Star Escape

Star Escape

Really fun, simple competitive game. I’ve played alone and with a friend and I could see this being incredibly fun with 3-4 people. It’s not easy but not unfair, you always know what you did wrong. The only complaint i would have is initially navigating the menu to start a game was a little confusing.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Competitive Games.

Star Escape on Steam

Rock n' Rush: Battle Racing

Rock n' Rush: Battle Racing

This is a simple racing/shooting hybrid based on classic games like Atari’s Badlands (arcade) and Super NES games RPM Racing (Radical Psycho Machines), Rock ‘N’ Roll Racing and, more recently, Death Rally that’s about finishing first while blowing up other racers.

There really isn’t too much content yet (only 4 tracks with some variations and 4 playable vehicles at the start) but it’s fun and-in single player mode-challenging, but it’s much more fun if you’ve got friends to play with. Not the kiddies though, as there is some NSFW language (occasional F-bombs). It looks good with a nice metal soundtrack and controls are surprisingly realistic, you can’t just go all out around corners or you might roll over, let alone go off track.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Combat Racing Games.

It’s a nice game to play with friends… A lot of destruction lmao. Thumbs up!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Rock n' Rush: Battle Racing on Steam

Lost Castle / 失落城堡

Lost Castle / 失落城堡

this is only the second review i have ever wrote for a game and its my first good one. i just felt like i needed to take the time to make a solid shout out to the creators of this game. i bought this game a couple years ago for $10 USD. becuase i was looking for something to waste time for a day or two and it was so cheap. now granted i have been a gamer for over 30 years im an old gamer and i would say im not the best but im a 8/10 and enjoy hard games both pve and pvp . now about lost castle, this game is just great.

Real player with 174.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Side Scroller Games.

All right, I’ve played this game long enough to review it, and I’ve to say it has gone above expectations for an old school hack’n’slash where rng changes the playstyle in every game. Drawings and artwork is relatively simple but detailed, offering a good presentation, particularly bosses in their intros (it’s boring in the long run but they aren’t long or tedious and they can be skipped).


-Game is fairly optimized, loading quickly and fps doesn’t drop even with a big number of enemies on screen even in old laptops.

Real player with 120.8 hrs in game

Lost Castle / 失落城堡 on Steam



I just wanted to say that the game has a huge potential. I really dig the visual and the background music but I wanted the SFX to be much improved :)

I already play the game alone and together with three other friends. I might say that the game is very difficult and extremely punishing (you start from the beginning if you lost). The tactic when playing alone and together is vastly different. While it is easier to move alone but no one covering you which means that you need to move a lot. When playing multi player, your friends can have your back but the room of movement is fairly limited. Hopefully, the developer can address this problem.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

While Orbiz took me on an adventure back to my early days of gaming, it has a long way to go before it’s ready to be officially launched. Amisdt the flaws in the game mechanics, I still had a blast bashing my way through swarms of the undead. This game has huge potential lying just below the surface, and I genuinely hope Anoman Studios spends the next year or two polishing Orbiz to its tremendous potential. For being such a new company, Anoman looks to have a bright future and I’m personally looking forward to seeing where they go next.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Orbiz on Steam



Really fun physics game where you control a skateboard with a crane arm mounted on it.

The main game is just one relatively long level that might take you about an hour to complete and then there are 3 bonus levels. There are some secrets and a good amount of quite difficult achievements so you can definitely get a few hours of entertainment out of this if you like this style of games. I do and I definitely recommend this one.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Really enjoy this game. It’s in a similar vein of games like Stephen’s Sausage Roll or Getting over it where the whole game is just learning to be good at the obscure controls. Granted, this case I did remap the arms to entirely work through the left and right joysticks and have grab on the bumpers, but that just allowed for better speed to control. If you get into it, the moments where you clear a down hill without braking or make a tight turn feel rewarding in itself.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

RoboSkate on Steam



I love this game! :D

Hyperdot is a polished minimalist take on the dodge em' up genre. What I love about it is that it doesn’t force you to feel revved up. Any adrenaline surge you get from the game is purely from the (very real) challenge of the gameplay and not from headache-inducing dubstep like some other games of its genre. Hyperdot features a soundtrack that, like the visual design, is decidedly both crisp and smooth, and somehow allows the game to feel both relaxing and high-stakes. The visual aesthetics change with each level, keeping the game feeling fresh as you progress. Most importantly, the gameplay never feels repetitive. Each level finds new and creative ways to keep you on your toes using different enemies, power-ups, and modifiers. I find myself thinking I’ll just play one more level, and half an hour later I realize I’m still playing. Despite how enjoyable the game is, Hyperdot does not waste your time. Because each level is a short (but difficult) challenge, it’s a game that’s easy to step in and out of, whether you’re playing for 5 min or for 2 hours in a sitting. Other things to note:

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

HyperDot is SO MOREISH!!! So challenging, but it never feels punishing. It constantly makes you feel like you’re GOOD at it while also failing… a lot??

Love the fact it’s SO accessible too, from every perspective - audio, visual and cognitively. So many good little design points that telegraph gameplay and the game has a wonderful self contained language for mechanics so that even when they evolve they almost instantly make sense.

Finally, the music and sound design is beautiful, relaxing, dancey, and subtle!

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

HyperDot on Steam



Whether you love designing levels or just love platformers in general this game is an instant buy! With a robust level editor, a system to get your level played, tight platforming, and endless content, this is the best Maker game ever made!

I originally purchased this game to help pass the time until Mario Maker 2, but was so amazed by the level editor I never left. From creating traditional platforming levels, to complex machines, the editor has almost unlimited potential. The editor is easy to learn, but extremely deep and robust to the allow for creating even the most complex contraptions.

Real player with 1953.5 hrs in game

Levelhead is the best level maker experience on the market.


Some describe it as a precision platformer, but it does not have to be. Even running around the most basic levels is enjoyable because the controls, character animations and sound design are spot on.

The main distinguishing gameplay feature is the grab/throw mechanic, which adds a ton of depth to the platforming and sets it apart from established franchises. The array of carry items can be used for platforming, puzzles, combat or even currency.

Real player with 1424.9 hrs in game

Levelhead on Steam

Think of the Children

Think of the Children

Tags: Combat Arena & Smashbroesque

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: This is a spin-off of Overcooked using a limited amount of abilities on a cooldown. Suicidal kids, high difficulty. Execution feels much sloppier. Waste of a fun concept.

While I honestly appreciated the overall tone and presentation, the game is not very balanced towards solo play. Having children around is even worse than dwarves in dwarf fortress. They will beeline straight into a danger zone, get an exclamation point going and a few seconds later they are dead. There are 6+ of them and you have usually half a dozen of hotspots to comandeer to successfully complete a mission. That means too many spinning plates at once.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

I received Think of the Children in the most recent Humble Bundle. I’ve only played it for about an hour with my partner and we’ve had a decent time with it so far. Despite that, there’s absolutely no chance I could recommend this game to anyone who isn’t getting it in aforementioned bundle. Here’s just a few reasons why.

The game is buggy: Controller support randomly stops working in the menus. I then went to my computer, restarted the game without a controller. Half of the prompts were keyboard prompts, the other half controller. The select level screen was stuck as if my controller’s analog stick was stuck, but my controller wasn’t connected.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Think of the Children on Steam

You Died but a Necromancer revived you

You Died but a Necromancer revived you

Disclaimer :

I’m good friend with one of the developers.

And I made the french and portuguese translation for free because I wanted to support him and I love the game.

You Died but a Necromancer Revived You, is a small but brilliant indie game with lots of heart.

Basically it’s about using only “up, down, left, right” to get trough spiraling pathways full of devious traps. You will die a lot, but will be back instantly on your feet (thanks Mr. Necromancer). The levels are randomly generated but it’s really well balanced and it’s uncommon for them to feel unfair.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

yeah sorry as much as i can see that the people who made this game really gave it their all i have to say every fucking approach to game design taken here was for the worst

its incredibly short but its padded out by its teetering difficulty to a tremendous degree so much so even on my first time i still beat it under 30 minutes, using difficulty to make a game arbitrarily longer is just lame, doesn’t help that this tactic is taken even further by making it randomized which just makes it so youre guaranteed not to ever really get a complete feel for the gameplay, so there’s just this static cap for getting better at things, it takes a warioware approach of having to scan everything quick enough while being under a time limit for every level but it just puts a bandage on a fundamentally flawed choice of game design to make it feel harder than it is

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

You Died but a Necromancer revived you on Steam

Animal Rivals

Animal Rivals

Animal Rivals is a collection of local split screen multiplayer only party minigames where you control a funny/toy animal. Games are things like obstacle courses, action/box destroying games and so on.

The quality here is very poor unfortunately, and there’s no network play, which isn’t really right for 2017 when this was launched. The game doesn’t work right off the bat and loads into a black screen, so you have to press “R” then hope you can tweak the game resolution such that it will work and not just crash out.

Real player with 65.4 hrs in game

Black Screen of Death.

Actually, I got past the black screen by hitting R which reset the settings. Unfortunately, that also means you can only play at the base settings.

Once you get past all that, you are confronted with a completely bland and dead game.

Skip this one unless you have a group who wants to play this together for whatever reason.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Animal Rivals on Steam