Best Election Simulator In Russia!

Best Election Simulator In Russia!

Who is your admiral general communist oligarch in the bright Russia of the future?

  • Putin? And his aquadisco, pouring Novichok on everyone in the neighborhood?

  • Or Lukashenka and a gang of security officials?

  • Navalny and his swarm of drones and protesters?

  • Or Trump on a posh aircraft carrier and his highly mobile rednecks on pickup trucks?

  • Or with unique mechanics completely out of control George Floyd and his hordes of activists?

Explore and dominate on a generated map

  • Loot and spend on strategically important buildings, or just buy a golden toilet brush for your luxury pirate yacht.

  • Each faction has its own line of development, so bring women and electoral votes to the yacht to get new opportunities, glorious pirate!

    For example, a couple of votes of friendly fellow citizens and Trump is already airstrikes enemies and bombing cities.

    However, it is even easier for Putin: carry two women and you have a great personal bunker.

Unique cell mechanics

At the start of the game, all cells are closed like a card back.

Open them and get unexpected turns.

  • Maybe it will be a nuclear rocket?

  • Or garages with a gop-stop?

Unit characteristics

Each unit earns experience in the course of the game, whether it is killing, women, or collecting votes.

In the future, the player distributes points for new characteristics in the improvement tree.

Some traits can be obtained by examining undiscovered cells. For example, a university has a chance to give a “Red diploma”, which gives + 0.001% to damage.

But the characteristics are not always SUCH POSITIVE! A unit that has been imprisoned has a 50% chance of receiving the “Buggered” debuff.

Find cards and strengthen the regime

Examples of cards:

  • “Legalization Of Prostitution”: 5% chance each turn that 3 random units will gain the characteristic “Prostitute” and start generating income when attacking.

  • “Nepotism”: First and permanent income from oil + 100%.

  • “Gopota Government Support”: 5% chance every turn that 2 loyal riot policemen will appear near the city.

  • “A Feast In Time Of Plague”: 5% chance each turn that 1 random unit will become a cannibal and start supplying food to the city with each kill.

Beware of the indigenous people!

So, the traffic police inspector will bankrupt the rednecks in pickup trucks, which have a movement range of two cells.

And the gopota, when attacking, has a chance to take away a weapon or object, including the NUCLEAR!

Do not forget that it is possible to subdue these crooks by priests and oligarchs. By the way, send juggernaut bears to attack with RPG and nuke!

Combine faction, regime and cards wisely

For example, Putin’s milestones such as “Bunker”, “Resetting Presidential Terms”, and “Coronation”, which provide good bonuses, go well with the “Clone Sovereign” upgrade of the Monarchy regime.

Read More: Best 4X Strategy Games.

Best Election Simulator In Russia! on Steam

Chickens Madness

Chickens Madness

Bought this looking for something fun to play with the 4 yo in front of the TV. Pretty clunky and unfinished to begin with, the lastest update has tightened up some problems with the controls and added a bunch of game modes. The kid loves it - there’s some charm to the game, but a couple of things sour it.

1. The violence - one mini game involves squashing baby chicks into bloody spots - not really enjoyable and adds a nasty tinge to the otherwise family friendly fun, sure you can skip/remove from the list but wouldn’t miss it if it was removed.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Indie Games.

nice early game with 4p (players) in 2hours after i play with another guys cuz thier no any things happen when we replay the mini games no mods no bots no death player can do any thing

but i like it

before u buy it the game without online

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Chickens Madness on Steam

Forgetful Dictator

Forgetful Dictator

Recommendation: This is a fun game that will quickly improve your knowledge of world geography and maybe teach you a little bit about countries of the world.

Review: The story conceit of the game is fun; you play an aide to a Dr. Evil-like despot who is determined to rule the world by conquering it one nation (or territory) at a time. To conquer a nation, you just need to be able to recognize it and name it; doing so enables the despot’s armies to roll in to that country and conquer it. There’s no violence portrayed in the game, and the tone is cartoony and light, constantly poking fun at the dictator and his incompetence: it’s all just a loose story framework to fold around a game of identifying nations of the world by their border outlines and location on a Mercator projection map of the world. The game starts by asking you to choose whether you wish to identify all the countries of the world, or just work on conquering a part of it: Africa, the American hemisphere, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe, or West Asia and the Middle-east. Then the game choose a random nation within that group of countries, and you are presented with the outline of a country on the world map with a Hangman-like set of blanks to fill in with the name of the country. Enter the name correctly and you’ve conquered that country! Then the game will prompt you to choose an adjacent nation to identify/conquer. You have two resources to track as you play: armies and intel. You periodically gain armies as you march across the nations, but you lose one whenever you make a serious mistake (if you get one letter wrong, the game will tell you which letter it was and give you a second chance to get it correct). If you ever run out of armies, the game ends. You use intel to fill in some random letters in the country name (again like Hangman); there’s no penalty for running out of Intel (except that you get no clues). But as you continue to play, more game mechanics are revealed:

! a rival dictator - a ridiculous tyrannosaur - starts to conquer nations in parallel with you, chests of upgrades/materiel appear in random countries.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Strategy Games.

I’ve only played country mode so far, and bought on sale, but I’m impressed, even though the polish on this is not perfect, it feels more like a game than many educational games do, and I’ve been enjoying it more than any geography lesson I can remember (there aren’t many I can remember - not my strong subject).

There are a few different ways of revealing unknown country names (guessing letters, using up “intel” to reveal half of the letters or the remaining helf, multiple choice, and rarely you can reveal a random country). These different methods for arriving at the answer add variety and probably help with learning and recall. The zany dialogue sets a low-pressure atmosphere, although it does get repetitive after a while. Easy enough to click past, though. Being interrupted by trivia questions can be frustrating sometimes, but also breaks things up to reduce monotony, so I wouldn’t go as far as to call it a bad idea - maybe the implementation could be a bit better.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Forgetful Dictator on Steam

Haulin' Oats

Haulin' Oats

This is a game about truck driving, the US highways, and oatmeal. During your time as a truck driver for the Starkham Oatmeal company, you will be tasked with delivering crates of delicious oats to the local grocery store. The roads are fraught with dangers, as well as delights, so be sure to take along a trusty co-pilot and / or pet.

Arranged as a digital board game, you will encounter a wide variety of characters and obstacles ranging from drug cartels, bike gangs, random maniacs, pop stars, police, serial killers, and the few folk that aren’t completely crazy. Make your way around the board and collect your wages every time you complete a delivery then return to the warehouse. Use it to buy spare parts for your truck, the favor of lot lizards, or sometimes bribe your way out of trouble.

When you start a game, each player will get to choose one of eight different drivers; with three locked by default. Each has two strengths and weaknesses, like bonuses to truck ramming checks or penalties to dealing with the law. Mix and match the different drivers with co-pilots and pets to get the upper hand against your opponents.

Just like the drivers, each co-pilot and pet has one different benefit and disadvantage. If you get a bad Incident card draw, you might just accidentally leave ‘em at a truck stop somewhere for an opponent to scoop up. If none suit your play style, you can choose to play without one if you want.

Special guest characters (drivers, co-pilots, and pets) can be unlocked through different quests or by doing certain things a bunch.

Old friends from our previous games make surprise appearances. One cannot go through Starkham without seeing familiar faces like Bill Finnigan or Aloysius. They are sometimes found in Encounter or Incident decks. Depending on who you find, they may have a mission for you or an item to barter.

There are a lot of other characters as well. Scattered throughout the Incident, Encounter, and Resource decks various characters await you, either to rob you blind or give you mini-quests to complete. Heck, some might just need something as simple as a ride down the highway a bit or a wee bit of your money.

A quick and dirty list of features, for those of you who like bullet-lists:

  • Music by Azucar, Yoshua Shafer, and El Castor

  • All hand-drawn art

  • 36 squares all filled with adventure

  • 8 different drivers, 8 different co-pilots, and, of course, 8 different pets (including special guests)

  • 50 different cards per Encounter, Incident, and Resources deck

  • Play with others in online or LAN multiplayer

  • The usual breakdown of statistics and leaderboards to measure yourself against

  • Achievements that actually unlock stuff

Whether your driving record is spotless or you’ve played one of our games before, get some quicker in-game unlocks with the Mileage Club! For each of our previous games that you’ve owned or played (demo, family share, or free weekend), you will unlock guest characters or table accoutrements.

Haven’t done so or don’t got ‘em? Don’t worry, you can get all the same characters and bonuses by just playing the game. And with a little elbow grease.

Haulin' Oats on Steam