Sakura Stars

Sakura Stars

The game is very hard but have boobs.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Pixel Graphics Games.

It is a good game, however this game should come with a manual but for future reference, z to play x to shoot. you can’t use mouse to move but rather the up down left and right keys. It is not a must buy but if you are a pro mover then it’s a must buy game. It is hard to defeat but not impossible. This game doesn’t have any sexual content or nudity. A game just for fun.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Sakura Stars on Steam

StarFringe: Adversus

StarFringe: Adversus

I have been playing StarFringe: Adversus for a number of days, now, and find it fairly enjoyable even though it has a tendancy to crash at the most inopportune times - such as right after you move to a new sector. I have found that it’s much better to hit the save just before you do something important. While the program DOES have an autosave feature, it’s not adjustable and tends to overwrite earlier autosaves also at the most inopportune times. Better to stay on top of the saves yourself. That said, the game has great promise. It seems to be fairly heavily slanted in the computer players favor, though. The computer player seems to be able to build up it’s forces MUCH faster than the human player, and the computer player is able to take over the map a whole LOT faster than the human player. I realize this game is still, technically, in development but this can be disheartening to some players. Also, I haven’t been able to find where to contact the company directly to present my thoughts on the game. I don’t know if the company is still working on the game or not. I HOPE so, because I’d like to see the game reach it’s full potential.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Strategy Games.

Abandonware, Unfinished

There is no Campaign (or “Champaign” as it’s still called, which should give an indication of its status), only Quick Battle

Despite the Dev cancelling development since June 2017, the game still lists as Early Access and is still being sold.

Do not buy

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

StarFringe: Adversus on Steam

Yargis - Space Melee

Yargis - Space Melee

hello friends and sinners! it saddens me to have to save you all from the evils of this game, but that is how it goes when you are doing the lord’s work. this game should probably be fun. perhaps when i get to heaven, i will be able to get 8 righteous former humans together to play some multiplayer. i am fairly certain that it will never happen in this life, and there are two big reasons why.

it is not so much that the controls are bad. it is more that my controller simply stops working in the middle of the game for no reason. either my controller has been possessed by the evil demon pazuzu, or the evil sinner devs are up to their devious tricks again. the controller works fine for 30 seconds, then it suddenly doesn’t work for 30 seconds. the whole time i played it went back and forth like that over and over again.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Indie Games.

Yargis is an old styled action space shooter. You meet the world of Yargis in front of the conflict and you’re the only one who can sort it out.


You start the game as a beginner and learn how to control the ship and guns :) Your main task is to flight from the space and fight with the enemies. Throughout the missions you’re challenged with flying through labirynths and completing the objectives in certain missions. It’s not always about eliminating enemies, but sometimes you need to collect parts or survive the level. The levels in the Story mode are not very difficult but you need to upgrade your ship by buying new guns or armor from the money earned by completing levels. The offline mode is a little bit more challenging so you need to care about upgrades more than in story mode. It was designed to be the training mode for multiplayer so it’s obvious.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Yargis - Space Melee on Steam