Paper Shakespeare: Cthulhu Coriolanus

Paper Shakespeare: Cthulhu Coriolanus


General Caius “Coriolanus” Martius is one of Rome’s most feared warriors. So, you know, as this is a war story, that’s gonna have a happy ending. As a war story in Shakespeare Times™, it will 100% have a happier ending than any other happy ending.

Yes, that’s sarcasm.

Enemies are around every corner. Old vendettas lurk in every shadow. War is never over. Navigate Caius through this poorly-drawn (boy, that joke is really overused by now) visual novel of battle, betrayal, and choices that you have to make every so often that may or may not throw the story in a new direction. A direction that Shakespeare never intended. Scary, right? Total Death of the Author right here.

Navigate a weird lil' adventure game of war and more war, and sometimes politics. The politics of - wait for it:

Modern Warfare.

  • As Caius, the choices you make in how exactly to respond to certain situations may open up other paths down the road

This is totally not a parody or a satire of anything.

50% of all sales go towards the Wounded Warrior Project and Feast of Crispian.

About the Wounded Warrior Project

Wounded Warrior Project is a charity and veterans service organization that offers a variety of programs, services and events for wounded veterans of the military.

About Feast of Crispian

Feast Of Crispian is a non-profit organization that brings professional actors and veterans together to strengthen the emotional resources they need to overcome trauma and reintegration issues.

Read More: Best Abstract Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

Paper Shakespeare: Cthulhu Coriolanus on Steam

Orbi Universo

Orbi Universo

It’s Democracy meets Civilization.

Still a work-in-progress, and from a part-time indie dev, but what you see here shows promise.

If you’re a Civ/Paradox/Democracy fan, it’s an easy recommendation.

If you’re not too sure about it, grab it on sale, or wait until they finish all the ages that make the core gameplay.


  • Less intimidating upfront than Democracy, you start from humble begginings.

  • You can start at any place in the globe

  • Many different paths to take your civilization through

Real player with 81.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract Simulation Games.

This game is unique. Maybe not much replayability, but there definitely is some. In the bronze age I had a shining civilization, the entire Iron Age was a time of unparalleled ascension, but I quickly over expanded and then the disruption caused by the immense amount of minorities quickly destroyed my stability. I kept undermining the power of the clergy in order to stop them from toppling my republic, which caused the number of heathens and heretics to rise to such a point as to ruin my stability even further. There was this entire collapse scenario very reminiscent of the fall of the Roman Republic, culminating in a coup d’etat by the military which led to a quickly fragmenting military dictatorship that saw a snowball of decline that just kept rolling and rolling.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Orbi Universo on Steam