Eight-Minute Empire

Eight-Minute Empire

It’s very well done port of the Red Raven Games' board game of the same title. I played the analog version and I have to say that the digitized brother is more enjoyable. Things like glows, and victory point sum-ups are pretty obvious.. but now I can see how much this stuff works and it really does! Now I can tell who is winning and why - when playing board game it was always kind of mystery ;-)

Due to factions' leaders characters, soldiers, and soundtracks it’s much more climatic than board version (I have never supposed I can tell such a thing).

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Asynchronous Multiplayer Games.

I Beta tested this for a few weeks. I never tried online play, only local. It was rock solid when played locally. I found only one minor bug, and it was fixed before I reported it (someone else had reported it the day before).

I wasn’t even going to try it out, because this is (I thought) not the kind of board game I like. Well, I couldn’t have been more wrong! Highly addictive, very fun, and super fast. My favorite play is versus 2 AI characters (you can play locally against 1-4 others, any combo of AI and humans). There’s some luck, but a lot of tactics (some strategy, but it’s often overshadowed by luck, so it’s mostly tactical). There are 3 levels of AI. I’ve lost to all 3, I’ve beaten all 3, but generally the AI levels accurately reflect their ability. I played only about 3 dozen games, so perhaps I’ll get to a point where the AI doesn’t provide enough of a challenge. But even if so, this definitely seems worth the money to me.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Eight-Minute Empire on Steam



Looked like a fun game for local multiplayer but I experienced a crash after only playing for a 10 minutes and asked for a refund.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Family Friendly Games.

I played and found cheese

but touching it caused a crash

hark the cheeseless 🐀

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Ratergy on Steam



Really fun physics game where you control a skateboard with a crane arm mounted on it.

The main game is just one relatively long level that might take you about an hour to complete and then there are 3 bonus levels. There are some secrets and a good amount of quite difficult achievements so you can definitely get a few hours of entertainment out of this if you like this style of games. I do and I definitely recommend this one.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Physics Games.

Really enjoy this game. It’s in a similar vein of games like Stephen’s Sausage Roll or Getting over it where the whole game is just learning to be good at the obscure controls. Granted, this case I did remap the arms to entirely work through the left and right joysticks and have grab on the bumpers, but that just allowed for better speed to control. If you get into it, the moments where you clear a down hill without braking or make a tight turn feel rewarding in itself.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

RoboSkate on Steam



Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

I don’t usually play these kind of games, therefore I must apologize in advance to the veterans of the genre who might happen to read my review and find a lack of comparison with other similar titles. This was an exception for me (and it turned out to be a really fun to play one) only because Yahrit! was created by the team which developed Cellar - a game that will always remain close to my heart. In terms of gameplay, the two tiles have nothing in common with each other, but one can easily see that they do have the same warm and delicate touch. That description is hardly fitting for a fighting platformer game, isn’t it?

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

The concept of Yahrit is very simple, players can kill each other with a dash or by falling off the ledges. Everything is based on mindgames, trying to anticipate when the others will attempt their dash so that you can get the drop on them right after it. It’s a perfect game of chicken. There is a visual indicator showing when a dash is reloading, which allows everyone to see the window of vulnerability. It’s very simple, but it works very well as it’s easy to use and based on tension between players rather than technical prowess.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Yahrit! on Steam

Tiny Brains

Tiny Brains

Tiny Brains is a cooperative puzzle game with a kid friendly aesthetic. You control and swap between 4 different mice with different powers:

  • Sucks up inanimate objects.

  • Blows inanimate objects.

  • Swaps inanimate objects.

  • Creates a block of ice to reach vertical locations.

You’ll enter different puzzle rooms which are all variations of hit this button, or put this box on this switch, etc. Two other level variations involve pushing and pulling a ball with your powers through a Marble Madness like arena, and the last is a Horde Mode mini-game where you defend an objective against… umm…. chickens. Of these the puzzles are the most satisfying, with the other 2 being boring to frustrating. Dying in levels is very lightly penalised with a 5 second respawn. Dying actually becomes a strategy for completing some levels, not a mechanic I particularly find satisfying.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Tiny Brains



Tiny Brains is a puzzle-based co-op adventure for up to 4 players in the same vein as Valve’s Portal 2 where instead of playing as two robots (ATLAS & P-Body) who have to pass an ever increasing set of tests that seem designed to maim and kill, in Tiny Brains you’ll take on the role of 4 sentient mice, each with a distinctive ability that will need to be combined in various manners in order to make it out of this test lab alive.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Tiny Brains on Steam

Sausage Sports Club

Sausage Sports Club

Game is clearly multiplayer focused, but has no option to play online.

I didn’t notice until after I purchased, but they also advertise the game as having online, but through Parsec. It seems to be intentionally misleading as most people would not know what that is. The program literally works with almost any game, so that’s not a feature you should be using as a selling point.

Looks fun, but I regret buying.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Having this much fun playing with other wieners is almost as fun as it is in real life!

10/10 would smack others with my sausage again

p.s. dirk is my favorite character

p.p.s. hold the triggers while you play!

p.p.p.s. i saw this at pax south back in 2017 and i loved it, so you bet it was a day 1 purchase!

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Sausage Sports Club on Steam

Steam: Rails to Riches

Steam: Rails to Riches

Would I recommend this game? Perhaps, but if it has to be a binary answer, I tend to say “no”. Once you figured out how to play this game, it is some fun if you like strategic board games. But the in-game tutorial wasn’t any helpful to me. In the end, I watched a video on YouTube explaining the physical edition of this game, and figured out the rest by observing the AI and trying out stuff, taking a couple hours untill I finally knew what I’m doing.

There are also some glitches. Rotating track pieces, or changing the piece after you accidentaly picked the wrong one, feels quite clumsy. Undoing an action requires redoing the whole phase. You cannot always zoom out, which is in particular a problem when moving goods. If you accidentally attempt to do an illegal move a warning pops up and you have to wait until it disappears by itself, which is quite annoying. Some elements (like the action cards) are unnecesserily small, so unless you know where you have to click, you don’t have an idea what you are doing (in particular when playing from the couch).

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Some of the physical map expansions don’t seem available (yet? ever?) but it’s a good implementation of the boardgame. Fully cross-compatible between Steam and iOS – I’ve had two games going at a time for a while, and I can play my turns on either platform. Game servers have had a tendency to randomly go down on occasion during my several weeks playing so far, but only delays playing for some hours or overnight. Touch play on iOS phones can be a little finicky in dragging and dropping hexes; the undo button can certainly be your friend! Animations could use an option to speed up. (UPDATE CORRECTION: such an option already exists under the options menu, and the fastest version is handy for me.) I’ve turned off the repetitous and somewhat shrill sfx.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Steam: Rails to Riches on Steam

The Yawhg

The Yawhg

Initially, when I first heard of this game, I just figured, “hey, this looks kinda neat but I’m not paying $10 for it becuase I’m a lousy cheap-ass.” It looked like a cool concept to me and if it looks like a cool concept to you, then you’re perhaps in for something of a treat.

Now, when I first played it on my own, I wasn’t particularly entertained. I mean, yes, the different story paths were somewhat interesting and the various different endings were kinda cool but I wasn’t really absorbed into it. It was just something I used to make a good 45 minutes pass by one day when I was feeling bored. Then, while with some friends the other night, I decided to pull it out because we all needed a game to play and this just so happened to be multiplayer and seemed like a nice change of pace from the usual stuff we always tend to play (e.g. Genital Jousting, Jackbox Party Pack, etc.) What I didn’t expect was for us to keep playing over and over again for several more hours, as we found ourselves unusually entertained by this strange little game.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

The Yawhg

The Yawhg is a quaint little game. The premise is simple, you control up to four characters in the weeks leading up to a great disaster known as The Yawhg. Nobody knows the Yawhg is coming, and you can only command your characters so far in that you pick an activity for them to complete each week.

Your characters will gain stat points for the activity you choose. For example, chopping wood increases strength. But random events will also happen, so while chopping wood you might meet a dryad, and they’ll ask you to dance. If your character has a high finesse score, you can impress the dryad with your dancing and receive a reward.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

The Yawhg on Steam

Akuto: Showdown

Akuto: Showdown

Ok this game is very hyper, it takes u a few rounds before you match with the AI speed in 1 level but its pretty addictive.

you can slice or trow with your sword, u can use a gun and bombs, but speed is the toughest weapon here


Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

A good game so far.


  1. Fast paced, if you have 5 minutes spare you could play a game of this.

  2. Fun, this game’s really enjoyable.

  3. Skill-based, this game requires a fair bit of skill for how simple it is.

  4. It has a nice, minimalistic style.

  5. Good level design, allows for strategies.


  1. When loading a map, the sound can be very load.

  2. No online multiplayer, although hut90 have mentioned this as a possibility.

  3. The bots are too good at firing bullets, they hit shots that the vast majority of players would miss.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Akuto: Showdown on Steam

Disobedient Sheep

Disobedient Sheep

This game is completely mad and great fun in local multiplayer, especially with my young kids - it’s simple enough for them to enjoy and doesn’t really matter if you play it well or not. It becomes complete mayhem with several dangerous items appearing or about to appear as you try to guide or bark the sheep away from danger! The different play modes are fun, the visuals are bright and appealing, the music suitably frenetic and some cheesy voice acting is a nice addition.

Since the last update controller support has greatly improved, and having 3 or 4 players madly scrambling around trying to keep the sheep safe is a blast. I thoroughly recommend Disobedient Sheep to anyone who has a few people in the house who want to play a game together, especially if some of them are young children.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Disobedient Sheep is a couch-multiplayer party game with a heavy survival emphasis.

That it, the survival of some super-cute balls of wool that cannot, without your help, avoid the many genuine and lifelike hazards that come with being a sheep in today’s modern times. Ominously slow rolling boulders, falling anvils and anchors, bombs and of course the shepherd staple dynamite all await your precarious flock.

You play as a sheepdog, of which there are several cuddly variants, darting around the map for a time period dying to bark and generally hustle your sheep out of the way of these deadly obstacles. Your sheep act realistically, and group together in small flocks, but occasionally freak out at their impending existential nightmare and scurry off, making this challenge much harder than it sounds. As time goes on more and more dangers are thrown your way, making the final few seconds quite chaotic.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Disobedient Sheep on Steam