Making History: The First World War

Making History: The First World War

What kind of world war game is it when the war never happens? The diplomacy needs to be fixed before this game is worthwhile. I played twice now building up my forces, preparing for the war, and then the assassination happens and they never go to war. Also if you are a power like Italy, you can never gain favor with any of the major allies and can never join the alliance. Another stupid thing is that you have a minor power almost beat, you have most of their provinces, then you offer great terms to them where they only lose one or two provinces and they never accept it. Diplomacy is just screwed and it ruins the whole game.

Real player with 1148.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Strategy Games.

Longtime fan of the Franchise and this I think has been my favorite game yet, I got it before it was “finished” and got a deal on it too, they’ve done a good job with all the new events in it which makes it more interesting to play as there’s a lot more random chance with how things play out, mechanics of it work pretty well, I still get some bugs now and again, I find it way to easy to get sucked in and “one more turn” turns into about 20, especially when in battle.


1. a Russo- Japanese War Scenario and a Boer War Scenario would round out the period nicely.

Real player with 553.5 hrs in game

Making History: The First World War on Steam

Scythe: Digital Edition

Scythe: Digital Edition

I’m a pretty experienced player on the board game, so I know what I’m talking about: this game follow the rules quite well, except for a few mistakes (mill that create meeples WTF?!)

the board is exactly the same as the real game, and even if I felt a bit lost cause there is no infos about your mat type except at the very beginning of the game or somewhere I never found quite easily, it would be nice to have the name of the combo ( example : rusviet patriotic ) all the time, to me this can be quite important as there is some combos that are very OP (Rusviet industrial is already banned wich follow the rules of Jamey Steigmaier, crimea patriotic should follow) but those combos should remain open if you play a non ranked game or with one of your friends )

Real player with 91.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Board Game Games.

Bought this game during steam sale.

I love the board version. Was pretty excited to test the digital version as well. Here is my review and why its pretty meh.

TLDR: good gameplay, terrible netcode/online games. Don’t bother buying the DLC (Invaders from afar) since factions are really bad and you will end playing them a lot more than people without the DLC. A bit expensive for the experience. Worth it for the $8 I paid during the sale.

1. Gameplay 7/10

Its pretty much the same as the board game. Works very well. It can be a bit troublesome at first to get a grisp on how to make a turn, read the boardstate etc but after around 30 games it feels really natural.

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

Scythe: Digital Edition on Steam



Conquicktory is a minimalistic turn-based strategy focused on top-level decisions in your civilization’s development. You’ll control the diplomacy relations with neighboring countries, declare wars, plan the key strikes and distribute funds to the peaceful/military issues. Your subjects will do the rest of work - there is no need to deeply micromanage all the aspect of your glorious growing empire.

The game map has 3 views:

1. Military view. If you see a spear with a flag over one of your cities, it means that you can create an army in it. Simply touch and drag from it and you’ll see the army path. Army will capture cells around its path. The same dragging way is used to plan the movement of your existing armies. Also you can see the cells defense ratings on this view. Cells are defended by nearby armies, cities and forts.

2. Diplomacy view. Here you can select a country and see its current enemies (red) and allies (green). You can select a country and suggest a treaty to it, or declare war. Also here you can answer the treaties suggestions from other players

3. Economy view. You can see how much each of your cities brings to you, and set the funds spreading to war, peaceful growth and treasury. You can fund new cities and fortresses in this view.

Game features:

  • easy control mode which lets you focus on the top-level questions of you empire

  • simultaneous moves, which are performed once all the players have issued orders

  • challenging AI, which does not cheat but can make clever moves

  • spectator mode, where you can relax and spectate how the AI play (and try to guess the winner)

  • prebuilt maps of the world, continents and countries, which you can conquer

Read More: Best 4X Hex Grid Games.

Conquicktory on Steam

Making History: The Great War

Making History: The Great War

The big problem with this game is the AI.

It´s much, much to aggressive and unhistorical.

The first world war and the time proceeding it was marked by decidedly conservative regimes and military high commands doing everything decidedly conservatively and cautiously.

But so far I’ve seen Germany completely loose the war on Russian within a few turns while I as France was awaiting to get my face bashed in by them in the autumn of 1914. The Germans that did attack on the western front stuck to the Schleiffen-plan religiously and kept on punching their way thru Belgium to the channel coast even as they where cut of behind them by my counter attack.

Real player with 488.3 hrs in game

Muzzylane’s Making History:The Great War is a very good game for two rather different reasons.I was having trouble with the production code (0 and o,B and 8 you know the sort of thing and most likely my mistake )but Chris Parson at support was right there and assistance to a rather grumpy gamer was just an email away . Not hours or days later but help right now.That was a pretty good intro to M.H:T.G.W.Thanks Chris.

The game itself after a modest 14 hours is proving to be excellent.The map ,oddly is much better than it appears in Steams add, the choices of countries you can play as is amazing,the detail quite stunning.Ok if you just want to roll the armour ,the good old Command and Conquer tank rush this isn’t your kind of game. I’m still trying to get my rail system up and running correctly, learning how one problem effects so widely and how to solve it is the brilliant part of this game.Micro management,sure, but great fun. You want to do something ,but can not ,if you delight in finding why not and how to rectify it you are going to just love this game. Its a clever, functional game.No crashes,no long load up times,all good.

Real player with 243.1 hrs in game

Making History: The Great War on Steam

Airships: Conquer the Skies

Airships: Conquer the Skies

-All statements are relevant as of 1/31/21. No guarantees are made for future versions of Airships!-

Let me start off by saying that I am utterly and hopelessly addicted to this game.

Ever since I bought Airships (Or ACTS, as I’ll be using) back in late 2018, I fell in love with it. The game’s kept giving, the developer has remained true to his word and an amazing gentleman, and the community (Especially on the Discord) continues to grow and develop in wondrous ways. As I don’t expect you to go through my various paragraphs of gushing, I’ll put the TL;DR statement here:

Real player with 424.1 hrs in game

Pretty cool game for those who like relatively free-form building, designing units to deal damage and mitigate it for themselves. Especially if you’re into diesel- and/or steampunk.

The things you have to account for and balance out in a unit’s design are quite numerous and varied; Everything costs something and everything weighs something. A ship’s maximum altitude - which is very important -is determined by its weight vs. lift, for example. This is probably the strongest part of the game.

So in combat, you’ll be witnessing how those designs fare against the NPC (or enemy player) units; Did you actually give your ship enough coal to stay aloft through the average battle? Oh, it turns out this one has a massive structural weakness and will be cut in half by one or two rockets. Great job!

Real player with 82.3 hrs in game

Airships: Conquer the Skies on Steam