

The game was very cool and taught me about whats going on in the world. The use of visual metaphor and game play to convey the idea of a world that is working against you is pretty cool. This may just be pondering in my part, but the female and male models stacked in top of each other to convey that you are in-between is pretty smart and it’s embarrassing to say that it took me awhile to get it.

Great game with great mechanical and visual story telling. Hope everyone stays safe and has a great pride.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract RPG Games.

The character walks around backwards is that on purpose like a homage to OoT speed run? (That would be cool but …) As for the story I could not figure it out so I stopped reading and explored. Interesting game but have no idea what’s going on. The secret room was cool tho.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

flaming/million on Steam



P0 is a fun, very challenging puzzle game. I got stuck not that far into the game and keep saying just one more try over and over. If you like challenges and puzzle games you will like P0. It was odd at first but after 5 minutes I got the hang of how to play.

I recommend using a controller you will find it easier than using the keyboard. Also when you open the game it is in a small window so you need a program called Borderless Gaming to play this in full screen.

7 out of 10

Find more reviews from me on my Steam curator page:

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract Experimental Games.

Rather annoying game concept, already at the 1st level. The movement system is rather janky, diagonal movement-inputs (such as W+A or Up+Left arrow key at the same time) get quite often registered as only a horizontal or vertical input, which causes you to basically instantly fail in some levels, forcing you to fully repeat them again.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

P0 on Steam

COVID: The Outbreak

COVID: The Outbreak

get it in 80% off

one of the best game during Lockdown or Quarintie or stay at home order !

compared to another Honor/ shooting / War fighting games flooding in Ste-am Va-lve playing million per day

this is great education game for upperclass and Private school or mutilanguastic or Frequency traveler to learn how the Commerical tycoon/Politican thinking

however according to mogolia/KAKZ conlony PRC citizen think , the wuhan bio-Weapon dead rate is 5% but if they don’t Work in nightlife, the dead rate is 100%

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Abstract Strategy Games.

So I found this game by a pure accident a couple hours before getting published and rushed to buy it, hoping to find a game that’s complex, detailed, realistic and most importantly, let’s me cope with the zombie apocalypse going currently in the world and the quarantine shitshow.

The game turned out to be exactly what I expected and far more, the amount of data available is truly astonishing and immersive, all the actions you can take, quarantine, public order maintenance, research, border closing, decisions you have to make during various random events that can appear, all this makes for an excellent simulation, and the fact that I’ve received a product that already looks very polished despite probably being made rather quickly is mindblowing. I really hope it’ll be updated accordingly as the situation develops and more knowledge about the virus will be gained.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

COVID: The Outbreak on Steam

Kamikaze Veggies

Kamikaze Veggies

Red, communist vegetables want to take control over the world. Only a special squad of veggies - warriors can stop them. If you like absurd humor and a breath of adventure on your back, then you’ve come to the right place!

Kamikaze Veggies is a game where the wrong move means death. Keep your eyes peeled! You need to be focused to react quickly to a threat. If you are smart, you have a chance of a successful mission. When the frontline situation is dire, use a suicide blast. This is the specialty of the rebel crew.

Red communist vegetables are your enemy. They are cruel and ruthless bastards. They want to take control of the whole world. Reds are better armed, and their troops contain GMO mutants - extremely aggressive beasts.

Get ready for a deadly encounter. War is not a place for cowards!

Key features:

  • Single-player mode with an interesting story

  • Third-person perspective

  • 3D graphic

  • Split-screen mode option (co-op for two players)

  • Unique gameplay based on the sacrifice of kamikaze warriors

  • Many interesting missions

  • Many fascinating characters with different skills

  • Beautiful and contrasting art styles with great music

Kamikaze Veggies on Steam

Orbi Universo

Orbi Universo

It’s Democracy meets Civilization.

Still a work-in-progress, and from a part-time indie dev, but what you see here shows promise.

If you’re a Civ/Paradox/Democracy fan, it’s an easy recommendation.

If you’re not too sure about it, grab it on sale, or wait until they finish all the ages that make the core gameplay.


  • Less intimidating upfront than Democracy, you start from humble begginings.

  • You can start at any place in the globe

  • Many different paths to take your civilization through

Real player with 81.2 hrs in game

This game is unique. Maybe not much replayability, but there definitely is some. In the bronze age I had a shining civilization, the entire Iron Age was a time of unparalleled ascension, but I quickly over expanded and then the disruption caused by the immense amount of minorities quickly destroyed my stability. I kept undermining the power of the clergy in order to stop them from toppling my republic, which caused the number of heathens and heretics to rise to such a point as to ruin my stability even further. There was this entire collapse scenario very reminiscent of the fall of the Roman Republic, culminating in a coup d’etat by the military which led to a quickly fragmenting military dictatorship that saw a snowball of decline that just kept rolling and rolling.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Orbi Universo on Steam