Orbi Universo

Orbi Universo

It’s Democracy meets Civilization.

Still a work-in-progress, and from a part-time indie dev, but what you see here shows promise.

If you’re a Civ/Paradox/Democracy fan, it’s an easy recommendation.

If you’re not too sure about it, grab it on sale, or wait until they finish all the ages that make the core gameplay.


  • Less intimidating upfront than Democracy, you start from humble begginings.

  • You can start at any place in the globe

  • Many different paths to take your civilization through

Real player with 81.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract Simulation Games.

This game is unique. Maybe not much replayability, but there definitely is some. In the bronze age I had a shining civilization, the entire Iron Age was a time of unparalleled ascension, but I quickly over expanded and then the disruption caused by the immense amount of minorities quickly destroyed my stability. I kept undermining the power of the clergy in order to stop them from toppling my republic, which caused the number of heathens and heretics to rise to such a point as to ruin my stability even further. There was this entire collapse scenario very reminiscent of the fall of the Roman Republic, culminating in a coup d’etat by the military which led to a quickly fragmenting military dictatorship that saw a snowball of decline that just kept rolling and rolling.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Orbi Universo on Steam



Poor layout and buggy.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract Minimalist Games.


Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Safe on Steam



Rotator is a casual 2D puzzle game based on groupped diamonds. Each falling diamonds group can be move, rotate, scroll and fast drop. If a stack of diamonds exceeds the height of the board, you lose lives. For destroy diamonds, you must collect same colored diamonds in defined order. In order to move to the next level, you need to collect a certain amount of diamonds. Passage of each level of the game is limited by the time that is regulated by the level of complexity of the game that you have chosen for yourself. The game supports two gameplay modes: classic match3 gameplay and gameplay by different match3 levels. Also, you can adjust the size of a group of diamonds, the speed of the fall diamonds, the level of filling the playing field at the beginning of the game, the complexity of the game. Experience endless gameplay with unique puzzles every day in a beautiful game filled with different surprises, explosions under magic music and sound effects.

Read More: Best Abstract Casual Games.

Rotator on Steam



DiamondFalls like tetris-match-3 type puzzle game designed for puzzle fans. The goal of the game is to solve the puzzle in such a way that there should be a possibility to collect all same colored diamonds and balls in the certain order on the level. The puzzle consists of many interacting objects, which can change their state depending on some influence or different game situation. Diamonds, balls, stones and bombs fall down under gravitation influence and time for all these operations is limited. Enthralling and advanced logic levels, elaborated interface and various visual and sound effects will bring you a lot of pleasure!

DiamondFalls on Steam



Arkanoid with optic styled physics and different bonuses.

Lasertrons can be reflected, refracted, decompose into a spectrum of lasertrons, change their colors. The white lasertrons can destroy blocks of any color, while the color lasertrons can only destroy blocks of the same color. Deactivated lasertrons can’t destroy any blocks. Clean the playing field by lasertrons!

There are 3 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard.

The game supports two save modes by checkpoints or passed levels.

The complete game distribution includes 60 levels.

Lasertron on Steam