Sublevel Zero Redux

Sublevel Zero Redux

Amazing game. Brings back fond memories of the mechanics of the Descent series (before Freespace), but with it’s own unique take on the 6DoF (6 degrees of freedom) genre. The feel of the movement and combat is just right, and the game strikes a perfect balance of high speed action and item/resource management of an roguelike rpg. The game rewards skill greatly, and encourages you to conserve your ammo and use each of the many weapon types to their maximum effectiveness. Repair kits are uncommon, and take up vital (and limited) inventory space, so crucial decisions must be made about what to keep and what to leave behind. There is also a surprisingly deep crafting element, allowing you to combine weapons, hulls, and ship components to create new ones. These items, especially weapons and hulls, can dramatically alter your playstyle.

Real player with 92.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF First-Person Games.

Fantastic game.

This sounds obvious but the best thing about the game is simple feel of moving about the environments and firing the weapons. It is really well nailed, really tight and fortunately this game follows up on that by giving me a depth of reasons and excuses to keep exploring: later levels having new tougher enemies, new environmental hazards to interact with, unlocks and upgrade choices (that often adversely effect something else), a developing crafting system. There are also (and least interestingly) findable text logs that allude to the storyline. All of this feeds into giving you a strong motivation to continue that original gameplay loop that is so satisfying and forms a very tight and efficient experience -considering in 4-5 hours I’m usually not out of the tutorial in a AAA style game.

Real player with 54.4 hrs in game

Sublevel Zero Redux on Steam

The Holy City

The Holy City

This is an amazing tool for anyone curious to learn more about Jerusalem and the many religions that coexist in this fantastic place. Very well executed. I have to say it’s very unusual for me to review projects. This because very few actually wow me to the point of actually wanting to share it with others…. This is an amazing experience that allows you to feel like you can touch the Holy Sepulcher and place a note on the Western Wall. Just fantastic. I know this is a virtual visit- but the fact the places were scanned from real life really makes me appreciate the accuracy and be able to enjoy looking at each location at my own pace. Throughout this journey I really enjoyed seeing the beautiful realistic-looking recreation of many Jerusalem temples that allowed me to freely look around and spend a lot of time inspecting painting and inscriptions on the walls. When it switched from the interactive gamefied version to the 360 video version was totally amazing to recognize the precise location where the camera was placed and enjoy seeing it filled with real people. I hope to see more soon.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Investigation Games.

Enlightening , A fantastic birds eye view into the holy land …

get to solve puzzles and find out about the history

Beautiful vr experience

Link to my video here ..


Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

The Holy City on Steam

Before Nightfall: Summertime

Before Nightfall: Summertime

Walking simulator with a twist: collecting wood so you can keep the fire burning.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 6DOF Walking Simulator Games.

no ice

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Before Nightfall: Summertime on Steam

Tidal Shock

Tidal Shock

This game is addictive! I find myself wanting to play “just one more round” again and again. I love the array of weapons and the variety of terrain in the arena makes it slightly easier to navigate as you play more. Controlling your character underwater in 360 degrees is a new take that makes this game all the more entertaining and challenging.

I’m not great at this game (or any multiplayer shooter for that matter), but I keep coming back for more. Even if I’m not in the lead, I always feel like I’m still in the running. The lead changes often throughout the round and your position in the game can change in a split second with one profitable kill or one strategic drop off at the reactor.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Tidal Shock


Tidal Shock is multiplayer arena shooter with an underwater setting. At first glance, it looks like your typical shooter where you run and gun to make it to the leaderboards and for the most part, it is just that.

What makes it stands out from other shooters though, is its setting. Instead of running around in corridors or jungles, you swim around underwater. This gives you the freedom to move around both vertically and horizontally. That not only translates to movement but also for enemies to look out for as the enemy can be right on top or bottom of you.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Tidal Shock on Steam



I really dug this. I knew going in it wasn’t a game per say but I was actually relaxed and kind of mesmerized. I would say I think the $12.99 price I got it for is a lil' steep for basically a 20 minute stint, so i think I would be happier if it was like $5-maybe $10 and they would probably sell more. I like that it isn’t just a bunch of images in a 360 sphere you are looking at but real 3d models moving around and things. In fact, although it might be hard to do as this looked like it took quite the team to get it out, I would absolutely LOVE if they did chapters/dlc for $5 a piece and had different artists attempt the same kind of trip, same amount of time, in their own way. I could honestly see myself “using” this once a week to relax or something and definitely showing VR to my friends with.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

I’ve had an HTC Vive since 2017 and from the outset, noted that coming out of VR is more like emerging from dream than quitting a flat game. I think it’s compounded of two elements: the 360 ‘being there’ immersivity of VR, but also the physical activity which, no matter how limited, purges the adrenalin that static gaming leaves you full of.

I’ve been predicting VR psychedelics for as long as I’ve had the headset and I have several quite hallucinatory VR apps and games in my library: Chroma Lab, Cosmic Sugar, Emergence Fractal Universe, The Bond, Form. It was a no-brainer to buy Ayahuasca as soon as it came out.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Ayahuasca on Steam

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs

In my opinion, this is one of the best VR games I have ever played. It takes the classic formula of throwing birds at pigs, scales it up into a 3D environment and nails everything it has to.

I have played practically all of the Angry Birds games from when they initially came out, nearly an entire decade ago, and so when I saw this, I immediately had to give it a go. I was sceptical, since the original games were 2D and adding an additional dimension would, naturally, cause problems. However, this is actually one of the best parts of the game. The level design accommodates the additional 3D element by allowing most levels to have the option of taking your shots at different, predetermined locations/angles. I find this feature really well done because it continues the element of puzzles in the mobile games where it is about finding the right wood plank to destroy and analysing the structures from different viewpoints, looking for the weak-points is both engaging and satisfying when you get it right.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Angry Birds 3D

Baseline, This is Angry Birds but In full 3D with VR controls. If you are an avid player of Angry Birds on Mobile then this is a must play for you and a perfect translation of what you’d expect from a real life Angry Birds game.

You control the slingshot, Pull it back and fire to destroy the blocks and pigs, there are 4 sets of levels all with different themes just like the Mobile game as well as another Two sets of levels available after you finish the base game with a spooky night theme as well as two more coming in the future.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs on Steam

Rainbow Reactor

Rainbow Reactor

EDIT: 1/21/19 - I originally expressed hesitation toward paying full game price, but that was before I realized the FULL ACCESS version would be much larger, and almost certainly a better cost / content ratio. Yes, I think a bigger and better game will be more worthwhile and more fun game.


I paid full (sale) price (and I’m glad I did!)

This reviewer just spent 30 minutes playing Rainbow Reactor, and I had such a great time I (literally) had to force myself to stop! While perhaps not the world’s biggest fan of color matching games, I’m far from a stranger to the genre, and I have enjoyed it often while on Steam. Yet even in that context I don’t hesitate to take this opportunity to say that color matching through a combination of dexterity and strategy (mostly strategy, I’m inclined to think at this point) is just remarkably fun, and I sincerely thank the friend who told me about Rainbow Reactor.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

I like this game. It’s a little more hectic than I expected but it’s unlikely to make you sweat. I particularly like that I got it at 67% off, it’s definitely a bargain at that price!

I completed the 8 levels of the main game in about 2hrs but haven’t managed to clear the bonus time stage. I also had a little teleport around. I haven’t tried SINGLE SHIFT yet.

The world you are in is well made and gives some grandeur to what is otherwise a quite simplistic game i.e. throw coloured ball in hole. However it does that very well. The colour blending (light not paint) works nicely, but they have clearly spent quite some time getting the throw of the ball just right.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Rainbow Reactor on Steam

Stardust VR

Stardust VR

What a great game! :)

Just played my first half hour and came back to leave an early review to (hopefully) encourage others to get it too.

IT IS a wave shooter - no avoiding that. But it’s a retro-fit shooter that gives me flashbacks to the classic Galaxians arcade. Which is a good thing!

The graphics are very colourful and present a unique stylized environment from which you face your enemies. You’ve got an epic looking blaster and there’s also a shield power-up you can collect which you hold in the other hand.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

*** Updated Review 4/12/2019 ***

Now that the game is officially released, I updated my review to reflect the changes in the game. Unfortunately, I still don’t like the game as the changes/updates made weren’t enough to change my opinion. This is still a subpar waveshooter that belongs to the realm of the mobile VR .99 cents category.

You can view my updated review & gameplay here:

Experienced on the Oculus Rift with Touch Controllers

I got this game for free as part of the Steam Curator Connect program. This is a 180 degree stand still wave shooter. You have one gun, although there are certain upgrades like a shield or slow motion or a gravity blast. I usually like to play any game I get free longer than I did with this game so I can give a full & detailed review, but I had to tap out. It just wasn’t fun and I wasn’t making any further progress. I am 100% that playing it longer wouldn’t change my opinion, in fact, it would probably just make me dislike the game more. Honestly, I had gone as far as I could tolerate.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Stardust VR on Steam

Wanted Raccoon

Wanted Raccoon

I really love how fun WANTED RACCOON is & I’ve been really looking forward to playing this awesome game everyday as new content missions are added almost daily. I play a lot of RPG type games & they can quickly get boring with mindless button mashing & uninspired content. That isn’t the case with this game because so far the missions are very interesting to complete & sometimes the things you have to do are really funny. I can easily see myself replaying this game just for the sheer fun it offers plus the animal characters are super cute! The concept of using animals as the main characters is so cool that I wish more games would follow their example. I hope they offer a way to customize your raccoon in the future like maybe different shirts &/or hats & different styles of the backpack would be pretty neat. Another idea would be ways to vary the fur color pattern like maybe different under the eye fur patch shapes or different stripe patterns.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

I will say that the game has a fair share of bugs–however, within the hour of the first game-breaking bug being found, the devs rolled out a patch to fix it. So, I’m not horrendously appalled by bugs, because they’re already showing how quickly they will fix them. It’s also very simple and quick to file bugs either on Discord or in-game.

The only other jarring potential is some localization issues to English. Which, I’m sure will be updated in time, as the devs are not English-based from what I can tell on their Discord. With the community as helpful as they seem, I’m sure a lot of the localization will be ironed out over time.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Wanted Raccoon on Steam

The Prism

The Prism

[0.4] Controls & Training & Help

[0.3] Menu & Settings

[0.3] Sound & Music

[0.3] Graphics

[0.2] Game Design

[0.3] Game Story

[0.2] Game Content

[0.5] Completion time (level/game)?

[0.2] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[Y] - Registration is required with providing PII

Stars received: 2.7/10 ___ Note: v.4 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: a Block pair puzzle

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

This puzzle platformer puts the player in control of a pair of runaway pixels. Technically they look like at least 256 pixels cubes. Each controlled with a different position on the keyboard to allow both to move independently.

The visual style of this game is simple but the high contrast makes it enjoyable. The lack of visual cues for dangers will cause some frustration.

However, the greatest frustration factor is the controls and surface detection. This finicky combination can result in missed input resulting in pixel death.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

The Prism on Steam