Scrap Galaxy

Scrap Galaxy

The first game from Catalope Games is just as great as it looks.

For starters, it’s absolutely gorgeous.

Fast paced action for 1-4 players as well as lots and lots of fun.

Recommended for anyone who likes party games, geometry wars or just indie games in general.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Building Games.

The camera is the biggest enemy in the game. It does and WILL pull you into asteroids, enemies, and bombs.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Scrap Galaxy on Steam



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Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Cosmodome on Steam

BFF or Die

BFF or Die

A nice cooperative puzzle game.

CRASHES when trying to use Remote Play Together. This is too bad. I really wanted to try it out with some help from my far-flung friends.

The initial levels of the game are different based on the number of players. If you want to teach friends how to play, I recommend playing the first 7, or so, levels in TWO PLAYER mode. The early levels of other modes might fail to teach important aspects (like how to get out of the flashlight booth).

This could be a nice title for some “Games Night” cooperative frustration, err I mean fun.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Team-Based Games.

The game is like a physical puzzle game but with action elements to it. And if you play multiplayer, the extra dimension of needing to figure out what each player needs to do and when to complete the level. It can get crazy hectic and tense, especially when your teammates mess up or something unexpected happens. But it never feels unfair or too punishing. Plus you always get time to plan at the start of each level / puzzle.

My only criticism is some of the menu options don’t work with keyboard, but nothing that stops you playing the game.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

BFF or Die on Steam

Dual Core

Dual Core

First impressions, this a good fun game. It’s fairly simple to play, no complicated controls (I use mouse and keyboard, but I understand it’s designed for controllers). I’ve only played single player so far, but I’ll let the kids loose on this tommorow for some local coop and update review then. So far so good.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

This is a really good, yet strangely unkown, twin stick shooter. And I honestly can’t see the reason why there is not much hype for this game. The graphics are well done handdrawn style with appealing effects layed all over it, the music is good and pumping and apart from very few ones missing here and there even the sound effects are quite good. The controls are perfectly responsible. There are only very few times when you get stuck on a corner and that’s nothing that can’t be flattened out by upgrading your robots speed so it can run and turn faster.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Dual Core on Steam



Great game ! Fun, fast & tricky : everything i love !

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

I enjoyed the beta version and now this is an instant buy!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Varion on Steam



Shoot and deflect bullets as a frog equipped with a gun, a buckler and a sticky tongue.

GUN & BUCKLER is a lucrative blood-sport set some time in the future – a branch growing off the long tradition of frog breeding, introducing a new generation of frogs that understand how to use weapons.

The game puts you into the action of being pitted against your genetic peers and their freaky deviations, at the amusement of national TV, at the profit of the breeders and at the detriment of countless clones of frogs and toads.

Your job is to make sure you never get hit by a bullet. Don’t get hit. You will die, don’t do it.

Gameplay features:

  • Aim 360 degrees around you

  • Switch between blocking and shooting

  • Crouch first to jump high like a frog

  • Walljumps, climbing and sliding off walls

  • Fast swimming

  • Grab items, other frogs and steal their items using your TONGUE. You can dual wield.

  • Directional melee attacks

Other features:

  • Several arenas

  • Play vs other players or bots, locally or online

  • Controller support

  • Tutorials and training

  • Character customization and profiles


Space Food Truck

Space Food Truck

Mainly writing this because I disagree with what the majority of the negative reviews are saying, as someone who cranked out 40 hours of gameplay (split quite evenly between online and offline play) and who completed games on the hardest difficulty level. While I have ideas on what should contribute to a negative review, which will come later in the review, but let’s start by tackling the points I disagree with in the negative reviews.

I believe RNG gets the majority of the blame because a random event occurs at the beginning of every turn, and at every new planet, so it’s pretty much in your face all the time.

Real player with 102.9 hrs in game

This game has the potential to be very fun. Myself and a few friends brought it and really enjoyed the game initially. But we quickly realised that this game is too hard, and not even hard in way that challenges you properly. We have been playing on mild difficulty, since the upper difficulty was seemingly impossilbe.

The game is hard beyond the player’s control, since much of the game mechanics are the result RNG. 90% of the RNG is bad! You receive negative effects that can see you wiped out very quickly. For example, we upgraded our shields to the max very early on, but in response, we started taking much more damage from RNG events.

Real player with 44.7 hrs in game

Space Food Truck on Steam




It’s fun, though the bots are well… still bots, but that’s to be expected, at least they aren’t bad, they just aren’t to terribly great either. (They’ll do stuff like get stuck in a room, or pilot your about-dead-ship into mines that could have very easily been avoided or destroyed… but they’re pretty good in general with the rest of their duties)

I’d really like to see more missions go into this game, but as to the ones that are up they are fun (though, they could do with a bit more variation… especially exploritory-wise, as traveling through space doesn’t seem to terribly interesting, but I’m not sure how you’d add more variety to that, besides maybe having a map where you have to carefully pilot around obstacles, or maybe pilot your way into a hanger/base of some sort).

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

I’ve had a blast playing this with my friends. I backed the kickstarter so I’m excited this is out. Currently there’s a good amount of released missions for a few hours of gameplay, but since it’s possible to highly customize your ship it’s still very fun replaying those same missions, usually with a different crowd. Since you can play the multiplayer locally and the game is very easy to get in to it works well as a party game.

In early access there are still a few bugs, but for the most part the game is bug free.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Undercrewed on Steam

Anatomy of Fear

Anatomy of Fear

Lobby function: Broken

Gameplay: Broken

Main Menu: Broken

Cant see

First person: Broken

There is so much wrong with this game it doesnt make sense even as an early access title its way to broken

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

I bought and played with bias because your trailer looked pretty cheap besides not giving any serious information about the game. Three friends just finished the game, my first impressions are:

1-The graphics are really nice. (1920x1080-medium)

2-The cinematic in the beginning is very good.

3-The sound got stuck in the final cinematic.

4-Artificial intelligence can be developed. (There were occasional hang-ups between my friend and me)

5-The stormy weather was nice.

6- The price is suitable for the game.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Anatomy of Fear on Steam



Now this game… I’m so happy I went to EGX: just for finding out about this game. You will not find anothergame quite like this. It is so fun. The game is so well refined, being a bit fiddly to rotate blocks and remove blocks from corners of a cube structure. But this shouldn’t push your choice away from it. If you think you could enjoy it, even if the features such as online multiplayer and bots arn’t there yet, support it, buy it, try to get some friends to try it out with you.

Bottom line is you won’t regret backing this game as that £4.99 / $6.25 / €5.89 will aid these talented people form a full game of content.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Been playing Blockships for a long time, at various trade shows, and it’s just pure unadulterated fun. Everyone from young to old gets it immediately and then it’s just game after game of explosions, laughter, and victorious cheering.

It’s easy to pick up but there’s a great amount of depth and strategic awareness to the gameplay. You try to keep track of both the contents and positioning of your opponents' ship parts, the blocks scattered around the level, and the blocks you have available. Building to counter opponents on-the-fly is super unique, and the entire battlefield can change in an instant with a skillfully placed shot.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Blockships on Steam