Stellar Monarch

Stellar Monarch

If you are familiar with Eurogame style tabletop games, then the abstractions and economic focus (vice military control) will feel very familiar to you. The game’s pillars are not based on American-style wargames.

Many devs who make 4X games seem to have the souls of engineers; Aurora 4x being the archetype. In those games micromanagement focuses on design, production, and use of things like ships. Mastery of those concepts leads to victory.

This game requires micromanagement and is numerically obtuse as well, but it focuses on the qualitative values of game elements (i.e. cards) instead of design, production and use of things.

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Grand Strategy Games.

There’s a lot left to be desired in this game. The UI is clunky, the artwork is amateurish (think early D&D), and there are some strong biases (no female officers, everyone is Caucasian). Maybe there’s a button to change that - but if there is, I havent dug it out from the UI yet (oh, that tiny button on the map pulls up a list of worlds? Which cannot be ordered to tell me most populous, most rebellious, etc?).

For all that, however, the game does two things well. It lives up to what it says it is - you’re the Emperor, not a warehouse clerk. You dont deal with the minutae of the empire, you have People for that - who are, admittedly, often trying to kill you. Or skim off the top. Or are just idiots. But you’re the Emperor, you have People for those People too; people with sharp, pointy objects - my purges havent reached Stalinist levels, but every once in a while, I do feel the need to prune my court of the more corrupt or stupid couriers or officers (‘fire’ all corrupt governors except the loyal ones? Meh heh heh heh).

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

Stellar Monarch on Steam



Its a pretty good 6/10 game that could be great but it can be extreamely frustrating to play. The concepts are behind it are strong and it does provide you with a sense of fighting the cold war, as you fund rebellions, rigs elections, strategically station your troops and try to come out on top of various nuclear confrontations. The art style and aesthetic are also gorgeous and i’d love to see more animalised takes on famous cold war imagery within the game itself.

That being said there are also alot of issues with the game that are also really frustating. The major issue that needs fixing is the lack of infomation giving to the player, especially in regards to how many turns you have left on a crisis or on how many troops an another nation has before you invade (maybe you should see the military strength of a nation when you deploy a spy.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Strategy Games.

now that it has updated to a playable state, i can now approve.


I see that this review is one of the first to be read, so allow me to elaborate on some things that could be improved…:

1. Add and/or improve some perks. Example being some perks involve Warsaw/NATO regions that are utterly useless given that these regions have been nerfed to non-existence. Overall more unique perks to choose from would be nice.

2. (kinda 1-B.) Give an option to have Warsaw/NATO regions worth a lot more. If I recall correctly this is how it was originally designed, them removed in the update. I’d say compromise by giving a toggle option.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

Precipice on Steam

Click and Relax

Click and Relax

Just no

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4X Exploration Games.

Well… it’s something.

The game only has 5 “game modes” which consist of something non-sensical and boring, there isn’t really anything “relaxing” or satisfying about them. The music cannot be adjusted and is pretty loud. Honestly it just feels like a school project from 2005 done by two students that just served to be presented infront of a class and then forgotten. Definetly not worth the money, I got it from a steam gift

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Click and Relax on Steam

Line War

Line War

Line War is a multiplayer Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game heavily influenced by other strategy genres including 4X, War Game, Auto Battler, and Real-Time Tactics.

  • Endless number of asymmetric procedural worlds

  • Players select their starting territories in an innovative and fair “picking phase”

  • You draw commands that units will follow

  • Reduced micro-management, Actions per Minute (APM) is not important

  • No control of individual units, they all follow commands and directives

  • Traditional, recognizable, and well balanced militaristic units

  • Conquer territories, build towns, cities, industries, ports, and trade routes to earn capital

  • Produce energy with refineries and powerplants for sustained mobility of tanks, air force, and navy

  • Visual commands

    This game has a never-before-seen approach that lets you focus on drawing commands and executing a strategy rather than managing individual units. Chain commands and execute orchestrated operations for coordinated attacks against your opponent. This command system sets Line War apart from other strategy games.

  • Familiar Units

    Line War dares to break the trend and has only one race with familiar units to widen the audience and ease the learning curve. Each unit has a distinct and carefully balanced role.

  • Strategy

    Line War focuses on strategy. We’ve designed the game around the typical RTS-problems to remove the steep learning curve and need for ultra-fast micro-management so you can focus on planning and executing a strategy.

During Early Access; Line War is a multiplayer-only game! We will add single-player campaigns for the full release in 2023. As an Early Access customer, you will receive the single-player campaigns for free once the game is fully released.

Line War on Steam