŒrekli aynı Ɵeyle savaĆŸÄ±p bıkmıyorsunuz.

– Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

URUZ Return of The Er Kishi on Steam

Only Hope - Episode 1

Only Hope - Episode 1

OdcieƄ Krwi (Blood Shade) is the latest narrative adventure game from The Prodigal Developers. In this interactive narrative game, you play as one of the seven blood wolves. Each episode is dedicated to each wolf’s story. Moral dilemmas and difficult decisions occur often to shape your own story. Unravel the mysteries of the world that the humans left. Shadow Creatures lurk among the corrupted world.

Adventure, Discover, and Shape your future

‱ Explore – Crusade throughout the world and learn about the lore through the environment, items and see the effects of your choice made throughout the world.

‱ Uncover the truth – Unfold the stories that the humans left by collecting runes.

‱ Shape your Story – Influence the relationship the Blood Wolves with choices that will determine their future.

Experience a Narrative filled with Amazing Characters and Environment

‱ Unique characters – Build relationships and solve mysteries to encounter each outstanding character development.

‱ Nordic/Slavic Setting – Explore locations set in beautiful, stylized isle of mystery in stunning high quality graphics.

Storytelling with purpose – The Prodigal Developers thoroughly researched and partnered with Nordic/Slavic Cultures to give you a superb story and lore.

Only Hope - Episode 1 on Steam



Petremay [pronounced: Peter May] is a new upcoming stylized First Person Shooter game developed by Spekktrum Studio based around the use of magic and abilities and how to use them against your enemies. There is no currently planned release date.


The year is 2026, in an alternate version of our world where magic exists and is considered a normal occurrence in society. Petremay takes place in Mirem, a fictional town located in the state of Michigan within the United States. You play as Vivian Jace, a police recruit going out onto the field for the first time. You are quickly told by Erika Redd, Mirem’s head police detective and your boss, that a cult from the 90s that was thought to be dead has come back. It is now your job to stop the cult before they take over the town using whatever means necessary.

Vivian quickly discovers that she’s part of the group of people who can utilize Magic, unlike most of her friends or family who have no magic genes. Using her newfound abilities, what she once thought was an impossible feat is now possible using her powers.

Depending on your decisions, the game will have multiple routes and endings that you can go through. Will you be the heroic savior of the town? Or will you join the cult and became a powerful force of evil that is not to be reckoned with?


Petremay is a game completely based around the use of magic and abilities. Along with normal shooter game mechanics, you will also be able to collect various powers and abilities to add to your arsenal in the game. You will be able to go invisible to avoid detection by enemies, see through walls to see exactly where the enemies are located, or you may even be able to freeze or slow down time entirely, and even then there’s still a vast amount of many more abilities to unlock throughout the game!

Petremay is also a game about choices. You can chose to go down the typical linear story laid out for you - or you can branch off into your own path. There will be at least 2 major endings to the game - you can either help the police to save the town and return it back to the safe place that it once was, or you can join the cultists and become a dictator who terrorizes citizens in the town. Every decision you make in the game will count!


At Spekktrum, we also believe in a strong sense of community. We love interacting with others inside the gaming community and we would love to see what you think of our games and what ideas or fan content you have for the game! Feel free to reach out to any of us at any time!

Petremay on Steam



_“They’ve promised that dreams can come true - but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too”. - Oscar Wilde

Your eyelids are heavy, your muscles relax, the sound of the television fades away to fatigue after a hard day at work. You embrace the arms of Morpheus and dive deep into the infinity of your imagination.

You wake up on an idyllic white sandy beach. A light breeze makes you shiver as the sun sets on the horizon. After a peaceful walk along the beach, you discover a huge dark bunker gate, which opens as you approach, inviting you to come in.

Your curiosity takes over and you decide to explore the place, revealing a wide underground complex. But what started as a perfect dream quickly turns into a bad one when you realized you’re not alone in here.

Find your way out, explore, solve puzzles and fight for your survival. Or your sanity.

Bad Dreams is not a game that should be played by everybody. It’s a unique experience filled with horrors and secrets. So be ready to face your darkest dream. But never. Ever. FALL INTO MADNESS._

Bad Dreams is a VR Horror game developed by French indie studio with outstanding and immersive gameplay based on real gesture. A unique experience, where nightmares become reality.

Immersives controls :

Bad Dreams will put all your senses to the test. Look, listen, smell, touch, run around
 Don’t forget to do all this quietly because the evil is lurking, a strange evil that can’t be silenced without taking your head with both hands… Use your VR controllers like never before. Pinch your nose to avoid mortal gaz, cover your ears to save your spirit from madness…

Limbos :

In Bad Dreams, you must watch your sanity gauge very carefully and keep it as low as possible. If you don’t, insanity will take hold of you, and you will fall into limbo. A place where only the worst nightmares manifest. Run for your life to escape this hell and pick up right where you lost your mind.

Explore :

Use flashlight or matches to explore a dark underground network. Crouch and be quiet to avoid unnecessary fight. Pray to take the good path or die and try again. Do not forget your flashlight battery or embrace the darkness and its subjects.

Fight :

A horde of zombies, mutants and atrocities will come to haunt you throughout the game. Fortunately for you, there is a large choice of weapons and how to use them: kill, maim, and burn the monsters to save your life.

Puzzles :

Your path will be filled with puzzles to solve. Some of which would seem simple at first
 But not when you’re under attack and creatures are roaring behind you. Thrilling moments guaranteed.

Hard choices :

In this game, you will have to choose which tool or weapon you’ll carry. You can carry one thing per hand and your inventory will offer you two slot so use it wisely.

More infos on our website :

Our team :

We’re a french studio called CREATIVE VR 3D and our team is composed of 3 members. As a young and indie company, we could use any support, help or exposure that you can offer.

Now working on Bad Dreams for a year, we are launching a Kickstarter campaign to finish this game. Help us by joining our community on Kicsktarter :


  • The flashlight attached to the wristband may be flying above it.

  • Grab an object when you already have one in the other hand may shift (move) it a little bit. This is only visual.