Edit: Added some gameplay.

As a big fan of 6DOF games i had to give this game a try.

So i played the free demo 20 minutes then instantly bought the game !

Really good gameplay, tight controls and great sense of speed.

The level design is quite good too with nice music and great atmosphere within the levels.

BLAST-AXIS also deliver many satisfying weapons to use and also give you the choice to play in first person or third person (worth mentioning as it’s not always the case in many other games).

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Gore Games.

In this game you play as a cute little maintenance robot fighting blobby blue aliens who have invaded phobos for some irrelevant reason. It isn’t the most polished 6DOF (descent-like) shooter, but it probably is the most unique and original, and it might just be the most fun. The game’s main strengths are solid level design and a diverse and fun arsenal.

There are six weapons in the game but thanks to ammo types and alt-fire modes these unfold into… a lot of weapons, I can’t do the math. For example, the “tube” mortar launcher has three ammo types: flame rounds, grenades, and flak shells. Drilling down further, the flak shells can either be fired in “burst” mode, acting like a shrapnel shotgun, or in “fuze” mode, which fires a single projectile that explodes with AOE damage when it hits a wall or enemy. There’s a tool for every job, and each weapon is a good mix of quirky and powerful which gives them a real sense of personality. They’re your friends and you come to love them as you spend time hanging out. The cluster missiles in particular are an absolute joy.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game


War Tech Fighters

War Tech Fighters

This review is being written as of the first wave of Early Access content. I’ve finished the first twelve missions, all the challenges currently available, beat wave 10 survival (and had the #9 high score for a while, #12 as of writing this), and I’ve got my mech parts pretty much maxed for the time being, so I think it’s time I weigh in and leave my thoughts.

Firstly, let me start with what I love about this game:

-The action is superb. It’s high-paced, flows well, finishers don’t seem to interrupt the game much (and they’re skippable if that’s still too much for you), combat is fast and frantic yet never feels out of your control, and yet at the same time it plays fairly uniquely.

Real player with 49.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Space Games.

WTF almost comes at a hard recommendation for me. On the one hand, I got at least 20+ hours worth of content out of it and enjoyed most of it. On the other hand, the ending levels ramp up so much in difficulty that it makes no sense and furthermore, the only way to upgrade my gear would be to grind a bunch previous missons to get small stat bonuses and pitiful amounts of money. I’m using some of the end game mech configurations, but there are some other parts that could make the later levels a bit easier. Unfortunately, I’ve burnt all my money on the gear and upgrades I have now, so it would take potentially hours to grind up the resources needed to stand a chance in the later levels without dying in seconds. This immediately halted my ability to finish the game and the whole time I was wondering if the dev’s even playtested the end game missions.

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

War Tech Fighters on Steam

Space Mercs

Space Mercs

Pretty fun little game. Intended as a bit of shoot-n-fly-n-go-back-to-work kinda game. No frills, no fuss, just have a little dogfight during your coffee break. Come back now and again to level up your weps etc, and slowly make your way through the missions… It’s not X-Wing or Wing Commander (yet)… But it’s in constant improvement, and the dev really listens to all feedback.

BTW: You can remap the controls to whatever you like, including controllers, joysticks, whatever… Ignore the muppety negative review, person probably didn’t find the options menu, on the main page.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Space Games.

Awesome space shooter - fans of the genre could do well to pick it up.

Optimized for humble PC’s and runs very well even on integrated graphics from yesteryear. Dev is very engaged, supporting and friendly. Linux support on release day too!

Linux gamers with Vega GPU’s can take note that the volumetric fog might not be working at the moment. If you don’t see any ships or asteroids, disable Foggle for now. This issue will soon be fixed in an upcoming patch.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Space Mercs on Steam



This is the kind of game that just gets better the more you play and become one with the control. I’m using WMR headset and at first I couldn’t see my controllers so I thought I couldn’t play it. You’ll need to bind WMR control in the options menu, then your controllers will appear in game. Took a little while to get it but as I played and experimented I found myself having a complete blast! (PUN intended) the first time I blast jumped!! The challenges will make you work hard to complete and that is helping me to get better. Great Fun!! Really excited to see the different boards and what they will be like. Big thank you to Tomy Horst. I would buy again.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

Fun for the price but it’s not quite as polished as Jet Island - some of the physics are off and there’s a few poor UI choices as well as a bunch of spots on the map that would benefit from some minor tweaks. For example halfway down one of the long downhill halfpipes where the pipes join it acts like a collision - easy fix would be to lower the bottom one a tiny bit but for some reason they havent done it and I have found 3 or 4 in 3 hours playing no doubt theres more

If they fixed up the bugs, polished the map and the physics I’d happily pay $30 for an improved Hovrboard 2 as its a lot of fun at its core

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

hoVRboard on Steam



This is a hard frustrating game, where I had to replay each level several times. I finally got through the first system (7 levels). As I exited the last level, the game crashed. After verifying integrity of game cache, I opened the game to find out I had lost not 1 but 2 levels. Since I played 6 hours, according to steam, and I played 5 levels, (according to the game) you can figure out how frustrating it was to lose 2 levels. I replayed the 2 levels, upgraded my ship, and got ready for the next system, only to have the game crash on me again. Now I am back on level 5 in the first system. Oh wait, no I’m not, because I uninstalled the game and it will take me a while, if ever to try it again. I did like the game, a lot, frustrating as it was to get through each level. However, the reason I kept playing was in the hope of moving on in the game and just maybe finishing it. (I’m sure all other gamers feel the same way). There is no replay value to 5 levels that I know the secrets and techniques to, and if I cant go on in the game past there, no reason to play it.

Real player with 34.6 hrs in game

When I first saw this game I admit I was initially a little cynical given the over-abundance of Outrun/retro style of gaming. Don’t get me wrong, I love a great synth soundtrack pulsating over eye-popping retro visuals as much as the next guy, but it is starting to go the way of zombies. That’s why I was so pleased to find that the game itself is not only fun, but fairly innovative utilizing an otherwise under-explored genre.

Set in the eighties (when else?) you’re an arcade fanatic beamed up to fight for aliens thanks to your joystick prowess. So far, so ‘The Last Starfighter’. But yeah, let’s be honest and state outright none of that really matters. Once you’re in the game itself you’re hit with a six-axis Tron style grid based environment to navigate your ship around, shooting bad guys, collecting power-ups and orbs, and moving on to the next stage. Throughout the game you can also upgrade and buy new ships, which you manage through collecting neutrons and ship parts. Basically it’s all pretty straightforward and easy to get in to.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game




This is of course a review of the Early Access version, so some of the cons I find with the game, might disappear with the final version.

*If you like Space Simulators, this is a game for you.


• Lots of fun, although, (and this is probably related to it being early access) things get repetitive very fast.

• Controls are fine, you get the hang of everything rather quickly.

• For those of us who enjoyed games like Tie Fighter, Descent and FREESPACE, this is our type of game.

Real player with 251.0 hrs in game

It has been 18 years since Microsoft released the game Freelancer. In that time, no other game/developer has succeeded in capturing what made that game great, and brought us a game like it. You can find many space games that have failed to bring us that genre properly. Many times people saying things like “Closest thing to Freelancer, best since Freelancer.” However, it’s always known that they aren’t actually that close, or nearly as good. This game however, is hitting ALL the right check boxes for being a PROPER Freelancer successor.

Real player with 96.5 hrs in game

EVERSPACE™ 2 on Steam