Deep Space Battle Simulator

Deep Space Battle Simulator

I found this on-sale in some Sci-Fi Steam section, then I googled it, then I got it for my friend and I and we’ve loved it. You can hardly tell it’s an early access game- I have played for almost seven hours without finding a single bug! My recommendations would be to:

1: Add more classes and weapons. Maybe a Medic (TF2 inspired skin?) who could have a slightly increased self healing rate, and an ability to made some sort of mini tether-heal machine, like in the Medical Bay. I think that more weapons would also be cool, especially weapons in favor of one thing, and not the other- like a blowtorch. A blowtorch could be a very short-rage secondary that does high damage to doors and robots, but very low damage to players, or maybe a bomb or C4 that can deal very high damage to door and entities, maybe even the ship, but is a one time use item. Or maybe you can tie in the C4, blowtorch, add a pistol, and you could even make a demolitions expert class!

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF First-Person Games.

Great multiplayer game!!!

Here are some details: There can be 6 people on each ship, so 12 players total in PVP matches, or just 6 people in one co-op session vs the AI. The graphics do what they are suppose to do: Be there and convey all the actions going on. There will be times where it looks like to super ships battling it out with all the laser fire going on. That is about it with graphics. The game has pretty in-depth combat with variety of strats you can use to win against both computers and players. Want to focus on defense and getting your pilot ships to do damage? Dooooo it! Want to focus on moving your Capital Ship in for some crazy maneuvering with Gauss Cannons/Laser weapons and the super laser - Go for it. Want to break open a hangar and steal enemy ships or blow up some systems/people? Viable and fun.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Deep Space Battle Simulator on Steam

DRONE The Game

DRONE The Game

One hell of a game. Although still a prototype, I think you’ll enjoy the public release. I was a backer for this project and I can say that the money I spent was more than worth it. If you paid mind to the game’s info, you likely saw the 12 backer tiers. I started out at Tier 2 (“Traveler”) when I first heard of the game. When they released the multiplayer demos I couldn’t wait, so I bumped up to Tier 3 (“Explorer”) a few months later. Last year I decided to upgrade to Tier 4 (“Operator”), and as of 2 July 2019 I ended up upgrading to Tier 5 (“Engineer”) because this game really has turned out so well. If you needed proof for how much these guys delivered, here you go.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Arena Shooter Games.

This game showed significant promise in its early stages, and the main draw for me was being able to build and fly my own little fighting drones in the editor - with the hope of eventually being able to create land-based units with tank treads or mechanical legs.

However, development on this title unfortunately seems to have slowed to a complete halt: there hasn’t been an update, not even a bugfix, in over a year, and there’s been no word on how development is progressing in about 6 months.

They succeeded in their promise of delivering a functional drone editor, but even then a good portion of its features and place-able parts are unfinished, and at the moment users are restricted to basic cubes which they can cut into other shapes, as opposed to the totally freeform shapes seen in prebuilt designs. There’s also the slight issue of players being able to min-max their builds to obscene effectiveness by just putting a bunch of wings or something.

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game

DRONE The Game on Steam



I just met a very dedicated and pretty cool game developer, psionik, and took a ride with him and 2 other Descent Rangers through his game Geocore, which is available on steam. The game is in alpha and about to go beta so for the small $10 fee I got it. After a quick but in-depth set-up I hopped into the Fury, complete with an arsenal of weapons that could rip a tank a new one and we toured the map. This overcharged pyro-style wonder has got the feel down. I mean it could fly like D1 with the right tri-chording feel, it has the after burners, weapons and feel of D2 & D3 too. To say the least, I was impressed. The other rangers were also impressed and I just wanted to give him a thumbs up and a recommendation and provide a video link of the match we just had. If you have questions you can find him in the mumble chatroom on port 31393.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF First-Person Games.

I really want to advocate for this title, but unfortunately, it seems that the developer has moved on to other endeavors (no updates since 2018.)

As of right now, it generates random levels in single-player which you just sort of… go through until you die? I haven’t found an end to one yet, and likely won’t.

The weapons you’re given seem fine, but the aiming feels sluggish even after increasing the mouse sensitivity.

If you’re looking for a 6DOF game to play, there are better offerings on Steam:

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Geocore on Steam

Overload Playable Teaser 3.0

Overload Playable Teaser 3.0

There have been many attempts to rekindle the magic of Descent, the venerable progenitor of the entire 6DoF genre. Some have been bug-ridden trash, others have been moderately acceptable if lacking polish, and a couple have been well-made but lacking in important features like multiplayer. But the true look, feel, and pace of the Descent originals have only ever been rivaled by the equally-venerable competitor, Forsaken. Even the recent entrants to the field, Descent: Underground and Sol Contingency, pay homage to their forebears while not quite adequately delivering the full experience.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

ORIGINAL: When I first saw Overload I was a little skeptical (as other 6DOF games left me a tad disappointed, even the better ones), but when I saw who was developing it (the original creators of Descent) and after 30 min of playing the TEASER I immediately dropped down a TON of money to fund this game. It is everything I’ve been wanting from a descent game since Descent 1-3 came out, and even if it doesn’t carry the name, after playing it you will understand. This game has the heart and soul of descent. The atmosphere is created by the levels, music, and robot sounds. The bots dodge, flank, and run away from you. Controls felt perfect, and that was at the default settings. Very well done, and this is just the playable teaser. It’s free to try, and you should. I love every bit of this.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Overload Playable Teaser 3.0 on Steam



AS+CEND is a space shooter where you pilot powerful combat ships in ferocious clashes against other players in a fully 3D environment. Fight in complex arenas with six degrees of freedom using different ships, weapons and abilities. Each match in AS+CEND is a deliberate battle of deadly intent that can quickly become a frantic fight for your life, or resolve into a satisfying kill when all goes according to plan.

Think in all directions! Each side of an AS+CEND ship has a shield which protects you from attacks from that direction. Some of these facings also have weapons mounted. Attacking with these weapons will let you strip the shields from you enemies, but it will also drop the shields on that side. Claim victory by exposing your opponent’s hull while protecting your own weaknesses.

We’re working hard to bring more tools of destruction to the table. New ship frames will offer different movement styles and ultimate abilities to confound your enemies. New weapons will impose a variety of deadly threats in your conflicts. New abilities will create more opportunities for you to trick your opponents.

Regularly Updated Content

Ship Frames

We plan to introduce new ship frames each with a unique layout of equipment slots, movement power and ultimate ability.

Weapon Modules

We’re going to regularly add new weapons to the existing weapon types as well as introduce brand new archetypes.

Ability Modules

We’ll be adding new and interesting abilities to the game to mix up the combat formula and keep fights from getting too comfortable.

Combat Arenas

We’ll be developing more maps, generally timed against other major feature releases. Maps will be introduced in sets of combat arena that are all similarly themed and will be used in most of the game modes.

Upcoming Features


Patrols are single player activities designed for players who want to challenge their combat skills but don’t have the time or desire to compete directly against other players. This game mode will features progression and randomization for a different challenge each run!


Battles will be 3 vs 3 matches that will give players the chance to emphasize their teamplay in more goal-oriented game modes.


Everything from cosmetics to custom ship layouts, we’re planning on allow players to tailor their equipment to their own desired play style.

Ranked Play

We’re planning on having seasonal ranked options for players who wish to play with and against similar skilled players and challenge themselves to rise through the ranks.

AS+CEND on Steam

Tidal Shock

Tidal Shock

This game is addictive! I find myself wanting to play “just one more round” again and again. I love the array of weapons and the variety of terrain in the arena makes it slightly easier to navigate as you play more. Controlling your character underwater in 360 degrees is a new take that makes this game all the more entertaining and challenging.

I’m not great at this game (or any multiplayer shooter for that matter), but I keep coming back for more. Even if I’m not in the lead, I always feel like I’m still in the running. The lead changes often throughout the round and your position in the game can change in a split second with one profitable kill or one strategic drop off at the reactor.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Tidal Shock


Tidal Shock is multiplayer arena shooter with an underwater setting. At first glance, it looks like your typical shooter where you run and gun to make it to the leaderboards and for the most part, it is just that.

What makes it stands out from other shooters though, is its setting. Instead of running around in corridors or jungles, you swim around underwater. This gives you the freedom to move around both vertically and horizontally. That not only translates to movement but also for enemies to look out for as the enemy can be right on top or bottom of you.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Tidal Shock on Steam

First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator VR

First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator VR

Update 2:

I have not owned a VR headset for over a year, so I can’t keep track of the game. The developer does seem active with the community.

If you like tennis, you should support it because as far as I know there are no other VR tennis games that are better.


After having a chat with the developer, I still can’t recommend the game, but there are some points that are important:

  • It’s a hobby project, not created to make money and that’s fantastic. The developer him/herself is a professional tennis player.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

I am playing this with Oculus 2, from steam running on msi laptop with ndvia rtx2060, and wifi connection with honor 6 plus rooter. The game runs smoothly. Initially I had weaker rooter and wifi issues were creating the lag but after replacing it to honor it is fine.

The game is definitely fun! It is realistic in the sense that it definitely engages body into moves requiring some basic tennis fundamentals. It also provides good environment to observe ones own execution of the strikes e.g. serve, forehand, backhand … during training with tennis machine, training match or on tour. This is quite fun because the pressure is only created by me and whatever I do works only for feedback (feel of the game or scores). I started to play this at the end of winter with the arcade mode and automatic running, which was fun especially when beating players on tour but too forgiving and it ruined my real life serve and backhand. The ball hit the net constantly when I returned to courts. Due to muscle memory vr it took me a couple of real world training sessions and games to get it back to normal. During summer I did not play this at all as there was plenty of opportunities to play outdoors either the tennis ball machine or with friends. In Finland the summer is over now and I tried the vr game again today, in simulation mode and automatic running. In this vr setting I was pretty bad but if I relax and try to apply right fundamentals into the strikes then its getting better…. I consider this a good sign and I am curios what effect vr tennis simulator would have on my technique now. Let see after playing real tennis with friends. Unfortunately I have limited space usually 2x3m, max 3x4m, so I haven’t tried the real tennis court scale running. Though I am glad there is this option and I look forward to try that soon. In summary, I recommend the tennis simulator because it is definitely fun, reasonably realistic and gives moderate workout. Although it requires quite an investment if you need to buy good gaming pc … On the other hand it serves as an alternative workout without need to pay for indoor tennis courts. From my experience this tennis simulator with possibility to play it in vr is definitely more fun than vr boxing or dancing.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator VR on Steam



Ruckball is a very good game overall, by not just stopping to look at just pictures, it is well worth it if you spend a minimum amount of time there. In terms of mechanics, the game is very accessible, a little hard at first, but largely controllable with a little half an hour of training. You can easily mix fight/ball or just fight to put pressure on your opponents. You have enough to fight back and let off steam!

Very nice graphics, and the atmosphere is there. 3 maps with different degrees of gravity that makes you very happy.

Real player with 111.2 hrs in game

I’d definitely recommend this game to just about anybody who enjoys games similar to Rocket League. While this game is still in early access it has a lot of potential for Esports competitive play and could really be the next big hit if it can get a bigger following. Talked with one of the devs on Facebook and they mentioned they have big plans coming soon with updates in the near future. Try it for free and tell your friends!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game




TL:DR Aquanox is the kind of game you call a solid 6. Its not great and has lots of flaws, but it’s decent for a romp.(also see my final verdinct, pros and cons at the end)

To start off with the visuals. They were ok then, and they are passable for their age, but I think they could do better even back in the day when the game came out.

Soundwise the game is average with ok-ish sounds for weapons, good sounds for torpedoes and a repetitious soundtrack.

Voiceacting is wierd. It’s exaggerated in a cartoonish way in some instances, while its good in some others.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

This has been a game I’ve wanted to play for a very long time, but just couldn’t seem to find the time. There always seemed something better. I eventually decided that today was the day, and have now finished it in around 20ish hours.

The game is all set underwater in the watery realm of the Earth’s oceans. Being set 3 to 5 km under the water, there is still light, somehow, which is where the game derives much of its aesthetic charm, the rippling patterns of light on everything. If it wasn’t for that, the low-poly models and simplistic textures would look quite bland.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

AquaNox on Steam

Descent 2

Descent 2

Download the DXX-Rebirth source port to play in 1080p without dosbox!

Vertigo expansion with its own redbook audio is available here.

The base D2 metal Redbook audio soundtrack is already included in the steam release, but you will have to download and set it up as an addon if you use DX-Rebirth.

As for the game itself, 1st Descent remains the best imho. Here you get the most overpowered weapon on lvl 3 (Gauss) and never switch to anything else, unless you run out of ammo (you don’t, not even on higher difficulties), shich kind of ruins the nice variety in weapons that D1 had. In D1 every weapon had it’s use, which was nice.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

My childhood games have returned. Descent 2 and Descent: Freespace were the #1 hits of my day on the Windows 98 and finally after many years I get to relive these experiences. It’s taking me a while to get reacquainted with my old joystick but I’m totally loving every minute of it.

Descent 2 requires some definite tweaking. It took my about an hour to figure everything out, including my joystick issues, but it all functions properly and took no additional patches to work. Using the mouse could be an issue unless you really know how to modify the game. I however do not know this, but I feel the joystick is the only way to properly relive the experience.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Descent 2 on Steam