Wanted Raccoon

Wanted Raccoon

I really love how fun WANTED RACCOON is & I’ve been really looking forward to playing this awesome game everyday as new content missions are added almost daily. I play a lot of RPG type games & they can quickly get boring with mindless button mashing & uninspired content. That isn’t the case with this game because so far the missions are very interesting to complete & sometimes the things you have to do are really funny. I can easily see myself replaying this game just for the sheer fun it offers plus the animal characters are super cute! The concept of using animals as the main characters is so cool that I wish more games would follow their example. I hope they offer a way to customize your raccoon in the future like maybe different shirts &/or hats & different styles of the backpack would be pretty neat. Another idea would be ways to vary the fur color pattern like maybe different under the eye fur patch shapes or different stripe patterns.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Adventure Games.

I will say that the game has a fair share of bugs–however, within the hour of the first game-breaking bug being found, the devs rolled out a patch to fix it. So, I’m not horrendously appalled by bugs, because they’re already showing how quickly they will fix them. It’s also very simple and quick to file bugs either on Discord or in-game.

The only other jarring potential is some localization issues to English. Which, I’m sure will be updated in time, as the devs are not English-based from what I can tell on their Discord. With the community as helpful as they seem, I’m sure a lot of the localization will be ironed out over time.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Wanted Raccoon on Steam

A Wake Inn

A Wake Inn

Very good exploration puzzle horror game…

Graphics are excellent, audio sfx are on point, performance takes a dip some times, but its not constant or overtly annoying (i have a 1080).

The ambience on this game is really well done, you feel the tension in every room and part of the building.

Story flows at a good pace, and while it was a bit confusing at first i got the gist of it and understood what what happening.

The inventory system is really cool, like no holsters or menus, you grab stuff and place it in your carry on, it has a few mechanics that make you think “hey thats pretty clever use of vr”.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Asymmetric VR Games.

This is one of the most atmospheric and immersive games I’ve played in VR. The environments are beautiful, eerie, and richly detailed. The ambient sounds are entrancing. The hotel feels expansive but the environments gently guide you in the right direction as you progress. The level of horror has been just right for me so far. It’s slow and creepy but punctuated by moments of intense action and unsettling discoveries.

As other reviewers have mentioned, your experience with this game might be spoiled by the awkwardness of the controls or by motion sickness. My will to progress in this game has often been at odds with my stomach. I settled upon using the joystick mounted on the wheelchair for movement in the game. I found this method to be immersive while allowing me to play short sessions with minimal discomfort. The comfort settings are helpful, but I would prefer that the game include an option for reduced FOV for all movement, not just turning.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

A Wake Inn on Steam



Truly the Dark Souls of being a frog

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Nature Games.

Ever wanted to be a little frog?

Sounds nice and relaxing right?

Well you’re wrong!

It’s hardcore survival. It’s kill or be killed.

Frogworld is an intense survival horror in which you must avoid many predators that won’t hesitate to end your life, in turn you must also not hesitate to take the life of your own prey so you’re strong enough to survive. There are no checkpoints in the levels which really ramps up the intensity of encounters.

Genuinely scary, particularly if you are afraid of snakes, fish, birds, turtles, ants or cars.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Frogworld on Steam

Wolf and Pigs

Wolf and Pigs

Move like a Spider-Man using the grappling hook was fun!

Even though there’s a lot of movement requires, it wasn’t dizzy

I was totally immersed in a wolf to take revenge on the three little pigs

I highly recommend this game

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Wolf and pigs have attractive graphics and character designs. The character design of an enemy pig is unique and attractive.

(You can’t see the wolf. )

The background is unique as it seems to walk through the wilderness of the West.

The way to move is thrilling and unique. It is good to move because it shoots a hook on the hand and pulls the hook to move. Sometimes a wrong launch can cause it to fall down, which can be dizzying if you were immersed in the game.

I haven’t gone to the stage where the boss comes out yet, but I will play hard and clear it. I’m looking forward to the next update.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Wolf and Pigs on Steam

Dead or Mad

Dead or Mad

In the depth of swamps, where neither caravans nor conqueror’s army don’t go, where robbers, looters and such find a secure shelter from the justice, there is a small village. People there had been living their complicated, but quiet lives. They were fishing, gathering berries and mushrooms, but spending evenings in the local tavern to brighten their existence this way. The time there seemed to stop and nothing could destroy the peace. They would still live like this, but fate decreed otherwise. One by one they began to go missing and go mad, while others had died of disease. The reason is unknown. Probably, the place is cursed or the residents have done something for which they should be punished. You’ll have to go through many dangers and find the cause of all these ills, but don’t expect help from the locals. They’ll probably keep something from you.

Dead or Mad on Steam

Somewhere on Zibylon

Somewhere on Zibylon

Note: My card idler went crazy on this one and gave me way too many played hours.

Somewhere in Zibylon is a Descent-like third person puzzle/exploration/combat game where you control a robot zone and fly through various environments.

While certainly a good concept, the implementation here is completely broken. Fixed controls, and broken controls (I was unable to propel the ship, I could just look around). Maybe with control mapping that could have been worked around but as is, for many gamers, this game will be unplayable. No resolution options either. $14 is a joke for an unplayable game.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

What a cute little game! The puzzles are actually quite fun, though they do make me feel a bit stupid at times. Some are pure logic ones involving levers, weights, timing, and so forth, but a fair amount of others have to do with figuring out the geometry of the space you’re in. The game is quite beautiful at times, and while it feels (I can’t tell for sure yet) like it is not going to have many sandbox elements or choices, it’s pretty relaxing if you take your time. Just take a look at the video and I hope you’ll see that this is no ordinary “random game that was released with a flurry of other games on Steam”, the developer put a true effort into making it worth the bother.

Real player with 31.4 hrs in game

Somewhere on Zibylon on Steam

Hagia Sophia VR Experience

Hagia Sophia VR Experience

This is basically one single level room. It’s a very nicely done single level room with some neat audio attached to the objects in it but within minutes I’d come to the conclusion that I wasn’t keeping this ‘game’. There just isn’t enough to it to keep me interested for even the two hours after which Steam won’t refund my purchase. I intend to go through it a bit more and then delete it. I’d rather have the $5 back than keep it.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Unfortunately, this is a half-assed “experience” that is limited only to a part of the ground floor of Hagia Sophia. You do not get access to the top floors or to certain parts of the ground floor. Additionally, it is chock full of translated verses of the Quran instead of providing historical information on this magnificent masterpiece of a building. Perhaps the developers are attempting to promote the Islamic religion, as I really cannot find a convincing explanation as to why verses of the Quran have been placed throughout the building instead of something more relevant to the experience. Additionally, it can only be experienced as an overlay of steamVR, otherwise it won’t work. There is no option to adjust the video settings in spite of this experience being clearly non-optimised for PC as evidenced by the horrible amount of tearing I experienced in spite of running it on RTX 2080 ti. and a 9900k processor I do not recommend bothering with this experience.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Hagia Sophia VR Experience on Steam



I’ve followed this game ever since I watched Node play it on their channel. Since then, I’ve followed gameplay videos and watched their development, hoping for the day I could play it. Once I finally got my VR headset, it was the first game I bought. And I can only say it was well worth it. Shortly after, they fully released the game, introducing more features, new sound design, and a cool new map. Today, the gameplay never gets old, and I enjoy challenging myself both at the keyboard and in the headset. Every game is different, and it challenges your approach and attention to detail. Great party game if you ask me - the fun never ends. My only complaint is that one of the maps has a bug that affects the headset with glitchy movement (disorienting), which is a shame - I love the art and music in that level. Team Panoptes, if you read this, please try to fix this issue. After that, I will have no further complaints over what I consider one of my top favorite VR games.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

This is the only multiplayer VR game I have truly enjoyed. Panoptic brings great innovation in the VR genre! I hope to see more local multiplayer VR games with headset vs keyboard/mouse players.

Currently, the game has 7 levels, all beautifully and intricately designed. Some are easier for the Challenger, others are easier for the Overseer. Settings allow you to tweak the difficulty to handicap either player. Playing in VR as the Overseer truly feels like you are overseeing a world of minions doing your bidding. Playing as the Challenger makes you feel small with tense game play and a struggle to survive. It’s amazing how well the developers made two very unique, asymmetric experiences in one game.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Panoptic on Steam

Evasive Maneuvers

Evasive Maneuvers

Evasive Maneuvers is a team-based online multiplayer spaceship arena. Between 2-8 players will be split into 2 teams; runners and hunters. Runners are attempting to pickup enough energy to power up the warp gate to allow their escape. The hunters are attempting to prevent runners from escaping by using their ramming ships.

Hunters have abilities that allow them to detect and hinder runners. Runners can avoid detection by deploying defensive abilities and hiding.

Use your surroundings to hide from the enemy. Use your boost if you dare! You may be faster, but are very easily detected. Be wary of when you use it. Work together, stay hidden, and good luck!


  • Pick up energy orbs to power up the gate

  • Avoid getting hit by hunters

  • Use abilities to evade and hide from hunters


  • Deny energy orbs by destroying them

  • Ram runners to destroy them

  • Use your abilities to locate and hinder runners

Evasive Maneuvers on Steam

Ghost Stories 2

Ghost Stories 2

Not so scary story about escaping a house by doing tasks. Not very bad, but I can’t recommend it.


You arrive at a house, and are attacked by a ghost. You pass out and awaken inside the gates. The game prompts you to complete tasks in order to escape. In and around the house a couple of white ghosts roam around, not overly aggressive since they mostly ignore you. When exploring the perimeter you find notes of people who lived there to provide a backstory.

A house…

…and that’s it… While the house is pretty decent created (with standard assets), it’s not enough to host an entire game. I can imagine that this is created by one person, and as for games made by a one-man-team, this is a decent attempt. It even has some voice acting!

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Got sent an early access code of the game, downloaded and completed it, the game graphically and sound wise it’s phenomenal, there are some tweaks needed here and there, but overall very very good, as for game play, well it’s overall smooth, and controls are standard, easy to use and play with, however the “ghosts” are irrelevant, there is ZERO “scare” factor in this game, they are more just in the background or in the way as you try to solve the puzzles, overall the games fun and you’ll get about 2.5/3 hours of play time (first run) before you complete it.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Ghost Stories 2 on Steam