Distant Worlds: Universe

Distant Worlds: Universe

This game should be fun, it looks like great fun and will lead you to expect that true enjoyment is just around the corner. However the fun you are anticipating will always be just beyond your fingertips until you finally get fed up and learn to stop trying, because in the end, there really isn’t any, just frustration at how this game could of been awesome.

1. The Crashes: This game crashes a lot, but only starts doing so after you have invested so much time into your save that you’re faced with abandoning an empire you have spent hours cultivating, or routinely losing 20-30 mins of progress or more depending on how long you set your autosaves to be. You may think the solution is to make autosaves more frequent, but once your game get’s to that point, it’s now taking 5+ minutes to save your game every time. If you can mke it to some real endgame points where you really are invested and theres multiple large, well developed empires that can truly challenge you, prepare for that to take even longer. Even better, reloading saves seems to randomly reset the enemy AI in certain ways that are difficult to immediately decipher but will become apparent eventually. For example, one game I manage to start getting friendly with a lot of empires that I had been trying to open free trade agreements with and suddenly they sort of cascade to where I want them to be, one after the other. Ok, not sure why but cool. Whoops, game crashed, reload autosave. Now all of a sudden, even though I followed the same actions I did last time, they’re all imposing trade sanctions and moving to war decing. Cool.

Real player with 564.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Strategy Games.

An incredibly deep and rewarding game which has some of the deepest and advanced AI you may ever witness in a game, especially one of this scope. It’s clear the developers focused near purely on content over most other things for this game and unfortunately that comes at the cost of having a game that’s imposes a significant learning curve. Getting to grips with the UI will be a difficult romp, and the mass amount of options given to you will both satisfy veteran 4X players and discourage most beginners.

Real player with 463.9 hrs in game

Distant Worlds: Universe on Steam

Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection


Sadly, as a HW player since the first game came out, (Back in 1999) I cannot recommend this game.

The first time I played Homeworld, I was a young boy about 8 years of age. My grandfather introduced me to the game, and whenever I go see him I will still play LAN games against him, on the same two disks that we have always played on. Now, with that being said, at 8 years of age I didn’t really understand tactics or how to win, the main objective for me was to build a heavy cruiser and try bum rushing the enemy mothership, praying that my prized cruiser didn’t get salvaged in the process! As I grew older and understood the game more, I enjoyed it more as I began using formations and tactics to alter the outcome of battles, some of which were against slim to none odds.

Real player with 168.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Space Games.

Homeworld remastered collection

Homeworld is one of my favorite games, when i heard it was coming to steam, i immediately bought it (and it was the reason i got into steam) and when i got my first game, i couldn’t be more excited.

By playing both remastered and classic versions, i can see all the improvements they have done, and unlike many remasters out there in popular games, this one actually improves some gameplay mechanics rather than just giving some crispy new graphics.

Classic version

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Homeworld Remastered Collection on Steam

STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack

STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack

Empire at War

Forces of Corruption

Empire at War is a Real Time Strategy game on a galactic scale.

How you can play:

🔸 1 x Empire Campaign

🔹 1 x Rebel Campaign

🔸 1 x Zann Consortium Campaign [Forces of Corruption]

🔹 Galactic Conquest (sandbox on some or all of the ~70 systems)

🔸 Skirmish missions set on unique Ground or Space maps (many options)

What kind of RTS ?:

As there are many variants of RTS games, this is a brief overview:

🔸 Space looks 3D, (some units can pass over others) but expect 2D,

Real player with 924.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Strategy Games.

In my opinion, I would recommend that you should buy this game if your considering to buy it. The game is pretty fun, considering that its graphics and everything are like pretty old but I like it. Also, If your considering to buy it and not sure, well make sure that you want to spend $20 and also to make sure that you like Star Wars or you just wanna play this because it looks fun (Which it is). Some things I suggest though when you buy the game.

Suggestions -

  • EAW (Empire At War)

Once bought the game “STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack”, you will see either EAW (Empire At War) or FOC (Forces Of Corruption). Since you have bought the game just now, your experience might not be the best. Consider that you load into Empire At War, have some practice or do the campaign if you want, it was pretty good in my opinion. Skirmish Battles or Galactic Conquest in #Single-Player is pretty much your options to practice in EAW (Empire At War)

Real player with 544.4 hrs in game

STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack on Steam