Mount Your Friends 3D: A Hard Man is Good to Climb

Mount Your Friends 3D: A Hard Man is Good to Climb

This game takes everything you loved about the first one, and dials it up to 11. Everything that may have turned you off to the first one in terms of mechanics has been remedied or simplified here. The movement is fluid and easy to pick up, only requiring your mouse and two fingers to play. The diversifcation of modes is excellent, with every single one having some kind of charm and element of fun to it. The skill floor is much lower and easier to get in to, while the skill ceiling is much higher, and difficult to master. The game can be as challenging as you want it to be, but it always remains fun at whatever skill level you play at. The skins and team customization options that you unlock through play are all hilarious, and give a genuine sense of progression without feeling like you’re missing out on anything. Custom modes are coming soon, with much more on the way, as the dev is very active and open to feedback. Basically, this is everything you’re looking for in a game and more. If you loved the first one or are just looking for a hilarious game to play in your free time, definitely pick it up. If you have a friend or two and are looking for something cheap and silly, this is an absolute must buy.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Multiplayer Games.

I played the first game with my buddies and always loved it for its goofy physics and the fun game modes such as low gravity and horizontal mounting. When I heard about the release of the sequel I was excited to see a different take on the classic game of mounting jacked dudes. My friends and I got the game on the release date and I streamed it. After playing the game for (currently 8.8 hours before typing this) I can say that I like this new installment more than the previous one.


New modes such as blockade and shuffle.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Mount Your Friends 3D: A Hard Man is Good to Climb on Steam

Mount Your Friends

Mount Your Friends

This game is fantastic, but I must issue a warning:

Player creativity and practice is an absolute requirement.

Some people say the game gets old quick, and that it’s too simple to squeeze enough enjoyment out of it to make it worth the money, and that d!ck jokes aren’t funny. Those people are wrong.

When I picked it up, I liked it, and it made me laugh my ass off for a bit, but I wasn’t quite hooked. Then I played a match with someone who was REALLY good at the game, and it showed me the potential for hilariously rewarding gameplay and growth through raw skill. It actually exercises your brain because you have to figure out which keys you need to push next, and in which order, while you’re helplessly rag-dolling through the air.

Real player with 264.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Funny Games.

…I just spent almost 2 hours in an online match with some random guy. Neither of us were trying to win the game (bridge builder). We were pretty much on par with one another skill-wise in the beginning. Suddenly he pulls a fancy move and teabags my character, grabbing his head and smacking his junk against his face. It was hysterical.

I did the same thing right back, attempting to ride his face ‘Gangnam style.’

This went back and forth from a number of bizarre homo-erotic positions. The novelty just did not seem to wear off.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Mount Your Friends on Steam

Mother Russia Bleeds

Mother Russia Bleeds

tl;dr: Game has more depth than it initially seems, sound/art design is fantastic, and it actually gets support from devs

One of the most brutal, rewarding beatemups out there. And I’m not only talking about the aesthetic, which is brutally beautiful in its own right.

First, to get it out of the way: Mother Russia Bleeds is not a particularly well-balanced game. It’s a hard game on its normal difficulty, sometimes approaching the point of cheapness with the amount of enemies they can throw at you. This is especially hard when you’re playing by yourself - the game can often turn into a game of managing space so you don’t get annihilated - but this issue is mostly alleviated if you have a co-op partner. If you’re new or casual to beatemups, go for Easy for your first run.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Pixel Graphics Games.

Mother Russia Bleeds is a new age classic that suffers from some bad game balancing mechanics and, as it stands currently, some bugs that can ruin the game play experience.


Not going to lie, they actually went all out with this. It’s a pretty deep story considering this is a simple beat ‘em up game. There is some fairly rich dialog during and between the stages that set up a lot of the story and tap in to your emotions so you care more about the journey / characters lives. The bosses usually all have some kind of “Bad guy monolog” so that it fires you up to just want to kill them before the fight begins which I thought was a really nice touch.

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

Mother Russia Bleeds on Steam

Drawful 2

Drawful 2

( YES, You only need one copy of Drawful 2 to have all your friends play. You do not need additional copies for each persons phone/device )

Group of 4 really enjoyed this game. It was hard to for some to understand how the strategy of the game goes so maybe this will help

-First phase: Everyone draws a picture of the Titles provided

-Second phase: A players picture is selected at random, all other players observe the drawn picture and create convincing titles for the drawing to be added to the title guessing phase based on what they think the image looks like.

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

✼ Audience: ✼

☐ Attempt To Recite Your ABCs

☐ Older Children

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Everyone (The appropriateness of this title largely if not entirely is dependant on the other players and what they draw in response to the prompts provided. Given you have some half-decent players moral wise I don’t see why this shouldn’t be suitable for all audiences.)

✼ Difficulty: ✼

☐ Could Be Played On Guitar Hero Controller

☐ Easy

☑ Casual (Creativity and slight art skills.)

☐ Moderate Difficulty

☐ Difficult

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Drawful 2 on Steam