

NecroCity is a place that differs from any other place. This is a place where you will meet various creatures, ranging from small to giant ones. In NecroCity you can meet skeletons, werewolves, goblins, zombies, ghosts, and other ugly monsters. NecroCity is a city-building economic strategy game, in which the action takes place in a secret land, whose residents are divided into two basic classes: people and monsters. In the game, you will play the role of the governor of a dark city. Your main task will be to build and manage the city, starting with a network of roads, buildings, and fortifications.

Due to an extensive system of building improvements, you will be able to create your own amazing NecroCity. Remember that each building will be important for the world presented in the game. Gain the necessary skills that will allow you to control the inhabitants, and will also attract new categories of monsters. Make your city self-sufficient and go with your army to conquer another land!

Building the dark city

One of the main mechanics in NecroCity is building and managing the available space. Start your NecoCity adventure with basic buildings, such as Tomb or Crypt. Each building has its own unique task and is essential for the development of your NecroCity. Some of them increase your maximum population, others generate the resources you need. As you progress in the game, you will gain access to much more expensive, but also much more powerful buildings, such as the Necromancer Mansion or Undead Sanctuary.

To expand your city, you will need to extract and obtain resources from nearby mines and old tombs. Some of the resources may be available outside your city walls. To get them, send your units for this task. Use the obtained materials and resources to develop your NecroCity, thanks to them you will be able to expand your army or improve fortifications. Each of the buildings in the city will be an extremely important role in the functioning of the entire community. Thanks to the extensive system of building improvements, with the acquired experience, you will be able to improve the defensive wall around your city, add defense turrets and traps.

Defense of the city

The development and management of the city are not the only duties you have to take care of. NecroCity is located in a land that is also occupied by living creatures, mainly humans. Unfortunately, coexistence is not possible, people cannot accept the fact that these disgusting beasts live in their land. As a governor of NecroCity, you will have to provide the residents with peace and security. Defend your city against enemy attacks and take care of the safety of its residents. Create advanced defense systems around your city, including defense turrets, various types of traps, and many other available city defense mechanisms.


Management and defense are not the only aspects that await you at NecroCity. To fully ensure the safety and prosperity of your city, you will have to face the human kingdoms and conquer their lands. At the beginning of the game, your skeletons and werewolves will be perfect in combat. However, when the time comes you will have to face more powerful opponents - mounted and heavily armored knights, call your best units to fight. Regardless of whether you choose, the Necromancer or the army of the Undead to fight, your opponents will flee full of fear. It’s time for monsters to take over the world!

Take control of your NecroCity

Manage your city as best you can, develop it, and make sure that each class of monsters is satisfied with their position in the city. Manage your city as best as you can, develop it, and make sure that each faction of monsters is satisfied with their position in the city. Meeting the needs of all residents will be one of the key features for a good prospering city. Keep an eye on the satisfaction status bar of each monster category, thanks to which you will avoid internal conflict between them. The internal dispute between the monsters is the last thing you need in the ongoing war.

Creature classes and their abilities

In the game world, you will have access to many categories of monsters with different skills. Each of these classes will have a unique set of skills. Make the monsters feel good in your city because this will allow you to create class leaders, such as the Werewolf Alpha. An extremely important aspect of the game is the book in which all the behaviors, habits, and skills of the monsters are written. Thanks to the book, you will be able to plan appropriate space management and learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your community. Developing your character and gaining new skill levels will allow you to discover new secrets of these amazing creatures.

When you hear angry shouts at your gates, be ready. Here comes the doom.

The world of NecroCity is waiting just for you!

Read More: Best 3D Vision Isometric Games.

NecroCity on Steam

Project Wunderwaffe

Project Wunderwaffe

From the west, the Allies are approaching, and from the east, the Soviet anthem is screamed by hundreds of Soviet throats. The War seems to be over. None of the soldiers remembers the taste of victory anymore, the commanders only give orders to retreat. Chaos and fear dominate the front lines.

Hope? Nobody thinks about it anymore. The General Staff begins to split, for many the fate of the War is already sealed. The last bastion that can give a shadow of a chance and reverse the fate of the War in favor of the Germans is a secret base hidden deep in the mountains that you must manage. Each of the German commanders who are still fighting on the front lines has been ordered to hold their positions and fight to the end to give you as much time as possible to prepare your weapons of ultimate destruction. Welcome to the Project Wunderwaffe management game in which the fate of World War II depends on you.

Building the base

Your adventure in Project Wunderwaffe will start with the construction of a network of underground corridors and rooms. At the beginning, take care of the efficient operations of the base and access to electricity, water and clean air. In the next stage, focus on the elements of the base that will enable you to carry out your task. For this purpose, you will be able to build laboratories, an operations center, spy centers, test rooms, shooting ranges and many different facilities. Extend your base long and wide, build a self-sufficient huge underground complex that can become a real fortress. Remember to use the available space wisely. Building a chemical weapons room next to the shooting range may not be the best solution.

Creating Project Wunderwaffe

The main objective in the game is to build a weapon that is so powerful that it will turn the tide of victory in your favor. For this purpose, it will be necessary to expand the underground base. When you are underground, your options are limited. Create intel teams that will acquire the necessary materials for you to complete the project. Recruit the best scientists into your ranks, send out spies and agents who will be able to provide you with secret enemy projects and crucial information. In Project Wunderwaffe, you will have an opportunity to create weapons that the world has not heard of yet. Will it be a laser firing from orbit around the Earth, invisible land, sea and air vehicles, or perhaps a projectile piercing any armor? Find out all of these in Project Wunderwaffe. You will have an extremely wide range of possibilities to create weapons of ultimate victory. The invention of the nuclear bomb will be just a small percentage of what you can do in your laboratories - let your every invention leave havoc.

Development of the military base

Building a superweapon will require you to efficiently manage the base, acquire and allocate resources. Don’t forget that the German army continues to repel the attacks of the Allies and Soviets. Support them to get more time to work on the superweapon. There are many possibilities to achieve that. You can create for them improved weapons, modified ammunition or unique armor that will allow the German army to charge the enemy. Pay close attention to the map of warfare in real-time. If you see the enemies taking the upper hand on the front lines, support the German army with your latest projects and technology that you’ve invented. Every decision matters in the game world and every choice you make has its consequences.

Defending the base

Even though your base is well hidden deep underground, the Allies and Soviet spies always pose a threat. You are exposed to many perils from outside and inside, therefore, be ready for everything. The intel of your enemies will not wait idly - the Allies and Soviets will do anything to find and destroy your base.

Enemy spies and attempts to bribe your officers will be just some of the challenges you will have to face. Make sure that the German propaganda works at its best and spreads fear about the possibilities of the superweapon you are working on. Time is not your ally. The more fear you sow in the ranks of the enemy, the more time you will have to complete the project. When an air raid alarm sounds in your base, fear, panic and a ruthless fight for survival will begin. Your role will be to control the situation and bring back the base to full operational capability as soon as possible. Remember that you are not safe. Your enemy is waiting for your mistake. Everything is in your hands.

Read More: Best 3D Vision World War II Games.

Project Wunderwaffe on Steam

The Immortal Mayor

The Immortal Mayor

This is a really cute and beautiful game with a fun concept. I was interested mainly because it kind of made me think of Black & White which is a game I miss so much. But also, the unique setting of ancient China with a mix of Eastern mythology. This is not a style I see often in these kinds of games, and I find it refreshing!

In its current state I believe the game is enjoyable and still playable, but it is far from perfect and needs a lot of work. For instance, the balancing and management of resources seems a bit off and I still don’t have a consistent grasp on how to get it perfect. Any wrong move it seems your town will crumble in minutes. The current guide is wordy and doesn’t really cover it all. It took trial and error to figure out how to find a balance and how buildings worked with attributes from decorations.

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Vision God Game Games.

Super super nice game. Chinese city building theme (OMFG) is just simply my sweetest dream.

Really interesting and creative way to upgrade buildings, which I have never experienced before.

You can simply move a mountain away to get more space (since you are GOD in this world :D) and add more resources for your people to exploit

OMG I just love it…

However, there are still a few things I need to mention:

  • The most annoyed thing is when you want to find a building that you have built (let say Tea room), you have no tool to find it but only your bare eyes. It really takes tons of time especially when the building is upgraded (its appearance will change).

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

The Immortal Mayor on Steam

Tree House Survivors

Tree House Survivors

Through an “accident” seafarers arrive on an island where they have to fight for their survival. Help them by building and managing a tree house for them.

Assign jobs to your survivors and create the perfect environment to keep your residents happy. Setup your tree house smart to prevent accidents and help your survivors to gather new people. Manage the power and water supply in your tree house. Gather resources and create production chains in your tree house to ultimately find a way off the island for the residents.

The survivors

The survivors have needs. Fulfil them by building the required rooms in the tree house. Having residents with bad moods may lead to negative events.


Build rooms in the tree house and keeping an eye on the special room requirements.

Manage the water and energy supply

Some rooms require water and energy supplies. Create the required infrastructure and production chains to meet the needs.


Decorate the rooms so that the residents can feel comfortable.

Tree House Survivors on Steam

King and Kingdoms

King and Kingdoms

Whatever you do DO NOT buy this game, yes its in development but that is not an excuse for the developers to totally ignore players when they submit tickets reporting faults

The game has a research section, the developers decided to alter it and in doing so the section no longer works, it refuses to carry out any research stating that you have insufficient resources to carry out the research … strange when my resources are over twenty times that needed

The game does not allow you to carry out what is basically the whole idea of it, to take over other kingdoms, it is hard enough to work out how at the beginning with no game instructions but eventually when you do work it out don’t expect it to work

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Discord is the best way to contact developers for help.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

King and Kingdoms on Steam

Prop Factory

Prop Factory

Get ready for a challenging and fun multi-object assemble game.

Prop Factory is easy to play!

100% 3D Prop Factory is a fun puzzle where you memorize an object and need to assemble it in order but before that you will need to find the pieces in a mess of scraps and throw them on the conveyor simply by dragging.

This game will stimulate your mind and speed up your memory by offering you loads of objects to assemble.


Visual effects and 3D objects.

Prop Factory on Steam



War factory was game i was looking for.

Why? Because it mixes war and production managment at basic level and that was something i was really missing. Positive thing WAS (not anymore) that developers were quickly reacting on discord when i reported any bugs or suggest some ideas that might be implement into game.

Do i recommend this game? NO.

Because game is still buggy in many ways and price is definitly not something that will make you overlook this bugs. IF developer will fix bugs and will add more things (like ideas i have written to them at discord some time ago, you are welcome) then maybe it will be worth. But at this price right now definitly not.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Note this is an update for original review; in which the game was had problems affected the player’s ability to play the game. These problems have been fixed in a previous patch as writing this.

War Factory is still in an early state; but much more playable and enjoyable after the patch. Additionally, devs are very receptive to the player’s feedback in fixing problems with the game.

I do recommend this game, if you want a wargame mixed with production/efficiency focus management game. Keep in mind of the combat you don’t really have any control over the positioning, movement or the tactics of your troops in the game. But for what the game is doing I find this not a problem; as most your time is focused on the factory. However, I am unsure if this something the devs are planning to change in the future.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game


NUC: After The Blast

NUC: After The Blast

Hell no!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Inspirational, Innovative, Creative, Addicting, Fresh, Hip and Cool is not what this game is

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

NUC: After The Blast on Steam

Space Defense Grid

Space Defense Grid

“Space Defense Grid” is a tower defense game. The enemies in the game will attack the energy center, steal energy and then escape. Players need to build defense grid according to different levels. It should be noted that different enemies have their own characteristics, such as some enemies get energy and speed up to escape, or open the energy shield, etc. players need to adjust the grid specifically, in addition,The game designs the enemy’s shield and weapon’s armor penetration, For example, the armor penetration of weapon a is 3, the shield value of enemy B is 4, the damage of a attacking B is reduced by 10%, and the effect range of weapon to enemy is 10% - 100%.

Space Defense Grid on Steam

Casino Tycoon Simulator

Casino Tycoon Simulator

game crashes you die because cant eat cant save your

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

OK. H key to bring up product menu. buy product. walked to the bar. press E key to buy sushi.

Press F Key to eat sushi.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Casino Tycoon Simulator on Steam