I Am a Rock

I Am a Rock

Experience flying in the endless space of the universe and flying over the major planets. Perhaps you will have different ideas about life.

Game features:

1. Play as an asteroid.

2. Experience flying in the universe.

3. Meet the major planets of the solar system.

4. Face to face with true greatness.

5. You can customize the flight path.

Read More: Best 3D Vision Realistic Games.

I Am a Rock on Steam

The Immortal Mayor

The Immortal Mayor

This is a really cute and beautiful game with a fun concept. I was interested mainly because it kind of made me think of Black & White which is a game I miss so much. But also, the unique setting of ancient China with a mix of Eastern mythology. This is not a style I see often in these kinds of games, and I find it refreshing!

In its current state I believe the game is enjoyable and still playable, but it is far from perfect and needs a lot of work. For instance, the balancing and management of resources seems a bit off and I still don’t have a consistent grasp on how to get it perfect. Any wrong move it seems your town will crumble in minutes. The current guide is wordy and doesn’t really cover it all. It took trial and error to figure out how to find a balance and how buildings worked with attributes from decorations.

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Vision Base Building Games.

Super super nice game. Chinese city building theme (OMFG) is just simply my sweetest dream.

Really interesting and creative way to upgrade buildings, which I have never experienced before.

You can simply move a mountain away to get more space (since you are GOD in this world :D) and add more resources for your people to exploit

OMG I just love it…

However, there are still a few things I need to mention:

  • The most annoyed thing is when you want to find a building that you have built (let say Tea room), you have no tool to find it but only your bare eyes. It really takes tons of time especially when the building is upgraded (its appearance will change).

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

The Immortal Mayor on Steam

Monster Master

Monster Master

FPS heroes versus RTS horde. An asymmetric multiplayer where 1 player spawns the different monsters, and 3 class-based fps heroes try to survive it.

The game is set in to the small town of Kingsfield, where an energy research facility has given birth to a cosmic horror entity called the monster master.

Players can choose to control and mutate the monster horde or survive as a group of class based heroes with unique powers.

The hero perspective is a thrilling unscripted experience where the monsters feel very intelligent. It suddenly is very quiet and you know “It” is planning something.

Read More: Best 3D Vision First-Person Games.

Monster Master on Steam



Really enjoy this game with my friends! Although the rules are easy, we can always find different strategies to beat each other :) Wish there will be a map editor. Cannot wait to create some maps to share with my friends!

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Good party game that is awesome if you can find someone else to play with.


  • Innovate gameplay.

  • Has AI player so you can play alone.


  • Too many loading screens.

  • No V-sync.

  • I don’t want to get a poo when I lose a round.

  • Online match is impossible unless you can find people at right place.


  • Level editor with Steam Workshop support.

  • Custom match but you can set multiple levels instead of just one.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Gerritory on Steam