Microcosmum 2

Microcosmum 2

You are a collective microorganic alien intelligence.

You used to be the dominant species of a whole planet, but you had to leave your home since then.

Having spent many long years in space, you’ve finally landed on a habitable planet. You are to revive your “empire” and become small, yet great, once again.

A relaxing strategy game featuring unconventional gameplay. Your objectives include development, evolution, border expansion and protection of your hive.

Organism constructor:

Receive new details from defeated enemies and construct your own organisms. Every detail has a set of particular features, sometimes bestowing the organism with special abilities, such as slime bomb, spikes and much more.

World map:

The game takes place on a world map, split into locations. Everything is fully real-time. Opponents capture more land area, compete with each other, extract resources and develop said areas.


All locations have particular environmental conditions. Organisms may freeze or overheat. They may mutate due to radiation or receive bonuses from alkaline or acidic environments.

Acclimatize your organisms to certain environmental conditions in the incubator.

You are able to terraform your lands, creating extreme environments - beneficial to your organisms, yet deadly to your opponents.

Extract resources, erect “buildings”, capture and defend land areas on the global map.

You can also feed your organisms, much like fish:)

Read More: Best 4X Strategy Games.

Microcosmum 2 on Steam