Gloomy Eyes

Gloomy Eyes

Played with Oculus Quest 2 and Virtual Desktop streaming.

This was incredibly pleasant. Totally worth it on sale for a half hour experience. Worth it regardless if you don’t need to be as concerned over finances. But I would like to see more of these at $5. Girlfriend watched it first and then I did. Was a nice activity for the weekend.

You don’t need controllers once it starts up simply looking at the 3 chapters will start them.

You will want a decent guardian area set up as you’ll want to get in close at times or change your viewing perspective. It’s 360 degrees although things aren’t happening everywhere all the time. It’ll be clear where you should be looking. Sometimes it’s lower to the ground or higher up. Similar to Allumette: The Little Match Girl in style. I do wish it was a little brighter even if it’s supposed to be dark.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Narration Games.

Stars received: 7.5/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.7] Controls & Training & Help

[0.3] Menu & Settings

[0.8] Sound & Music

[0.7] Graphics

[0.6] Game Design

[1] Game Story

[0.7] Game Content

[0.8] Completion time (level/game)?

[0.7] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0.2] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[1] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: a 30 minutes long story in 3 episodes

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Gloomy Eyes on Steam

BATTLESCAR: Punk Was Invented By Girls

BATTLESCAR: Punk Was Invented By Girls

Got it for 56 cents as a part of a bundle. Still got disappointed.

To be fair, it is well executed in terms of visual storytelling and cinematography. Some really creative sets there!

Unfortunately, these can’t do much if the narrative and the main characters are bland and uninteresting. The abrupt and undercooked ending made the already underwhelming story - a complete waste of time for me.

Also, it is an oculus exclusive, has a good amount of gender politics at its core, and if your chapter gets interrupted, like USB disconnection (thanks AMD) you need to suffer through the whole chapter without the option to skip forward.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Cinematic Games.

As a VR artist, I really enjoyed this experience. It is quite daring in terms of the format of narrative and also mixing a kind of “book” feel into the VR aesthetic. I would recommend it for any VR artists as a source of inspiration.

The story is not the best however, a bit tacky and shallow but still enjoyable.

Disappointed that it took much longer to get on Steam than on Oculus Store and also that they only support Oculus headsets, especially since there are almost no interactions (any?), so it’s not like supporting controllers of other headsets would’ve been difficult.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

BATTLESCAR: Punk Was Invented By Girls on Steam

Overload Playable Teaser 3.0

Overload Playable Teaser 3.0

There have been many attempts to rekindle the magic of Descent, the venerable progenitor of the entire 6DoF genre. Some have been bug-ridden trash, others have been moderately acceptable if lacking polish, and a couple have been well-made but lacking in important features like multiplayer. But the true look, feel, and pace of the Descent originals have only ever been rivaled by the equally-venerable competitor, Forsaken. Even the recent entrants to the field, Descent: Underground and Sol Contingency, pay homage to their forebears while not quite adequately delivering the full experience.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Free to Play Games.

ORIGINAL: When I first saw Overload I was a little skeptical (as other 6DOF games left me a tad disappointed, even the better ones), but when I saw who was developing it (the original creators of Descent) and after 30 min of playing the TEASER I immediately dropped down a TON of money to fund this game. It is everything I’ve been wanting from a descent game since Descent 1-3 came out, and even if it doesn’t carry the name, after playing it you will understand. This game has the heart and soul of descent. The atmosphere is created by the levels, music, and robot sounds. The bots dodge, flank, and run away from you. Controls felt perfect, and that was at the default settings. Very well done, and this is just the playable teaser. It’s free to try, and you should. I love every bit of this.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Overload Playable Teaser 3.0 on Steam

Walk On Mars

Walk On Mars

Walk On Mars is a free VR experience. It worked on my system, looked ok, played ?, sounded ok. You are plopped into a crater on Mars. The only movement is you moving in your play space. The background music is ok, but you cannot mute or change volume. They put a credit sign behind you over the wall of the crater, breaking immersion. No space suit hands and arms or body. The sky is Wrong in this map, Martian sky does not show stars and the galaxy. Maybe ok, as a zen garden experience.

Try it, but there is better experiences like this out there.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Walk On Mars is a free VR-only “walking sim” where you get to wear a VR headset and look at a pretty bad skybox and some martian looking landscape. Unlike other walking simulators, there’s nowhere to walk to, which kind of misses the point of them.

It’s nice that this is free, but there’s nothing to it, it’s not a game, so I can’t recommend it to gamers.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Walk On Mars on Steam

Thrust & Shoot : Flight School

Thrust & Shoot : Flight School

I’ve been searching for different space simulator games, and this game is definately on the list of REQUIRED games to play. It’s one of a kind in it’s simplicity, and is the absolute answer to “asteroid 3d”. Other games introduce many mechanics that make them their own, or more specially categorized, but this game is alone in ACTUALLY OFFERING “asteroid 3d” flight mechanics. use a game controller, and get used to using the “radar” to change direction towards your objectives right away. (you can’t see anything out the window for now,,, hopefully windows vr will be a plan, so you can at least look to each side,,,, and of course your top will be a good reason to start rolling so up is front)

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

So, after less than 5 hours, I’ve finished the tutorial… and the game, since so far, the game IS the tutorial.

Yet, I recommend it for anyone who enjoyed Lucasarts X-wing/Tie-fighter as a kid and the piloting part of KSP.

Here are a few pros and cons :

Pros :

  • The innovative realistic piloting system

  • The animations (bullets, missiles, explosions, …)

Cons :

  • The lack of rewarding feedback (U will never know if you’re hitting an ennemy ship until he has 0 hull point).

  • The absence of a campain mode (so far !)

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Thrust & Shoot : Flight School on Steam

AquaNox 2: Revelation

AquaNox 2: Revelation

I really want to like this game but I just can’t. It’s the kind of game you’d like to replay more often than you do, but then you remember all the bad parts you have to sit through on the way. The gameplay is fun if you’re doing what you would expect to be doing in this kind of game, namely fighting bad guys. Sadly, that happens maybe 25% of the time at best. Many missions in this game have you sloooowly make your way towards your destination or wait for enemies/alles to appear, followed by either a minor skirmish which is over before you know it, or an extremely difficult battle which you are likely to lose even after trying numerous times. Other missions make you navigate a maze of instant-kill lasers or attack fortified bases guarded by dozens of turrets that annihilate you if you’re not as careful as can be. Almost every mission works the same way: you wait a couple minutes for something to happen; when something does happen, it’s either not fun and takes up to half an hour, or it actually is fun and it’s over within a minute. I’m sad to say that only a few missions make for an exception to this rule.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Shear off all the fat, and this game is really just a second helping of the first game with a little more garnish. This is a perfectly acceptable thing. Of course, the fat is what we really need to discuss.

First, the good - the game plays well, looks… fine. It sounds slightly less fine, given some wonky voice acting and forgettable music. This is really simple, actually; if you’ve played a space - sorry, underwater - shooter before, particularly from the roughly 2000 era, you know what you’re getting into. It’s a solid entry in that vein, neat atmosphere. Overall fine missions, some particularly fun, a few absolute clunkers. It’s a 200_ action shooting thing. You know if this is your bag already, but hold your seahorses, because we still need to address all that needless fat.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

AquaNox 2: Revelation on Steam



TL:DR Aquanox is the kind of game you call a solid 6. Its not great and has lots of flaws, but it’s decent for a romp.(also see my final verdinct, pros and cons at the end)

To start off with the visuals. They were ok then, and they are passable for their age, but I think they could do better even back in the day when the game came out.

Soundwise the game is average with ok-ish sounds for weapons, good sounds for torpedoes and a repetitious soundtrack.

Voiceacting is wierd. It’s exaggerated in a cartoonish way in some instances, while its good in some others.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

This has been a game I’ve wanted to play for a very long time, but just couldn’t seem to find the time. There always seemed something better. I eventually decided that today was the day, and have now finished it in around 20ish hours.

The game is all set underwater in the watery realm of the Earth’s oceans. Being set 3 to 5 km under the water, there is still light, somehow, which is where the game derives much of its aesthetic charm, the rippling patterns of light on everything. If it wasn’t for that, the low-poly models and simplistic textures would look quite bland.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

AquaNox on Steam



Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my gameplay & initial impressions here:

If you really enjoyed Emily Wants to Play and want another VR game similar to that one & you’re okay with clunky VR interactions & gameplay mechanics that need refinement, then I can recommend this game for you. Otherwise, I would say it’s a wait for a sale / wait for an update to the game.

In this game you’re crawling in the crawlspace while being chased by killer dolls. Each night brings a new threat and a different way to handle the threat. Meanwhile, you’re collecting baby dolls and bringing them back to the little girl’s room that is on lockdown for some reason until you finish the job. You have 5 nights to survive and your progress is automatically saved after each successful night.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Crawlspace is a VR escape the room game with Horror element. It worked on my HTC Vive system, looked ok, played ok, sounded ok. You are trapped in a house with creepy dolls. You have to crawl through the crawl space to find dolls. Very scary. The skin for your arms were odd moving. There is nodal teleport movement and grip crawl movement. Very creepy environment. You have to survive in the house for five nights, each with different rules. So i guess you have to puzzle out how to stay safe from the scary doll attacks. The textures looked ok. The VR controls were ok. Game worked out of the box. Has in-game instructions as you started out.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Crawlspace on Steam

On Closer Inspection

On Closer Inspection


I liked this. It is quite interesting. I’d have liked to see more narration, and more use of VR as a medium.

If anyone’s interested in flying a Lancaster in VR, try Sturmovik.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

Not bad for a free educational app type experience for VR. You get to see 3D model recreations and even a mini-one to hold in your hand. There’s lots of information on the 4 different war vehicles. You also get an inside view which is like 360 photographs, but lacking true stereoscopic 3D so the scales are off.

Whole thing took me about 25 minutes, but it could have taken much longer if I had tried to get all the information possible. I just went for the most interesting ones. App is running on the Unity Engine and I had no performance issues on my RTX 3080. I did not experience any bugs.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

On Closer Inspection on Steam

Terminal Velocity

Terminal Velocity

Terminal Velocity is a game that I didn’t get the chance to play when I was younger. I ended up playing Microsoft Hellbender when I was younger instead and later looked to play the earlier games by TRI. Finally I played both this and Fury3 years later.

This game is extremely nostalgic to me and have plenty of great memories. It definitely would be hard for many to get into it since this comes packaged with DOSbox and does not have the same resolution settings that we are accustomed to today.

There is an attempt at a game engine rewrite called Terminal Recall which seems decent, however it is very slow on the laptop I usually use. I even made an attempt to dig into creating an engine to play the games but only ever got as far as opening and reading the game’s data files.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Great game, even to this day. Controls are perfect using the 360-Controller - firing with the right trigger is extremely satisfying! The levels however are a bit pale from a game design standpoint - you pretty much do the same all the time.

Note: I’ve played using the Microsoft 360-Pad and the Saitek PS3200. For some reason, the controls using the MS-Pad are a bit stiff in that the Analog Stick doesn’t seem to support diagonal movement. That means you can either move to the X- or Y-axis, but never both. The Saitek-Pad however works just fine and lets me do vertical movement. I don’t know if this is a problem with my PC but I thought I’d share this with you.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Terminal Velocity on Steam