Life Tastes Like Cardboard

Life Tastes Like Cardboard


+++++sound design



–-some unclear puzzles/ fuzzy sense of progression

-lots of reading if you hate reading

What I played: Life Tastes Like Cardboard

What I expected: sad man talks to a raccoon

What I got: depression

Long Version

I really wanted to do just a joke review, but it would not do this game justice.

I did not expect this game to have so much content. I found this game like everyone else, browsing games on Steam out of boredom. Especially a free game bold enough to have MS paint scrawled on its forefront, this is an unforgettable experience. I didn’t realize it was a so-called “walking simulator,” but I now realize it after finishing it. I still recommend it with complete sincerity. This game is all about putting you into moods and atmospheres. As clichés go, it really is surreal. I don’t regret the hours I’ve lost to this game.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract Gore Games.

The only way to describe this game is “human”.

Probably the only game I’ve ever played where I wanted to meet it’s maker, to talk to him and make sure everything’s alright. This game will hit everyone differently, as it should. Some people will be completely in sync with it, others will have vague memories to when their life was like this, and to other this will be a completely foreign experience. I’ve never felt so attached to a character that is practically a piece of crudely drawn printer paper. It’s a game that I wish as many people can play. But at the same time, its small audience makes it something truly special, like a small band of moths that found a lost flame that it cannot escape.It’s so weird how such a niche piece of media has made me more emotional than entire corporate AAA titles can ever achieve.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Life Tastes Like Cardboard on Steam

My Hole is a Mouth of Dirt

My Hole is a Mouth of Dirt

‘We lose ourselves in the things we love. We find ourselves there too.’ - Kirstin Martz

In this surreal psychological horror made in RPGmaker MV, Mole enters a tunnel complex under the premise he is being guided by God to complete a purpose during the ‘Endtimes’. Throughout Mole’s time spent down there we see him seeking out the Voice to direct him and, it is here, we see the mental journey being taken until Mole is finally ‘told’ what he must do by the Voice which is to bring a baby to Him. It is this task that enables Mole to confront struggles & overcome challenges in order to complete this Purpose.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract Violent Games.

I feel physically sick after playing this because of how involved I got and how badly the jumpscares got me, and I think this is worth a shot, however I do have some notes:

  • The speed: I get giving a run option would mean rethinking a lot of the chase parts, but it was kind of frustrating in some points.

  • The music: I’d never recommend lyrics AND writing you have to read and understand (it’s not accessible for many people), and some of the music felt particularly out of place - in particular, the jukebox was playing something too cheery. It was not bad, just weird.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

My Hole is a Mouth of Dirt on Steam



This game made my question my sanity.

To most people, you probably wouldn’t enjoy it. It’s a joke game that is a really long walking simulator. The jokes are a bit bland–but I did find myself laughing at two different points. Pimp My Shadow is one of two highlights I enjoyed from it, and the second being the Truth ending. I had actually played through this game before, but that was before it got achievements. I played through it again to get them…but it’s so slow and boring that I can’t be bothered to get the last two secret achievements.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract Free to Play Games.

my friend told me to do it and i didnt understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

TRATEL64 on Steam



Very interesting game.

Unless you are good at remembering everything I suggest you take notes as you may get lost in some levels.

It is quite intriguing exploring a woman’s sexuality like this and I do recommend picking this up and trying it out.

My only 2 gripes with the game are:

1. There is no in game sound settings as it is rather loud.

2. There doesn’t seem to be a way to see which cards you have viewed or not when it comes to the view all cards achievement.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Interesting concept. I liked progressing through the story and learning more about the games different plots. Thought-provoking and brings a new experience to your steam library. For the price, it was incredible!!

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

CLT on Steam

Please Love My Computer Game

Please Love My Computer Game

Short version: if you enjoy really difficult riddles that forces your mind to work on different paces, this game is for you. Do you think you are good at solving riddles? This game will prove that you need more people to actually solve it. Extremely cryptic game with lots and lots things to solve.

Actual review:

I did play all games of Yai Gameworks, and this one cannot be compared with prequel to this game: Close me. On top of all, the game simply forces player to get more people to work on it, because each person sees things differently - and that’s the key. Could easily say, this game is one complicated ARG. Do you enjoy digging in games, thinking a lot, and creating tons of theories about solutions? If you do, you might really enjoy this game. But it also can be really frustrating. With having one line of text and nothing else, player won’t progress in any way till it gets solved. The riddles themselves are smart and unique, and what is important, they forces to make actual brainstorm with other people. This game is NOT made to play alone! This game will also make you stuck in many places till some riddles gets solved. Getting more people means getting more ways of looking at things, which might be it. But above everything: solving in group gives huge satisfaction when finding solution to each of the riddles!

Real player with 57.1 hrs in game

Tltr: If you are an easter-egg hunter, or if you love discovering or digging in games, I HIGHLY reccomend this.

I have played it since beta-keys were available on other sites.

I will not talk much about the content itself. It will hurt your experience.

Only what I can say is this game is about de-cyphering and discovery.

First, watch the trailer. You’ll find some letters are written in awkward font.

If you can guess at this point like “Ah, this game is about finding letters of the font. After I collect 26 or 52 letters, it’s over”, then YOU WILL LOVE THIS DEFINETELY.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Please Love My Computer Game on Steam



“He belongs to time."

Experience Raige’s journey through a desolate world he doesn’t want to live in. Why should he? It’s always easier to STOP.

The Experience:

  • Observe a PSX-inspired world in first-person

  • Meet and interact with a cast of faceless characters

  • Explore various indoor and outdoor environments in a dark and depressing atmosphere

  • Six Chapters

  • Listen to a relentless ambient soundscape

  • Attempt to make sense of your world

  • Hope

  • Or don’t.

**This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed.

There are very mature themes present, please proceed with caution.**

welcome to zero.

Raige on Steam

Tree Simulator 2022

Tree Simulator 2022

Firstly, I would like to preface this review with this:

To all the other reviewers out there giving this game a positive rating, trying to make funny jokes about how good the gameplay is, they’re just trying to farm points. If you look at their playtime, most of them have less than an hour! You cannot truly experience the greatness of this game in a few minutes, an hour, or even 10. I have only just scratched the surface with my 100 hours, so I will be making constant updates as I play this game

Real player with 2179.5 hrs in game

This game saved my life.

I am 25.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

Tree Simulator 2022 on Steam



I didn’t expect much from a text game, but to my surprise, it’s one of the most enjoyable narrative games that I played in months - I would even suggest using headphones because the sound design is just so good. The trailer does not give the game justice, I think it’s very atmospheric and even haunting to some extent, it just has that foreboding feel when you play it. It only has about 40 minutes of content for one playthrough, not counting multiple endings, so it’s closer to 2 hours for completion. The way the game tells a story is very creative as you have to help people by conveying their thoughts into letters. The characters will present you with multiple words, and you have to type the most appropriate one within the context. If you want, you can screw up on purpose and get some funny responses, which may result in a different ending. In a way, the game kind of checks your vocabulary, it starts easy, but some of the characters will talk in poems and metaphors – I didn’t get it on a first try.I am not an authority on writing, English is not even my first language, but I thought the narrative was exceptionally good, and it kept me engaged the whole way.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Full article with images and proper formatting:


I really had a lot of fun while playing Inkslinger. You don’t often see a game which not only has an interesting story, but also a great graphical style and unique gameplay. It is really a hidden diamond amongst indie games. Though I’m fully aware that this game will not be a good fit for the average gamer, if you don’t mind a slower paced story-driven game, definitely give it a try.

The only downside of the game is that it’s very short. For my first playthrough it took me only about 50 minutes to complete the entire game, and that was with carefully reading everything and trying out different options as answers. The game does encourage you to play through it multiple times, but it would have been nice to see the story being altered a bit depending on the choices the player makes.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Inkslinger on Steam

Back again

Back again

A great and fun platformer with a cool aesthetic, good music and a nice little story packed in voiced by Dexter Manning

Definitely recommend playing it and for its price, it’s a steal!

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Simple visual style, cryptic and creepy narrative, some chill music, and some platforming that, when you get the hang of it, can be cleared easily. The checkpoint system is the real punisher, but are well spaced-out. Give it a go when you can!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Back again on Steam