Tsuro - The Game of The Path

Tsuro - The Game of The Path

It’s like a holiday for your mind…

It’s really is. As a visual art teacher and board-game enthusiast, I’d fall in love and buy Tsuro for mobile (my android phone) as well as Steam version. It’s the best purchase I ever had and felt with all digital-adaptation board-games or tabletop out there.

Honestly if the developer could even manage to put matchmaking without delay from other players (like online PVP) that would be much-much-much greater in the long run! Also if somehow we can customize our own ‘stones’ and change them with personal 3D characters or objects: it’s heaven sent.

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local 3D Games.

Tsuro is a simple puzzle board game that is easy to learn but hard to master. Kind of like chess where you need to plan several moves in advance. The game consists of you picking a colored stone and drawing 3 tiles. These tiles have lines on them which your stone will follow along a path. Each player places a tile in front of their stone to move it in a certain direction. But be careful, other players can make your stone follow a path off the board if you are to close to their stone. There are a few different game modes you can play. Survival: be the last stone still on the board. Longest Path: travel the farthest distance by the end of the game. Most Loops: gain more loops than anyone else by crossing over your own path. Solo: this is just a relaxing mode to see how far and how long you can stay on the board. Bomb: This solo mode you need to make a path quickly because a fuse will try and catch up to your stone, getting faster as time goes on.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Tsuro - The Game of The Path on Steam

Eight-Minute Empire

Eight-Minute Empire

It’s very well done port of the Red Raven Games' board game of the same title. I played the analog version and I have to say that the digitized brother is more enjoyable. Things like glows, and victory point sum-ups are pretty obvious.. but now I can see how much this stuff works and it really does! Now I can tell who is winning and why - when playing board game it was always kind of mystery ;-)

Due to factions' leaders characters, soldiers, and soundtracks it’s much more climatic than board version (I have never supposed I can tell such a thing).

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Short Games.

I Beta tested this for a few weeks. I never tried online play, only local. It was rock solid when played locally. I found only one minor bug, and it was fixed before I reported it (someone else had reported it the day before).

I wasn’t even going to try it out, because this is (I thought) not the kind of board game I like. Well, I couldn’t have been more wrong! Highly addictive, very fun, and super fast. My favorite play is versus 2 AI characters (you can play locally against 1-4 others, any combo of AI and humans). There’s some luck, but a lot of tactics (some strategy, but it’s often overshadowed by luck, so it’s mostly tactical). There are 3 levels of AI. I’ve lost to all 3, I’ve beaten all 3, but generally the AI levels accurately reflect their ability. I played only about 3 dozen games, so perhaps I’ll get to a point where the AI doesn’t provide enough of a challenge. But even if so, this definitely seems worth the money to me.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Eight-Minute Empire on Steam

Concordia: Digital Edition

Concordia: Digital Edition

Great electronic version of the game. There are options that make scoring easier to visualize during the game. The UI allows take-backs before finalizing an action, which is also very helpful. Realtime games would be a great update.

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 4 Player Local Deckbuilding Games.

It’s really addicting. I only play vs AI but it’s just a joy and with my novice experience every game feels close. I would recommend turning off visible scoring to mimic the board game and not make bad decisions looking at short vs long game.

UI could be improved a little bit for me to easily see what I have (housing resource count) at a glance, the various overlays don’t quite do it for me. Maybe there is a better way and I’m just too new.

Music is great though I wish there were some more varied tracks instead of what feels like the long “one” song built in.

Real player with 37.2 hrs in game

Concordia: Digital Edition on Steam

Space Food Truck

Space Food Truck

Mainly writing this because I disagree with what the majority of the negative reviews are saying, as someone who cranked out 40 hours of gameplay (split quite evenly between online and offline play) and who completed games on the hardest difficulty level. While I have ideas on what should contribute to a negative review, which will come later in the review, but let’s start by tackling the points I disagree with in the negative reviews.

I believe RNG gets the majority of the blame because a random event occurs at the beginning of every turn, and at every new planet, so it’s pretty much in your face all the time.

Real player with 102.9 hrs in game

This game has the potential to be very fun. Myself and a few friends brought it and really enjoyed the game initially. But we quickly realised that this game is too hard, and not even hard in way that challenges you properly. We have been playing on mild difficulty, since the upper difficulty was seemingly impossilbe.

The game is hard beyond the player’s control, since much of the game mechanics are the result RNG. 90% of the RNG is bad! You receive negative effects that can see you wiped out very quickly. For example, we upgraded our shields to the max very early on, but in response, we started taking much more damage from RNG events.

Real player with 44.7 hrs in game

Space Food Truck on Steam

Istanbul: Digital Edition

Istanbul: Digital Edition

It’s really cute. There’s something really pleasant about mooching about and filling one’s wheelbarrow and planning things and working out how to get your assistants back and just enjoying the mechanics. I enjoyed it more playing as a beginner against another beginner and exploring. I first thought there wasn’t enough interaction but actually the two lira cost to visit somewhere where one’s opponent’s assistant is standing can be subtly quite depleting. I really like it so far after two solo games and one online with a friend, who also liked it.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Istanbul is a new addition to my list of favourite games. I do not own the physical game but cannot imagine how it could be different from this digital version.

Gameplay is turn-based on a 4X4 grid. You move your game piece around the board, selecting your own route and performing a different action on each of the 16 tiles. The object of the game is to be the first to collect 5 rubies through the collection and sale/trade of goods. You can initially carry only a limited number of goods and travel only a short distance, but your abilities are augmented throughout the game by purchasing wagon upgrades and mosques. There are many paths to victory and the ability for some mild interference amongst players. I find the game a good mix of strategy with plenty of tactical decisions, and I like that you have control of your own fate and play style.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Istanbul: Digital Edition on Steam




Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Video review: https://youtu.be/YqyShJet0tA

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Bullfrogs on Steam

Charterstone: Digital Edition

Charterstone: Digital Edition

Pretty darn nice implementation of the board game. I have played the campaign once in real life :) I have finished one campaign with this program against 5 AI opponents. My second campaign got really wonky screwing up rules and end of game choices. I think I might have hit some less major bugs in my first campaign, but I don’t know if I just wasn’t paying enough attention or wasn’t clear on various rules.

Sooo, It is good and it is fun. The developers are already patching the game that was obviously released a bit too soon. But they ARE patching.

Real player with 94.0 hrs in game

Halfway in the campaign. and while somethings are nice it is a mediocre worker placement game as you are building the worker placement yourself…

this happens by what is available to you and since you can’t choose specific buildings it is a hit or miss.

SO my main issue is that there isn’t a way to build your own custom map. Or at least i can’t find it. That would have been fun tinkering with it and see if you can outdo some of the maps allready in there. Can’t believe the bottom one was approved. that was just no fun. have to test the others.

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

Charterstone: Digital Edition on Steam

Steam: Rails to Riches

Steam: Rails to Riches

Would I recommend this game? Perhaps, but if it has to be a binary answer, I tend to say “no”. Once you figured out how to play this game, it is some fun if you like strategic board games. But the in-game tutorial wasn’t any helpful to me. In the end, I watched a video on YouTube explaining the physical edition of this game, and figured out the rest by observing the AI and trying out stuff, taking a couple hours untill I finally knew what I’m doing.

There are also some glitches. Rotating track pieces, or changing the piece after you accidentaly picked the wrong one, feels quite clumsy. Undoing an action requires redoing the whole phase. You cannot always zoom out, which is in particular a problem when moving goods. If you accidentally attempt to do an illegal move a warning pops up and you have to wait until it disappears by itself, which is quite annoying. Some elements (like the action cards) are unnecesserily small, so unless you know where you have to click, you don’t have an idea what you are doing (in particular when playing from the couch).

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Some of the physical map expansions don’t seem available (yet? ever?) but it’s a good implementation of the boardgame. Fully cross-compatible between Steam and iOS – I’ve had two games going at a time for a while, and I can play my turns on either platform. Game servers have had a tendency to randomly go down on occasion during my several weeks playing so far, but only delays playing for some hours or overnight. Touch play on iOS phones can be a little finicky in dragging and dropping hexes; the undo button can certainly be your friend! Animations could use an option to speed up. (UPDATE CORRECTION: such an option already exists under the options menu, and the fastest version is handy for me.) I’ve turned off the repetitous and somewhat shrill sfx.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Steam: Rails to Riches on Steam



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JAM GODS on Steam



Always heard about the boardgame but never had the chance to play it and now that i did I can see why it’s so popular!

The DA is very well done: plays smooth, good sfx, AI feels solid (haven’t tried Hard yet though). The game has already -I think?- all of the the expansions available that can be played in a 1v1 against AI or with another player online.

I must say this is very polished already for being EA for less than two weeks!

As per how stability goes, ​I played 3 games with a friend yesterday and we only got two freezes/crashes but we could keep playing by simply restarting the game: no game-breaking bugs found yet.

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

A very faithful adaptation of the famous evolutionary card game. The first one that found the concept of deckbuilding during the game. Many other games followed this inspiration, such as Star Realms, Ascension, War of Omens, for the main ones. If you know of any others, please respond.

This is a concept not to be confused with these two:

  • Deckbuilding before the game, the player builds a deck (example: Magic the Gathering).

  • Deckbuilding during the game, without being able to swap cards, during a quest (example: Slay the spire).

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Dominion on Steam