Miner Wars 2081

Miner Wars 2081

To start: I loved playing this game. To a point. The controls seemed awkward at first, but once I got the hang of them, it turned into sheer awesome. That is, for a while. I’ve played through every single level of this game. Twice, actually. First complaint: I have never received a single achievement. There are 12 achievements. They are all based on story progression. I have none of them. I beat the game twice. There is an issue there.

Next, the… sheer incompleteness of it. There are a huge number of extra missions and things, and… Well, you see, by the end of the game you have three allies. Before a certain point, you only have one. Then, I think, you go up to three. Then back down to two, then up to three again. No matter what time during the game you venture to the optional side-missions, you WILL have all three allies. Even if you have no idea who the hell they are, or if you currently believe that ally to have DIED HEROICALLY. He’s just hanging around with you in a sidemission.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Adventure Games.

This review is long overdue for a game I consider to be worth the $4 bucks it’s on sale for now. Dear reader, you’ve probably seen the overwhelming negative reviews for this game. Take the time to read mine.

Let’s talk about positives.

  • If you like 6DOF like Descent, or some of its clones this game does the job nicely.

  • Environments are fully destructible (this can be in issue on some missions, like if there’s a terminal checkpoint you have to access but it’s been blown away)

  • Weapons for the most part are ballistic, and energy based weapons like lasers are non-existent.

Real player with 22.5 hrs in game

Miner Wars 2081 on Steam



It’s not descent, so get that out of your head. It’s way faster pace, and includes millions of upgrade combinations with hundreds of different play styles based on what loot you get and how you combine it together and upgrade. This is a very unique game in that the upgrades are so varied for both the player, the friendlies, and the hostiles, but they are mostly all the same sets! If you can do it, an enemy might do it too.

There are many lovingly made details, good progression that keeps the pace up to whatever speed you choose, and some pretty tough puzzles.

Real player with 179.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Open World Games.

I’ve been playing and testing this game for over a year, since April 2013. I was the first pre-alpha tester and I’ve submitted the most bug reports. I know the game. When I started it was great, and it has just been improved a lot in every area since then. I have played for hundreds of hours if you qount all the non-steam dev builds and while I have tried a lot of different ship loadouts there are still many ships and loadouts that I want to try but haven’t because new things to try is added all the time :) And this is true even after I’ve played past the levels where new qontent is unlocked for every progression!

Real player with 109.7 hrs in game

NeonXSZ on Steam

Terragon: Symbol Of Magic

Terragon: Symbol Of Magic

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here: https://youtu.be/pkt11rL07_s

Close call on whether to recommend or not. However, I just can’t recommend this game. The combat is too simplistic. The UI is too clunky. The visuals are bland with poor animations and sounds. I know the game is in Early Access, but it currently feels like the game should have come out in 2016 VR. There are simply much better VR RPG games out there.

All is not bad, however, there are some good things about this game. There are several interesting mechanics. You have several spell unlocks & upgrades, along with gear with different stats. There’s lots of different enemies. The promise of randomly generated levels is alluring.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Magic Games.

I’ve played for almost an hour and I’ve got to say this is a lot of fun so far. The creature models, effects and some of the environmental details are pleasing to the eye. There are several low-res textures as well, but that’s okay. Gesture based spell casting is always a pleasure, and the fact that you can store different spells in your other hand is a huge bonus. This so far is a really entertaining dungeon crawler and I can’t wait to sink more time into it.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Terragon: Symbol Of Magic on Steam

Dream Escape

Dream Escape

So I need to waste 20 min just to change the horrible control bindings on the index controllers because you thought it was a good idea to use the touchpad to change lanes.

And even after rebinding them it still occasionally move to the right for no reason.

After 5 minutes my ears where done. All sound effects in this game is crackling and extremely loud.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here: https://youtu.be/TTK29A10W58

So this is an endless runner … and a poorly made one at that. It’s running on the Unreal Engine and it’s one of the ugliest games you’ll see on the Unreal Engine.

Unlike most well-made endless runners, this one uses three clear tracks where you can move. You can lean right or left in order to move right or left. You can also shoot enemies or hit them with a melee weapon, like a frying pan. If you take damage you slow down and you’ll eventually lose if you slow down too much.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Dream Escape on Steam

Infected Prison

Infected Prison

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & full gameplay here: https://youtu.be/SJHkcKPCagM

This isn’t the worst zombie shooter ever. It’s got a little story (barebones) with VOs, a nice sized map, & a pretty fun to shoot bow & arrow. Heck, there’s even a tutorial (pretty rudimentary though). The problem is that the game feels like a demo instead of a full game. The developer said there was more to come when this game was released & stated lots of fixes were ahead. That may be true, but the game even isn’t listed as Early Access although it clearly should be given the state that it’s in. I finished the game in less than an hour on my first playthrough and less less than 30 minutes on my second.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

To call ‘Infected Prison’ a crap game would probably be an understatement. From the start the game judders and glitches even when running on a 3090, but the gameplay and graphics sadly don’t make up for it at all. The gameplay is boring with zombies you can walk up to and kiss on the lips and they won’t move, to controls that would only make sense to someone in a mental asylum. Its all just too over-complicated, over-priced and not something I can recommend in its current state.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Infected Prison on Steam

Into the Void

Into the Void

I might have gotten this for free… if not it was from a cheap 1$ bundle.

The game is a space exploration type of game with turn based combat. Although you can raid and attack planets, that battle is compleately automatic and you don’t even get to see it. Space combat can be played by AI or yourself and can’t be skipped.

There is a research tree, where you unlock different ship types, weapon upgrades, shields, various boosts and more.

You can own planets and get resources from them, but to be honest it’s much quicker to just fly around the galaxy and colect resources from the planets and raid them. I don’t think they are worth the resources to build mines on them, and you can’t build much on them anyways.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

I was compelled to review this game due to all the harsh criticism. That being said the game definitely has issues but all in all it is definitely a fun sci-fi battles/4x game. Not that cheap makes it better, but it is $2, and well worth that price.

The Good

The game has great background music, reminds me of the haunting sci-fi music from Ascendancy. The graphics are very good to great, in my opinion. The three levels of view from universe, to system to planetary/ships are very nice. The planetary views are my favorite– they all look really well done and alive! The stars make you feel like you are there and your ships will burn up if they stay in orbit too long. The story driven campaigns and quests are good. Not great but not bad, just good. I am glad they are there as opposed to other 4x that are bland, no story etc… Granted the stories are quirky, but they add liveliness. Its obvious the devs/writers had some fun. You even get choices in some cases though the results are not very different. The battles and effects are enjoyable, though some complaints to follow. Please be aware that Newtonian physics are not adhered to exactly in all effects, c’mon really! I don’t understand how people can complain about the explosions not being realistic etc- they are pretty cool. Finally, its fun to build your ships with the latest equipment and nail biting when they are engaged in a battle. Sometimes its easy though other times its so close and you lose ships.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Into the Void on Steam

Polygon World VR

Polygon World VR

Polygon world VR will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in an unusual low-poly style. With the visual composition and musical accompaniment, your consciousness will be completely relaxed by five minutes. The game gives you the opportunity to relax before, between or after other VR games or just relaxed after hard day.

#### Key Features

Gameplay - This game has many possibilities. You can: Fly like Superman, warm up muscles before training, overcome phobias, train with weapons, or just have fun. What will be the gameplay? One of those or you can find own?

Interact - In the game you can:

*Pick up staff like mug, knife, fork or weapon.

*Open doors.

*Climb on ladder, wall and balks.

*Much more coming soon.

Locations - Each location represents its own world or the era of that time. You will be able to penetrate the atmosphere of each era in just 10 minutes

Music - Every Location “world” has high quality music like on AAA games. Every location has more than 15 tracks. This track has specific atmosphere (Meditation, action adventure calming).

Visual - You gonna drop in on unusual low-poly style. There are no visual effects in our game that can cause discomfort for players.

What is the goal of Polygon World VR?


Who are the developers?

Just myself. This started off as a simple animal education project which I worked on as my portfolio. I only started learning to be as game dev or any IT branch. Now, after a 2019 Here we are!

Polygon World VR on Steam



In the game you have to earn money. You can play on a crypto exchange, or just collect bottles on the street.

Money is an integral part of the gameplay; it is used to buy food, alcohol, cigarettes and other at a local small shop, as well as various things on the Internet’s shops.

All this is necessary to maintain the physical condition of the main hero at the proper level. You can no longer sit at the computer carefree, addictions interfere with this, and money is needed to quench them.

Your only friend is a white rat. Stroking it fur lifts your spirits a little.

Mechanics and features

  • A operating system on your pc

  • Trading on the gaming exchange

  • Collectiong of glass botles on the street to sell it on collection point

  • Food cooking

  • Ability to buy junk on the Internet and furnish a room with it

  • Music player in your phone, with an excellent selection of Russian post-rock

Doomer on Steam

Exo: Into Starlight

Exo: Into Starlight

This is a beautiful little game (so far) and I like puzzles too so had fun with this. My niece and nephew enjoyed it also, we took turns doing surveys and finding items for our inventory. The save/load worked great so was able to jump in and out as time allowed. Next when share the game with another friend going to set up a controller to use for playing. I had waited to play this game as the dev mentioned there was an update coming and based on the early summer (positive but puzzled) review glad we did. We were able to figure out the level’s puzzle. and can see more is to come. Beautiful environment and I like that it is a exploration/puzzle game. Definitely see some influences of similar games that have enjoyed…so really looking forward to the 4 level version!! Thanks ,Superframe! ~Clio and friends

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Exo is a breathtakingly beautiful game that takes place on alien world. The attention to detail paid by the developers appears to be astronomical. The sky, the world, the water, as well as the flora and fauna that inhabit this world will leave you filled with wonder. This wonder will in turn lead you to want to explore more and more.

Visuals aside, this game is highly atmospheric, and the sounds are well placed to add to this experience. For example, while you are exploring you will be receiving radio up dates of discoveries being made on the planet, thus making the experience seem more genuine.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Exo: Into Starlight on Steam

Fantasy Dungeon VR

Fantasy Dungeon VR

Might be fun in the future. Its a nice idea. Just very poorly made. It needs a lot of work to be playable. Should not have been early released yet.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

The game looks good. The sound needs work (Beef up the hit effects and volume). There is some glitching with weapons on walls and enemies randomly sinking into the floor. I have not played very long yet, but as other reviewers stated there is potential here. I would prioritize the sound and move on from there. I am going to give a borderline recommendation because I want to give you encouragement to improve on a good foundation.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Fantasy Dungeon VR on Steam