The Soldiers Factory

The Soldiers Factory

The Soldiers Factory is a top-down stealth game and the start of a trilogy.

Go undetected and sneak past enemy soldiers or secretly kill them. Overcome surveillance cameras and laser barricades. Use the room scanner, the taser pistol and many other weapons. But remember, the alarm will make the mission even more difficult.

The playing time on the NORMAL level of difficulty is approximately 12 hours. Of course, it depends on the player. The story takes you to several locations, which is divided into over 60 levels.

Read More: Best 3D Vision Stealth Games.

The Soldiers Factory on Steam

InMind VR

InMind VR

Fun, fun game!

I don’t know what other VR games do this, but the aiming reticle and wind-up trigger in the HMD is nothing short of intoxicating! For the first time since getting the DK2, I had a sense of empowerment (read: Unfair advantage. License to pwn!) which I have never experienced before. I didn’t think that gyrating my big melon around could be an advantage, but it really does bring something to the table as far as VR is concerned. Yay, neck muscles!

Entirely too short for how much fun it is. I’m ready to pay for more! Right now, it’s like an amusement park attraction–short burst of a high-quality sensation. It reminds me of Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin or similar shooting-gallery ride, though it’s much less difficult (Cracked 50/50 on the first try!) and way more gratifying than those sorts of rides for the short time you are in there. Plus, no need for a Fast Pass!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Vision Sci-fi Games.

Played On: HTC Vive

It’s quite possible that InMind VR was one of the very first virtual reality games of the modern era; having been released in January of 2015, over a year before consumer VR hit the market and a couple of months before the premiere of the HTC Vive. For that alone, the game should be commended, but as with all once-good things, time has faded its relevance. This title is a 10-minute long demo that features on-rails movement, and instead of using controllers players use their gaze-based movement to trigger actions.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

InMind VR on Steam