Stones of Sorrow

Stones of Sorrow

Read the store page, view the video, and you will have a good grip on the premise of this game. Now check the controls and go get those stones. You will need one for each hand to smash your blood brother’s head in properly.

Wow what a great Developer. All of my pin points below have been addressed and are no longer issues as of this past update(1.1.2) and it has been Less than a week. The movement even feels more fluid. I ran into a couple random issues… but I have screenshot them with descriptions. I’m curious to see how much gametime it will take to max out my perks :)

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Blood Games.

This game will blow your mind! Like, where else can you play a game so innovative like that? Cave paintings killing each other, a cool variety of items and, in the middle, a story well arranged and nicely told? Holy crap! You’ll say “why didn’t I play this gem before?” (ps: you’ll die a lot, but that won’t keep your hands off the controller. You’ll beg for more or, should I say, beg for gore?)

I’ve already “finished” Stones of Sorrow 4 or 5 times and now I’m in for the achievements, mainly ‘cause this state of the art item of human badassery -both the pre-historic cave art/21st game development- totally deserves it.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Stones of Sorrow on Steam

Lost Castle / 失落城堡

Lost Castle / 失落城堡

this is only the second review i have ever wrote for a game and its my first good one. i just felt like i needed to take the time to make a solid shout out to the creators of this game. i bought this game a couple years ago for $10 USD. becuase i was looking for something to waste time for a day or two and it was so cheap. now granted i have been a gamer for over 30 years im an old gamer and i would say im not the best but im a 8/10 and enjoy hard games both pve and pvp . now about lost castle, this game is just great.

Real player with 174.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Side Scroller Games.

All right, I’ve played this game long enough to review it, and I’ve to say it has gone above expectations for an old school hack’n’slash where rng changes the playstyle in every game. Drawings and artwork is relatively simple but detailed, offering a good presentation, particularly bosses in their intros (it’s boring in the long run but they aren’t long or tedious and they can be skipped).


-Game is fairly optimized, loading quickly and fps doesn’t drop even with a big number of enemies on screen even in old laptops.

Real player with 120.8 hrs in game

Lost Castle / 失落城堡 on Steam



This game combines exploration, shooting, movement/dodging, and stats/skill progression. Making it a really fun procedurally generated experience every time as levels, enemies, even map types are different with each playthrough.

As you play you gain points that can be used to unlock new items purchasable in the store, new characters to play as well as passive bonusses.

This is a great buy for the price and I’ve played it for up to 3 hours at a time, even though i might only have intended to play 10-15 minutes :)

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Twin Stick Shooter Games.

Really liking the experience so far! Gerty is a twin stick shooter with a rogue like twist and it works like a charm. All of the 4 playable characters are unique from one another and offer interesting skills and items to mix and match. For an early acces game, Gerty has a really well polished core and it’s a blast to play with friends. Yeah, it’s a bit on the short side as of now, but I suspect the guys are working more content into the game. Check it out, especially if you like playing coop with friends!

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Gerty on Steam

Son of a Witch

Son of a Witch

Originally, I found this game on the the Nintendo store while browsing for local multiplayer games I could enjoy with my kids. I was drawn to it due to the above but also due to ts great art style and the randomness each game offered. Being an avid Diablo fan going on decades, this really appealed to me.

My three girls and I have a blast playing this and there are not a lot of buttons to remember so the basics are easy to pick up for younger children. I have beaten barbarian challenges with my 3 year old and shes even saved me! Although her favorite is the Alchemist so technically her “friend” saved me.

Real player with 226.9 hrs in game

All around a great game.

TLDR: Magic has 10x more potential than melee and archery. the +1% magic per cast potion needs to be scrapped.

My only gripe with the game atm is that magic can be massively overpowered late game. I have finished all 7 acts (the last being the desert) multiple times now as a magic user, and probably wouldn’t have even needed to look at the screen to beat the final boss (which would be really hard as melee/archer).

The potion that gives +1% bonus magic everytime you cast a spell can be so easily abused. If you get it early on you can just hold onto a voodoo doll (or anything will a low magic cost) and spam it.

Real player with 149.7 hrs in game

Son of a Witch on Steam

Earth Overclocked

Earth Overclocked

Surprisingly nice and addictive game in the genre that I don’t usually like. Earth Overclocked is yet another one of those cheap indie real-time permadeath rogue-like games that you can often find in bundles and most of which suck very hard. For many reasons. Those are usually way too poor, way too unpolished, or something like that. Up to the point where they’re half-broken games that kill you faster than you can understand what’s going on and what you should do. For example, not so long ago I suffered through a game called Vampire of the Sands. The idea itself wasn’t that bad, but the experience itself… it was extremely unpleasant.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Actually, not bad, but with some problems.

I liked how quick the runs are. You are forced to finish your run in 20 minutes, but you can find some items which can extend your timer, so there is no need to stress out about the timer, especially on the first difficulty. I finished my first run after 100 minutes of playtime and after that I could fairly easily finish the game on every second try. My record was 12 minutes and 4 seconds.

There are a lot of weapons to find and play with, but the downside is - all of them have a durability stat, so after some time they just break and you are left with nothing. So switching weapons is essential and a big part of the game’s core difficulty.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Earth Overclocked on Steam



Alright. This is not a bad game. Music and design are simple but it has its own charm, quite addictive actually. It’s just not “there” yet.

Though, these are the reasons why I do not recommended this game

  • $10? Really?

  • Too repeatative

  • Literally 2 stages. 3 bosses each stages. You see the same enemies, over, and over and over again. Just more in numbers

! After that, you have the thing call Victory Run, which is keep killing same enemies until you die :S

  • Again, $10? REALLY?

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Shutshimi is a sidescrolling shoot-em-up presented as an endless series of 10-second rounds. What that means is that you are given 10 seconds to shoot and outmaneuver enemies, then another 10 seconds to choose from 1 of 3 randomly selected items.

Some of the items have positive effects, some do not; some last a single round, while others remain until you take damage, or swap them out. Why would you choose an item with a negative effect? Probably because it’s the least terrible of three unfavorable items…or maybe on accident, when you’re in a rush to beat the clock. There are also items that give the player a randomly chosen hat (from a pool of ~45)–some of these hats are purely cosmetic, while others provide a unique ability that helps inject a little variety into the game, mechanically-speaking.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Shutshimi on Steam

Deep Dark Dungeon

Deep Dark Dungeon

Fantastic tune but Very Bad controls, the character stops moving every time you press a weapon button shame the monsters dont. Could have been a great game otherwise.

I still recommend this game though the devs seem to be less active from what i hear.

To be honest the game is unplayable if you just use the keyboard, mouse would have helped but its as if the devs didnt even test this game out and just wrote it. If the most glaring of issues is noticed within 1min of playing and ignored,it says to me they dont care a hoot about this game.. check out their website that tells you everything you need to know about this train wreck

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

This game needs safe spots, it’s not that fun as people say :( PS I pees on this game)

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Deep Dark Dungeon on Steam



Probably the closest to a legitimate Bomberman experience you’ll get to on PC, not just Steam, outside of emulation, and far more party-ready. The multiplayer is solid, and you can play online via Parsec (which I recommend if you’ve got a good connection for just about any local-multiplayer game).

The single-player is fun and has all the highs and lows of any other rogue-like game. Other than a few very rare bugs that can occur (especially frustrating toward the end of a very powerful run), the game runs very smoothly and without issues on a large variety of hardware. The bosses are extremely tough when starting, but are fairly predictable, and as a result this particular game is more consistent than most rogue-likes. The item variety adds a fair bit of strategy to the game, and it’s fun messing with different builds to find either incredibly powerful builds that will allow for an easy run or succeed-or-suck builds that are a huge gamble with the possibility of quick death or deft victories. I’ve put in a lot of runs on this game and it’s an excellent time killer with endless opportunities for fun during multiplayer. My only wish is that multiplayer would get more options for customization going forward. Other than that, the game is fairly flawless, and delivers on its promises excellently for both the experienced rogue-player and newcomers alike.

Real player with 44.5 hrs in game


  • overall the game is fun

  • nice art style

  • different builds are possible

  • some degree of replayability(different bosses, unlockable starting items, levels layouts randomly generated each playthrough)

  • not a lot of bomberman-like games out there


  • the game starts slow. Your avatar moves slow, has one bomb with one title blast radius. I almost dropped the game at first, but struggled through the first couple of runs and luckily unlocked a couple of items which made the game less tedious

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Bombslinger on Steam

Last Encounter

Last Encounter

I had originally written a negative review for this game. There were some balance/quality of life issues that were driving me nuts and really muddied my enjoyment of the game, and i cited that if adjustments were made then the game would be much more enjoyable.

And guess what? The dev team for this game listened. They have already patched it and made positive changes and I am stunned and happy to see this.

The framework for this game is fantastic - your ship is fun to pilot and weapons are somewhat morphic based on the upgrades you collect, there is good enemy variety and the overall actual gameplay is solid. It is fun to experiment with the various pilots and ships to see what style fits best, and it has a ton of potential overall. On top of this i really like the level design and the small touches in the background like the paralax scrolling, its a great design.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Last Encounter has some neat ideas and mechanics, but it just doesn’t quite work, is severely underexplained, and feels at least a little unfinished. It’s interesting to play, and if you’re tolerant, can make a fair side game to better roguelites, so it’s not a hard pass.

You start a run selecting a pilot and ship, with different attributes and an activated special ability. Those aren’t particularly interesting, to be frank, but the game has a neat weapon system where your shot is determined by three components you can individually interchange right in mid-fight, but in practice, seems like you don’t really get to make a lot of use of this, so it’s just kind of there much of the time. Still, cute idea, and it adds some interest to the otherwise pedestrian twin-stick style top-down shooting. You explore and clean large hexagonal spaces collecting keys to open the exit to move on to the next major zone. Each zone has a theme and style, but sadly the enemies and hazards tend to feel more like nuisances than interesting enemies, and there’s some obnoxious design here (like zone three, where you’ll find enemies who can and will simply focus a laser on you, doing continuous non-negligible damage until you destroy them, but they don’t go down fast, and there can be environment obstacles around which they can shoot through but you cannot, and you also have enemies who will hinder you and move you around). You sometimes, but not always, fight a boss after a zone, and these are lengthy, tedious affairs.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Last Encounter on Steam

Seals of the Bygone

Seals of the Bygone

Thought It could be at least as good as Caveblazers, but It isn’t.

Everything looks so small that the action animation of the hero make little sense to player.

Unlocked a couple of different roles, only to find they are too weak to survive the first wave of respawned enemies.

Why does the hero have to be pulled back to a boss when it breaks loose from seal? that’s ridiculous. The boss fight is a mess, they spawn all the time with those annoying projectiles flying across the ledges and walls, together with all the other spawns chasing you, there isn’t much you can do but run, which is frustrating and not rewarding or enjoyable.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

Just finished my first run of the game, and everything about this makes me nostalgic for those first few months that Risk of Rain 1 released. I played that game sicne launch and never found another experience quite like it…until today! This game is a love letter to RoR but feels less hairpulling at times. RoR had the tendency to really really murder the player if they weren’t properly managing time or stage searching, but SotB has a more forgiving in-level system (the Seals and their Void key counterparts) that will reward experienced players while not punishing players who got into the game for reasons other than playing a challenging rouge-like. Extremely promising early access in my opinion, can’t wait to try out all the Sealers and see what the developer has in store for this game in the future!! I hope it receives some more attention, this game is dying to be played by the likes of Northernlion, BaerTaffy, ShinyRawrquaza etc. Seriously if you enjoyed either Risk of Rain this is a must buy!

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

Seals of the Bygone on Steam