TrackMania² Valley

TrackMania² Valley

Stadium is better IMO because it has more population, more community generated content, and more persistent playerbase than this game.

Racing gameplay here is largely based on rally racing. Note that the car steers very well, and can handle sharp turns. But, it doesn’t do so well at high speeds and will spin out at any attempt at braking. As such, racing tends to be more technical than drifting related or fullspeed.

This was the third of the TM2 series, and its the most graphically polished, however TM2 still excells in content.

Real player with 101.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Vision Level Editor Games.

Hmm I don’t know if I should put all the enviroments into one review on Valley but I’ll do it anyway.

If you played the original Trackmania then this shouldn’t be a surprise because everything is particulary the same, which is a good thing! I’ve loved the original Trackmania since I’ve seen about it back in my middle school years. Played the demo of Trackmania Sunrise and enjoyed the series ever since. I met some really good people and friends and actually played competitively in this game, but it didn’t last long…..sadly

Real player with 85.8 hrs in game

TrackMania² Valley on Steam



I really enjoyed this game and I think that my playtime proves it. However, I feel that this enjoyment comes from being a part of a specific generation rather than the game’s own strengths. When I was a kid, all of my friends stopped whatever we were doing to watch Schumi’s legendary, record breaking 2002 Championship in a country where football is inconceivably more important than any other sport. I also remember a day at the mall when I found a demo Nintendo DS with Mario Kart at a store, playing and mastering it for hours while my parents were shopping. Last one is skipping school countless times to play Blur (2010) with my friends at an internet cafe, finally thinking that PC had a viable Mario Kart competitor.

Real player with 51.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Vision Local Multiplayer Games.

F1 Race Stars

A competent and challenging kart/arcade racer

F1 Race stars is a Kart Racer/Arcade racer set in the 2012 F1 season with all real drivers and teams. The game is in the same sort of league as Mario Kart and Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing. Not quite as fast paced but at times more challenging.

No drifting here, Unlike most Kart/Arcade racers where drifting is needed to win, drifting does not feature at all in this game. However you are required to approch corners with a more realistic racing line using your brakes. On kers corners you charge up your kers in the corner by keeping the car controlled and releasing when you leave the corner. If you go into a corner at full speed you will crash.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

F1 RACE STARS™ on Steam

Become a Gladiator VR : 1v1 PVP

Become a Gladiator VR : 1v1 PVP

You wake up in the middle of the Colosseum with no memory. You start your struggle to survive in the Colosseum without knowing who you are and where slaughtering is just entertainment. In the middle of the Colosseum, all you can rely on is your weapons, shields and skills. It’s up to you whether you’re going to be a Gladiator that cuts off the heads of countless enemies, or you’re going to be one of the thousands of bodies that can’t be recorded anywhere in the history books.

“Become A Gladiator VR” is not a perfect physical simulation game containing real-world like interactions. This is a PVP specialized VR action game that prioritizes action itself rather than focusing on historical research. It is designed to allow players to feel and learn when and how to swing swords and shields, which is temporarily impossible to control or immobilize due to collisions between weapons and shields.

Due to the characteristics of the game, players may have to move around a lot, so please refer to the precautions below.

  • 2x2m space is required due to possible injury or real damage to property.

  • Due to the above reasons, free movement is not supported, so it is recommended gamers use a stick to move the characters in the center of the VR area.

  • Sufficient stretching is required before playing to prevent injury.

  • A 10-minute break is recommended after playing the game for between 2 and 30 minutes or more.

Please provide contructive feedback on playing conditions, inconveniences experienced, and balance issues, etc.

Read More: Best 3D Vision First-Person Games.

Become a Gladiator VR : 1v1 PVP on Steam



Despite what my dear friend “English Teacher Plays” has to say about this game, there are many incorrect points he has brought up, and I wish to disprove them.

Firstly, English Teacher Plays claims that the game does not function, however, I just recently played the game just fine, and I even landed on the moon (take that, English Teacher Plays).

Secondly, I wish to address his wild claim that the loading screen flashes wildly. To that I say, how can the loading screen flash wildly, if there is no loading screen?

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

It doesn’t work.

The main loading screen flashes wildly.

Just straight up trash.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

travelsolar on Steam



Carperation is a racing game with item and unique ability for each vehicle. Players can use different items or ability to win: not only can you boost yourself, you can also interrupt your opponents with different featured items and attack them! In the game, there are a lot of Hong Kong styled vehicles, such as taxi, jumbo taxi, rickshaw, three-wheeled ice cream bike, etc. Their unique ability can be utilized for defending, hacking, attack, etc. Split-screen and controller are supported. The game is very suitable for playing with friends, family and relatives, especially during party and festival.

Hongkongese (香港)

Carperation 係一個可以用道具同特殊能力嘅賽車遊戲。運用唔同嘅道具加上部車自身嘅特殊能力係比賽入面勝出。除咗可以幫自己加速之外,仲可以妨礙同影響對手。遊戲入面有好多唔同帶有香港特色既車可以揀,例如珍寶的士,人力車,三輪雪糕車。佢哋各自都有唔同嘅特殊能力,有防守嘅,有攻擊嘅,有干擾嘅,仲有更多。而且遊戲支援分割畫面同手制,非常適合party同節慶嗰陣同親朋戚友一齊玩。

Carperation on Steam

Worms Ultimate Mayhem

Worms Ultimate Mayhem

After hundreds of hours and over 10 years, I figured it’s about time I sit down and write a review for this masterpiece in gaming history. This gem holds a very special place in my heart, and it will forever be one of my all-time favorite games. To me, this is Team17’s magnum opus. It doesn’t get any better than this. It is the reason I first began to engage with the Steam community years ago when I created the Worms Ultimate Mayhem Militia with my brother, and it’s the reason I have hundreds of friends on Steam today. To put it quite simply, Worms Ultimate Mayhem isn’t just a game, it’s one of my passions. I know the new Rumble has beautiful graphics and a much larger playerbase, and the 2D games like Armageddon are beloved and often regarded as best, but in my humble opinion this is the greatest Worms game there is.

Real player with 362.6 hrs in game

Worms 3D + Worms 4 Mayhem together, with remastered graphics? Awesome!

All is good, good except the lack of effort put into it.

I almost feel like they were doing something good but quit half-way because deadlines or something, they didn’t even do much follow up after release besides patching game-breaking bugs that didn’t allow people to play at all. If I’m recalling correctly the beta correctly, they were trying to put the teleporter utility back in, but ended up not for who knows what reason (although I never got to play it at that time personally due to game launching bugs, so I watched someone else also in the beta who could).

Real player with 176.7 hrs in game

Worms Ultimate Mayhem on Steam

Extraction Valley

Extraction Valley

This game is great. Well optimized.

In game :

I would like to customize full gameplay settings and also FOV.

Gameplay :

Most of players don’t know how to use abilities and don’t know about game mode objectives like killing the Devil. So helps them by adding or improving tips and tutorials.

Boost players :

What about free weekend to boost players. I would like to see this game full of players in every single server.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

I really enjoyed the game. Game is well optimized. No lags and run smoothly. Also graphics looks awesome including characters specially devils, they looks outstanding.

In terms of the areas that devs can improve. I think gun fire sound can improve, if you can add some variations that would be great. It sounds repetitive. XD Also, Please add in game chat.

It is a great game. Good luck. And looking forward for a ton of updates. XD

Edit: After playing in all the available maps, I feel map size is way too big for 20 player matches. Please add some cs:go, cod type close combat maps with buildings etc.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Extraction Valley on Steam

King and Kingdoms

King and Kingdoms

Whatever you do DO NOT buy this game, yes its in development but that is not an excuse for the developers to totally ignore players when they submit tickets reporting faults

The game has a research section, the developers decided to alter it and in doing so the section no longer works, it refuses to carry out any research stating that you have insufficient resources to carry out the research … strange when my resources are over twenty times that needed

The game does not allow you to carry out what is basically the whole idea of it, to take over other kingdoms, it is hard enough to work out how at the beginning with no game instructions but eventually when you do work it out don’t expect it to work

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Discord is the best way to contact developers for help.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

King and Kingdoms on Steam The Game The Game

Though the game can in fact be a little addictive, the seemingly simple core gameplay (which is a clone, or imagine the old school Snake with multiplayer if you’ve never played ends up coming down to who is willing to shell out money for the best gear if you want to genuinely play competitvely. That’s not to say it’s pay to win, because some good moves and being in the right place at the right time can and will get you places, but it’s always going to be a very short lived triumph without the gear to back it up. You CAN earn the ingame currency through playing, but the majority of the daily quests they hand out are for game modes that are veritable ghost towns, so unless you’re willing to grind away in this fashion for months on end, you aren’t going to get past around mid-tier gear. Couple this with some very questionable hit detection and lag spikes that will cause you to freeze up for a few seconds and then shoot very rapidly in whichever direction you happened to be facing when the lag hit (often directly into a wall or another worm) and I really can’t give this game a thumbs up. It’s free to play though, so if you’re just really bored, no harm in giving it a go, I suppose.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

This is a bad copy of a bad clone of a horrible game. Not only does the music in this game distract you from enjoying any little bit of possible glimmer of home this game has, but serious flaws in the games logistics keep the simplest benefits from being benefits.

For example-

Add free for all for random fun….except for 10 out of the 30 players are teamed up and working together as a team, and make it impossible to play.

Fix this by adding team play - except this is where people go to get away from the free for all, so they dont play as teams. They play to get exp to have a chance plater in the free for all.

Real player with 25.0 hrs in game The Game on Steam

The Royal Game of Ur 3D

The Royal Game of Ur 3D

The Royal Game of Ur is the oldest board game known to mankind!

The game belongs to the sub-genre of board games called “racing games” and is the historic predecessor of Backgammon. 4500 years old game boards, pieces and dice of the Royal Game of Ur were found in the so-called “Royal Tombs of Ur” near the city of the same name in todays Iraq. On several, approx. 2000 years old Babylonian clay tablets, which were inscribed with cuneiform writing, rules of the game were preserved. These are the oldest surviving rules of a board game.

A Classic Game in a Modern Style

This digital adaptation offers you the opportunity to relive this timeless gaming masterpiece in our modern times. You can play against a computer opponent with an adjustable difficulty level or against human players. Both local and online multiplayer are supported. The game rules can be adjusted to your individual likings in each match.

What You Can Expect

The game requires you to make smart tactical decisions, but doesn’t put you under time pressure. Combined with the realistic graphic style and atmospheric sound ambiance, the game offers a perfect mix between puzzling and relaxation.

The Rules in a Nutshell

Move your pieces along one of several available routes across the 20 squares of the game board. To do this, you roll the four tetrahedron-shaped dice and move one piece of your choice at a time according to the total of the values shown on the dice. There must never be more than one piece on the same square, so you may kick opposing pieces off the board. If a piece lands on a square that is marked with a rosette, it is protected from being kicked out. In addition, the dice may be rolled one more time. If you get all your pieces to the finish line, you win.

The Royal Game of Ur 3D on Steam