

The game was very cool and taught me about whats going on in the world. The use of visual metaphor and game play to convey the idea of a world that is working against you is pretty cool. This may just be pondering in my part, but the female and male models stacked in top of each other to convey that you are in-between is pretty smart and it’s embarrassing to say that it took me awhile to get it.

Great game with great mechanical and visual story telling. Hope everyone stays safe and has a great pride.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract RPG Games.

The character walks around backwards is that on purpose like a homage to OoT speed run? (That would be cool but …) As for the story I could not figure it out so I stopped reading and explored. Interesting game but have no idea what’s going on. The secret room was cool tho.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

flaming/million on Steam

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum

D E A D E Y E (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Indulge in visceral, deadly gunplay where every mistake could be your last. Hack cameras, turrets, people, even individual bullets!!!ヽ(°〇°)ノ Slow time to a crawl. Fade from view. Rip your mind asunder. Project your ego and “befriend” every intelligent thing that surrounds you. Your abilities include, but are not limited to: everything.

D E E P F A K E (˵◡_◡˵)

Deep gameplay, deep writing, ALL style, NO substance. High concept, low fidelity. Relish in an original soundtrack of sumptuous lo-fi hip hop beats as you subvert and dominate your enemies. Build relationships with with a cast of colorful characters. Make game changing decisions as you piece together the mystery of your shadowy corporate benefactors.

S I M U L A C R U M (✿◕‿◕)

Customize the ultimate agent with more than 2^64 pieces of lovingly, caringly, procedurally generated equipment. Refine your agent’s specialties and weaknesses through activatable abilities and passive but impactful perks. Conquer dozens of hand-crafted artisanal missions (and endless generated side content) designed to produce emergent gameplay and accommodate any playstyle.

Read More: Best Abstract RPG Games.

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum on Steam

Immortal Defense

Immortal Defense

Some of you have probably been waiting for this game to pop up. I considered about where to put it for a little while before eventually deciding to have it be at the very end. That’s because, in my opinion, Immortal Defense is the best tower defense on Steam at the moment.

The peaceful planet Dukis finds itself under attack by the evil Bavakh empire, a war-faring race of red, devilish aliens. Their armadas are vast, and with no notable army of their own Dukis is no match. However, they have one trick up their sleeve: Subject K, who has volunteered to be a Path Defender, a process that involves separating his soul from his body and sending it up into space. It’s unclear whether K represents one of his names, or whether he’s the eleventh person they’ve tried this with. Once up there, K gains the ability to see the Bavakh’s ships as they move through Pathspace (basically hyperspace), and the power to attack and destroy them before they reach their destination.

Real player with 89.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract Strategy Games.

Whether you’re new or old to tower defense games, Immortal Defense is a good buy. With tons of unique mechanics but still holding together what makes a good tower defense a good tower defense, and on top of that all a great story considering it’s a game where you’re shooting geometrical shapes flying on a line… Immortal Defense is amazing for what it is.

In Immortal Defense, you play as a Pathspace Defender whose goal is to defend your home planet by literally becoming a god and shooting invisible hellbeams from another plane of existence at people who are invading you. You do this by what else- placing towers! While the story and gameplay get more complicated than that (and bring all sorts of delightful twists and turns), that is the basic premise to the game.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

Immortal Defense on Steam

Distant Dials

Distant Dials

Distant Dials is a science-fiction MUSH (multi-user shared hallucination). It’s a multiplayer game requiring the player to create parts of the experience with others.

 Distant Dials is a game relying on dialogues taking place in 2875. The player is a human who shall through discussions with others or with an IA, understand his current state and the state of mankind in this era. He will maybe reach another level of understanding allowing dialogues with 9 other players on issues of the past leading to where humanity is right now.

Distant Dials on Steam



Kaleidocraft is a sandbox art creation game set in a futuristic utopian universe where exposure is valuable for an artist.

Features & Content:

  • Create art - Create symmetrical art based on predefined shapes such as kaleidoscopes and mandalas, or just let your imagination run wild

  • Hundreds of shapes and color palettes to use in any way you desire; we add new shapes and colors constantly, based on your feedback

  • Advance as an artist in a kind & utopian online society; share your art with a fictional community that welcomes and encourages all sorts of art - and find out what people’s personal preferences are

  • Decorate your living space hologram with your art - arrange your favorite creations, set your wallpaper, and much more to come

  • Participate in Valiant challenges and, later on, share your art with the real world

Kaleidocraft on Steam

Celestial Reactors

Celestial Reactors

🌞 The World

On a terraformed planet, the complex stack of sentient infrastructures called the Mnemosyne Technologies constitute an artificial biosphere.

Long after any human subsist, the world is controlled by these singularities.

The artificial intelligences’ resources are invested into a research program and simulation named Celestial Reactors.

The purpose of the experiment is unclear.

🌞 The Experience

This game is focused on discovery : you are invited to explore, observe, and experience out-of-this-world places.

The story is conveyed through the environment and symbolic imagery.

🌞 VR features

  • Room-scale experience

  • Gaze interactions

  • Controller support

  • Hand-tracking support (Leap Motion)

Celestial Reactors on Steam



The game is similar to Vectromirror 0. Although in early access, as of writing, the 3 levels are extremely fun to play. It is a bit harder than Vectromirror 0, so be prepared focus! Overall a really fun game, and definitely worth the cost.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

An incredible game. I’ve never played a game with better physics or game mechanics. The graphics are very unusual but unique. I can’t think of any flaws.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Vectromirror™ on Steam