

it is very scuffed but I love scuffed games.

default movespeed is horrid until you get a mount, but you can get them free it just takes awhile.

there isn’t much content atm unfortunately, the devs bought rights from china where the game is 3 years in content ahead, but it will come eventually. he’s working on the mobile version first but after that content is coming to both.

it’s like a MC towny server, but everywhere. idk, i just love it - feels like gaming 15 years ago before markets and trading websites and all that.

Real player with 300.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Vision Building Games.

So, after about a hundred hours into the game, here’s my critique of Milkcraft:

First thing - personally I don’t like Minecraft, because you build things there only for the sake of building (no function, no inhabitants), graphics are poor and RPG aspects are extremely lacking. I bought Java version, played a while and got bored. That’s why I tried Milkcraft, to see if it’s better than Minecraft, but it’s actually worse.

It’s perhaps the single worst game I’ve ever played, next to Pokémon Go, Modern Combat 5, Asphalt 9 and Fire Emblem Heroes. It only cements my life-long conviction that mobile games (or games coming from mobile) are bad (except handhelds like PSP or DS). I left a positive review before, to maybe bring new players, but there are only 15 currently online and 30 24-hour peak, so the game is going nowhere in the West.

Real player with 112.4 hrs in game

Milkcraft on Steam

King and Kingdoms

King and Kingdoms

Whatever you do DO NOT buy this game, yes its in development but that is not an excuse for the developers to totally ignore players when they submit tickets reporting faults

The game has a research section, the developers decided to alter it and in doing so the section no longer works, it refuses to carry out any research stating that you have insufficient resources to carry out the research … strange when my resources are over twenty times that needed

The game does not allow you to carry out what is basically the whole idea of it, to take over other kingdoms, it is hard enough to work out how at the beginning with no game instructions but eventually when you do work it out don’t expect it to work

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Vision Real Time Tactics Games.

Discord is the best way to contact developers for help.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

King and Kingdoms on Steam

脚本塔防 Massacre  Tower

脚本塔防 Massacre Tower

is a tower defense game aimed at enjoying slaughter

1. Real person trading market.

Open the speculation mode, all players share a trading line, buy and sell to earn the commodity price difference.

2: slot machines (the road to the devil)

Nostalgic for the slot machines of your childhood?Here is a perfect restoration of the 1970s slot machine, big three, small three, all have prizes, small four happy, open the train, roaming Fried, chain Fried, all seriously restored. In the game, the player can use him to earn super high game currency, although from the probability, this is impossible.

3: lottery (sutra depository)

Maybe in reality you are a person who will buy lottery tickets every time, maybe you will find out the rules and win the lottery. If you have this fantasy in reality, why not try it here? Here is a perfect simulation of the rules of winning lottery tickets, real random.

4. Tower defense formation - random tower washing, strategy matching

Each of the four towers has its own expertise. According to the tower’s life, attack, attack speed, attack range, growth qualification and skill slot, the towers are divided into seven qualifications.This is the topic of frequent conversation between players, is the most worthy of research in the game, the largest space, the most unexpected fun to develop.

5. Mechanism of death

Death in the game will return to level 1 and lose the hard-earned towers. Regeneration will randomly determine your tower defense credentials and nurture them until they die again in the middle of the game.It’s your choice to move forward and get more rewards or to stay here and play it safe.

6. Leaderboard : PVP competition, PVE list

See the results of the list, hard to develop the tower needs to compete with others!

7. Copy : Ludashi, Green cycle.

You can spend 10 minutes doing both tasks, or you can spend two hours doing a lot of research to maximize your reward.

8. Skills - your tower may not be able to hold the skills you want.

There are currently 34 skills in the game, each of which is divided into three levels: ordinary, advanced, and extreme. New skills are more likely to replace those already learned, so it takes luck and patience for the skills .

Read More: Best 3D Vision Tactical Games.

脚本塔防 Massacre Tower on Steam

Extraction Valley

Extraction Valley

This game is great. Well optimized.

In game :

I would like to customize full gameplay settings and also FOV.

Gameplay :

Most of players don’t know how to use abilities and don’t know about game mode objectives like killing the Devil. So helps them by adding or improving tips and tutorials.

Boost players :

What about free weekend to boost players. I would like to see this game full of players in every single server.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

I really enjoyed the game. Game is well optimized. No lags and run smoothly. Also graphics looks awesome including characters specially devils, they looks outstanding.

In terms of the areas that devs can improve. I think gun fire sound can improve, if you can add some variations that would be great. It sounds repetitive. XD Also, Please add in game chat.

It is a great game. Good luck. And looking forward for a ton of updates. XD

Edit: After playing in all the available maps, I feel map size is way too big for 20 player matches. Please add some cs:go, cod type close combat maps with buildings etc.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Extraction Valley on Steam



The fuck did I just play? This is hilariously bad, kinda like some kind of…..Uh….Uh…Well….CoD meets Minecraft? With shit tons of lag. I can’t explain how I felt about this game, most of the time, it’s not the kind of game that makes me rage, it’s just so lame that I struggle to say anything about it. It just feels overall…Not good.

I played this game for the same reason that I play many other shitty games. I wanna live the nightmare myself, I wanna see if it’s as bad as people say, and it is.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

BLOCKADE 3D is an free-to-play online first person shooter that is currently in Early Access that has been both developed and published by Shumkov Dmitriy. As you can see from the screenshots, it takes its visual style from Minecraft, but also throws in placing and destroying blocks as well, which allows you to edit the maps that you play on as you go. The game modes this game has are:


4-way king of the hill. Capture and hold the centre of the map to earn points. Not sure how many points you need to win. It doesn’t say.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

BLOCKADE 3D on Steam



Really enjoy this game with my friends! Although the rules are easy, we can always find different strategies to beat each other :) Wish there will be a map editor. Cannot wait to create some maps to share with my friends!

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Good party game that is awesome if you can find someone else to play with.


  • Innovate gameplay.

  • Has AI player so you can play alone.


  • Too many loading screens.

  • No V-sync.

  • I don’t want to get a poo when I lose a round.

  • Online match is impossible unless you can find people at right place.


  • Level editor with Steam Workshop support.

  • Custom match but you can set multiple levels instead of just one.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Gerritory on Steam

Just Cause 2

Just Cause 2


I am Tigerfrost. I would like to apologize for anything that is miss-spelled or any grammar issues. Thank you.

If you’d like to skip straight to Pro’s & Con’s, please move to the bottom of the page. Thank you.

How I Found Out About “Just Cause 2”

The same way I found out about a lot of games, from YouTube. I randomly came across a video that was showing someone driving a vehicle off of a tall snowy mountain. The crash and destruction effects made me fall in love. See, I’ve always loved destruction in games/movies/etc. So when I see something like that, I know I must own the game.

Real player with 228.8 hrs in game

If you’re looking for a detailed Just Cause 2 review then you’re at the right place.


+Just Cause 2 is the very definition of how a sandbox game should be made. Avalanche Studios mastered the art of creating huge open world simulators that lead them to Just Cause 3, Mad Max, Rage 2 and even new IPs.

+At 400km sq. JC2 features one of the largest open world maps ever! Everything is highly detailed, and diverse. Also, there are no loading screens unless you want to fast travel or participate in missions. There’s just so much to explore. From big cities to tropical islands, exotic beaches, sandy deserts, tall mountains, cold regions, dense forests and enemy bases. JC2 has it all!

Real player with 82.6 hrs in game

Just Cause 2 on Steam