Eight-Minute Empire

Eight-Minute Empire

It’s very well done port of the Red Raven Games' board game of the same title. I played the analog version and I have to say that the digitized brother is more enjoyable. Things like glows, and victory point sum-ups are pretty obvious.. but now I can see how much this stuff works and it really does! Now I can tell who is winning and why - when playing board game it was always kind of mystery ;-)

Due to factions' leaders characters, soldiers, and soundtracks it’s much more climatic than board version (I have never supposed I can tell such a thing).

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Short Games.

I Beta tested this for a few weeks. I never tried online play, only local. It was rock solid when played locally. I found only one minor bug, and it was fixed before I reported it (someone else had reported it the day before).

I wasn’t even going to try it out, because this is (I thought) not the kind of board game I like. Well, I couldn’t have been more wrong! Highly addictive, very fun, and super fast. My favorite play is versus 2 AI characters (you can play locally against 1-4 others, any combo of AI and humans). There’s some luck, but a lot of tactics (some strategy, but it’s often overshadowed by luck, so it’s mostly tactical). There are 3 levels of AI. I’ve lost to all 3, I’ve beaten all 3, but generally the AI levels accurately reflect their ability. I played only about 3 dozen games, so perhaps I’ll get to a point where the AI doesn’t provide enough of a challenge. But even if so, this definitely seems worth the money to me.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Eight-Minute Empire on Steam

War War

War War

A old-school style game that is fun and doesn’t take a gigabyte of storage in 2020? Crazy! Seems to be extremely optimized as it is small but brings with it a bunch of fun online matchups. 3 units, ground forces, a tank and 2 drones. I think I am best at the tank as it is easiest, but splitting up the ground forces and controlling individual groups of them with two joysticks on the same controller at once is awesome! Units can’t turn around (they can’t and it seems intended) so the game is a simple match up once you go to War War!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Real Time Tactics Games.

War War on Steam

Chickens Madness

Chickens Madness

Bought this looking for something fun to play with the 4 yo in front of the TV. Pretty clunky and unfinished to begin with, the lastest update has tightened up some problems with the controls and added a bunch of game modes. The kid loves it - there’s some charm to the game, but a couple of things sour it.

1. The violence - one mini game involves squashing baby chicks into bloody spots - not really enjoyable and adds a nasty tinge to the otherwise family friendly fun, sure you can skip/remove from the list but wouldn’t miss it if it was removed.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Family Friendly Games.

nice early game with 4p (players) in 2hours after i play with another guys cuz thier no any things happen when we replay the mini games no mods no bots no death player can do any thing

but i like it

before u buy it the game without online

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Chickens Madness on Steam

Happy Words

Happy Words

Thank you! For a few years, I’ve been let down by not finding a decent Scrabble-like game. This is..pretty good. What would really improve it a lot, is if there could be a nonfamily-friendly setting; if you misspell a word, it gets thrown out & you lose your turn. That would make the game much more intense – then you actually have to know words. Still, for the price, it’s nice and much better than the free online scrabble & literati; the graphics, the choices of boards & tiles, and the music makes it much more fun. A real steal for 5 bucks.

Real player with 65.0 hrs in game

It’s certifiably scuffed.

I’ve yet to have a game where it’s not bugged out and denied me a turn. The bots in offline play are absolute monsters that occasionally decide to skip like 4 turns in a row for no discernible reason. The dictionary has some truly ridiculous words in it and excludes many terms that are included in other dictionaries. However it’s dirt cheap for the only Scrabble variant on the platform, and it doesn’t throw a tantrum and crash when you’re in a game which is always a key factor in longer games like this.

Real player with 46.3 hrs in game

Happy Words on Steam