

A suprisingly good game. Some critics have dismissed Inversion as a Gears of War rip-off, and while it does have some obvious similarities I found that I enjoyed Inversion far more!

The story starts like a typical invasion story, but it actually has some crazy twists and becomes pretty interesting. I found myself compelled to keep playing to find out who the mysterious bad guys were and where they came from, and the answer did not disappoint. The game has colourful environments rather than being all grey or brown, and there is an impressive amount of attention to detail in the level design. The two heroes are much more likeable than the guys in GOW; they are tough guys but they are not cartoonish macho thugs, they are horrified by what is going on around them. I especially liked the player’s partner Leo, who is very crass and vulgar but actually quite smart and the one who tries to figure out what is really going on. It also helps that in singleplayer your partner has excellent AI and is always a help rather than a hiderence.

Real player with 124.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Vision Third Person Games.

Wanna run on walls and upside down, shooting aliens invaders in search for a missing doughter? Here is your chance.

This is an underestimated game for sure. Dont get why it got slammed in the reviews. One reason is that it might have been broken. In the main menu you can see it´s version 5 point something. Patched many times since release in other words. The coop worked for me without a hitch. Im in sweden and my partner lives in the US. Pretty much as far apart as 2 humans can be on this earth. =)

Real player with 38.9 hrs in game

Inversion™ on Steam

Trooper 1

Trooper 1

Super awkward controls, awful shooting, but for some reason I had fun playing it.

I think the pace serves the game well and the low price tag means I don’t feel ripped off.

Not bad.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Vision Hacking Games.

Trooper 1 on Steam



Travel through 3D space as an astronaut and take a journey in a zero gravity field. Dodge asteroids and use your WASD keys on your keyboard to guide your way through space. Listen to the music and follow the satellites and watch out for speeding asteroids. Loads of fun for people that love space!

Read More: Best 3D Vision Relaxing Games.


Hacker’s Beat

Hacker’s Beat

I was looking for a different kind of rhythm game and this might be it. From watching the gameplay videos of this game, it got me pretty hyped. The fact that the edit mode just came out just get me even more excited to play this game.

The core gameplay is alright, I’ve certainly had some fun playing some of the charts but I think there’s something wrong or missing from the game. For example, after exiting the result screen I was greeted by random white triangles on a black background while the music’s still playing. I thought “Oh, something cool is happening” so I started to mash the keyboard for a few minutes only to realize it has crashed.

Real player with 40.3 hrs in game

Wow! After my very first playthrough I found myself inspired enough to write a positive review. The music is phenomenal! The visual a bit on the trippy side, and it’s a good idea to preview the songs before trying them out in-game, to get a feel for what they may throw at you. It’s not easy, and that’s not a bad thing…as it poses a good challenge that gets easier with familiarity. This game is in my favorites playlist already…so with less than a half-hour played at the time of reviewing Hacker’s Beat. it’s safe to say my playtime will grow rapidly. This game may not be for everyone, but it sure is for me!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Hacker's Beat on Steam

Hard Reset Extended Edition

Hard Reset Extended Edition


achievements are okay, even tho some of them are a bit grindy. however, what should be mentioned - the difficulty. 100%ing requires you to beat the game on the hardest difficulty without dying (no checkpoints), which is brutal and may give the nightmares for non-FPS players. but, overly, achievements are fair. tough but fair

Real player with 69.9 hrs in game

Hard Reset is a game that very clearly sets out to evoke the more generic and traditional FPS style of yesteryear with the visuals aesthetic of a more modern game. It does that pretty well and it’s a fun and enjoyable game, but it fails in a few areas that are somewhat glaring, and it does have it’s problems. If you’re about to stop reading this review because I’m not going to be 100% positive about this review, well, that’s your perrogative, but I’m not saying it’s by any means a bad game. It’s a good game, bordering on great, but it has some foilbes that hold it back from true excellence.

Real player with 39.0 hrs in game

Hard Reset Extended Edition on Steam

Escape Dinosaur Island

Escape Dinosaur Island

Top tier, please make a second one

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

My god, this is awful. I saw Vinny playing this and thought, “ha, this looks like a laugh, I’ll buy it.”

Ugh. Also it keeps trying to boot my VR headset for seemingly no reason. Avoid.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Escape Dinosaur Island on Steam

InMind VR

InMind VR

Fun, fun game!

I don’t know what other VR games do this, but the aiming reticle and wind-up trigger in the HMD is nothing short of intoxicating! For the first time since getting the DK2, I had a sense of empowerment (read: Unfair advantage. License to pwn!) which I have never experienced before. I didn’t think that gyrating my big melon around could be an advantage, but it really does bring something to the table as far as VR is concerned. Yay, neck muscles!

Entirely too short for how much fun it is. I’m ready to pay for more! Right now, it’s like an amusement park attraction–short burst of a high-quality sensation. It reminds me of Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin or similar shooting-gallery ride, though it’s much less difficult (Cracked 50/50 on the first try!) and way more gratifying than those sorts of rides for the short time you are in there. Plus, no need for a Fast Pass!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Played On: HTC Vive

It’s quite possible that InMind VR was one of the very first virtual reality games of the modern era; having been released in January of 2015, over a year before consumer VR hit the market and a couple of months before the premiere of the HTC Vive. For that alone, the game should be commended, but as with all once-good things, time has faded its relevance. This title is a 10-minute long demo that features on-rails movement, and instead of using controllers players use their gaze-based movement to trigger actions.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

InMind VR on Steam

Futuridium EP Deluxe

Futuridium EP Deluxe

Futuridium EP Deluxe:

Some people like flying, some people have outstanding reflexes. Well, if this is one of your combinations, “Futuridium EP Deluxe” is going to be fun and challenging for you, my friends!

Futuridium EP Deluxe is an action / space type of game where you take control of a spaceship. You will have to shoot sky blue squares, located on, under and around large vessels, as fast as possible to reveal its core (white cube), destroy it and win the level! You will have 50 to clear in total.

*– [Real player with 11.1 hrs in game](*

Hm, strange how this game doesn't have more praise! I think it's awesome! Fast-paced and adrenaline-pumping with a great classic arcade feel!

Not that there aren't a fair few other games that shoot for that same goal, but I think this one does it particularly well!

Highly recommended! As for how much I think it's worth paying for it… I paid less than £1.50 but it's definitely worth more than that I think ^^

*– [Real player with 9.2 hrs in game](*


![Hunted]( "")

## Hunted



*– [Real player with 0.5 hrs in game](*

Game is more polished than cyberpunk on first day release.

*– [Real player with 0.5 hrs in game](*


![Riot At World]( "")

## Riot At World

I don't recommend this game anyone. Another Unity3D game with a lot of bugs and really bad optimization.

Please, think twice before you get it, there dozens of better games, even in for the same price.

*– [Real player with 0.1 hrs in game](*
