Burned Land

Burned Land

Burned Land is a niche game, and a little gem to me.

At first sight it might seem a little bit empty and obscure. Then it will seem very hard, even unfair. But if you push forward, you will discover a game with a very original approach, very rich and permissive in the ways you want to shape your kingdom and face the gods.

In this game, you not only build units and facilities, you will also “monitor” your population (literacy, devotion, nobility, sedentary, etc.), so they will provide you what you need and when you need it.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Indie Games.

It is a pretty rough game, both in terms of UI and difficulty. The UI will hopefully get some polish from this one-man dev team, and perhaps the difficulty as well, but the difficulty certainly needs the polish a lot less. The dev is still pushing out regular updates, thus my recommendation for this Early Access game.

I made it to Turn 194, after narrowly dodging a very early game defeat. The early game near-defeat came about as my village almost starved due to a famine brought on by the gods. The entire point of this game is that the larger you grow, the more interest the gods have in stopping you from growing.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Burned Land on Steam

fullybroKEN - A Unique Mix of 4X / Post-Apocalypse / RPG / Roguelike

fullybroKEN - A Unique Mix of 4X / Post-Apocalypse / RPG / Roguelike

Overall I think the game has tons of potential, but I think that it still needs some time to iron out some of the flaws it currently has.But as it is early access I am hopeful the flaws will be fixed.


+interesting challenging gameplay

+roguelike elements that improve the game general post-apocalyptic/survival feel


+interesting use of match-3 mechanics

+potential to be a great game

+innovative gameplay

-not quite there

-emergent narrative is still lacking(but as I understood the developer is working on it)

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

Fast paced and fun, a bit too challenging sometimes(maybe the dev can balance it better?). I didn’t had much chance to play and the game is in need of some bug fixes polish and as I understood content additions, but I do hope that during the early access the game will become only better.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

fullybroKEN - A Unique Mix of 4X / Post-Apocalypse / RPG / Roguelike on Steam

Hero Generations: ReGen

Hero Generations: ReGen

It is a cute game and addictive time-waster. The graphics are charming and everyone can come up with a different strategy for dealing with the end game. Endless (and forced) replay value. There are a variety of ways to earn gold or fame, and to build up towns. It auto-saves after every turn and allows several different lands to explore. While buildings do wear down, they can be easily rebuilt or repaired, or given a building that auto-repairs them for a time, although there is an irritating cap on how much ‘health’ a building can have. There are even teleporters that can be built to get from one land to another quickly!

Real player with 56.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Grand Strategy Games.

A cute little, simplistic 4X game. I really like the risk/reward system where each space you move consumes a year of your hero’s life. The older your hero is, the fewer trait cards can be inherited by the next generation; if you push your hero too far, he/she will die of old age, and it’s game over.

You can build up towns, receiving bonuses for building all of one type. Building types will also influence the kind of traits mates will have in a given town–and of course, you’re looking for the best traits to pass down. The idea being you will improve each generation, which culminates in an hero who will have the best chances of defeating the big baddie, who appears after 15 generations.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

Hero Generations: ReGen on Steam

Age of Wonders: Planetfall

Age of Wonders: Planetfall

This game is easily one of the best newer strategy games (i.e. 4X style game) currently available for single player in my opinion, period. I’ve had a lot of time to try several of these sorts of games that are considered the top games in the category lately. Civ, Total War games, Stellaris, Endless Legend, the list goes on, but I always come back to this one.

NOTE: Many of the reviews for this game were from when the game was released, since then they did a massive update that re-balanced the game and overhauled several mechanics. A lot of the comments in negative reviews were from a year+ ago using the old mechanics. This game is being actively improved / patched as of Oct 2020 from what I’ve seen and they’re still releasing an expansion.

Real player with 1901.7 hrs in game

As the game is now, I do not recommend it.

I played the entire series extensively, over 4.000 hours over all titles of the series, for me personally, they changed things that were good about the game, and kept things that were bad about it.

City Siege

The first thing that is really noticeable and changes the dynamic of sieges entirely, they removed gates from city walls, those were replaced by militias and defensive towers, however these militias don’t have mods, and you can’t aim the towers, so any other troop that attacks the city will be stronger.

Real player with 1383.1 hrs in game

Age of Wonders: Planetfall on Steam



Welcome to your Universe!

Gênese allows you to enter a meditative and relaxing experience of sculpting your own Universe, exploring physics in space and your creativity. Here you can create star systems and fully detailed planets, from a tiny molecule to an huge orb floating in the great void. You will be the powerful entity ruling this Universe, bending and manipulating the forces of nature and creating life. Rising from cosmic dust, this very life will go forward on its own crusade, evolving into intelligent life and conquering the arena you built, as you watch and care (or destroy) its progress, in a high detailed environment.


Gênese is also a story generator where every action, every event, every birth and death is recorded in the fabric of space and time. Planets formed from asteroids and cosmic dust, stars dying in colossal supernovae - or becoming black holes, the rise of galactic civilizations from its rudimentary ancestors and, fatefully, to their extermination caused by themselves, by others or… by you.


Every object wandering in the system will obey the laws of gravitation, effectively being attracted to one another at some point where they collide, merge, become satellites, explode, desintegrate: Watch powerful planetary collisions and the chaotic environment of the early stages of a stellar system that will create unique celestial bodies orbiting that system. Bring order and stabilize it to allow the appearing of life or consume every planet and molecule.


Every particle can be combined, to form new molecules with new properties - adding unique features to its host planet. Elements and molecules will melt, solidify or evaporate given the right temperature and circunstances. You can engineer a lush paradisiac world or a toxic burning-hot planet. Creating the perfect environment for life to thrive or the most inhospitable place depends on that right combination.


Once you create life and it becomes intelligent, a new level of complexity and fun is added to the game: they will evolve, create, explore, colonize and get to know those places you already know - and created. These beings you raised will become “co-creators” of some level, changing the landscape for good or evil purposes, advancing independently through the Eons, bringing on their own culture and technology. Watch over them or destroy them - if you decide there’s a reason for that.

Gênese on Steam



This is a niche game intended for a small group of people that enjoy the concept of turning DOS into a game, and manually handling every aspect of base building and logistics through text commands - in lieu of having situational action buttons that figure what you are trying to do when you aim at x thing.

I am not one of those people. I don’t know any of those people.

But I do hope the devs find their audience.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Structura on Steam

We Are The Caretakers

We Are The Caretakers

This game is a great concept, and the Afro-futurist aesthetic adds a layer of depth I did not expect. Yes, it is early access/beta, so there’s bugs, but the dev team is available nearly 24/7 to discuss problems and hear feedback. This is indie game development done right, and what is already a good game will be an outstanding final product as a result. Think of the early access purchase as a long term investment that is going to pay off soon!

tldr: buy this. support indie games, and immerse yourself in Afro-futurist sci-fi!

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

One of my friends said this game is sci-fi super soldier park rangers and that is spot-on. 

The combat is a blast. The game is still buggy in early access but that doesn’t block it from being a beautiful and fun experience. Also - that music, man. So. Good. 

Check it out if you like: Final Fantasy-esque combat and graphics and music, Divinity Original Sim’s combat, rhinos, park rangers

Main word that comes to mind when I play this game: protector

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

We Are The Caretakers on Steam