

Tags: Party RPG/JRPG/Topdown&3rd Person

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TLDR: Eternal Early Access. Somewhat eye catching art direction and presentation. Narrative hard to follow, poor dialogue, unclear objectives.

This is some kind of sewed together abomination of parts of RPGMAKER, Arial font, the most vague and bland dialogue you could think of as well as the programming skill equivalent of a caveman banging rocks together in the hope of making an axe. The menu is unreadable - the tutorial area is a dead end and crashes with a Script Game interpreter error when you talk to the only person there (a clone of yourself) - the ¨overworld map¨ is actually a Neverwinter Nights style - Walls and skybox missing isometric fake 3d affair (except neverwinter was actually 3D). Its badly done and you can routinely see through the floor ¨cracks¨ from the floor tiles not lining up. Some scenery objects are semi transparent and can be walked through, other semi transparent objects cant. Its damn near impossible to tell what they are meant to represent either even if they werent transparent.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Adventure Games.

First off, disclaimer: I purchased this on itch.io some time ago. Recently the developer announced that he could give Steam keys to those who bought it over there, and thus I got a Steam copy. So I did not receive the original for free, but I did recieve the Steam copy for free.

I promised I’d review this sucker, so I gave it a fair shake tonight, and…mmf. I actually really want to like this game; it’s clear there’s a lot of mechanics and depth to this experience, but I just couldn’t enjoy it.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Miolhr on Steam

Alphadia Genesis

Alphadia Genesis

Meh. It’s okay. I sunk more hours into it because I’m a bit of a perfectionist (although not as much as many RPG players), but it’s not particularly great. The story is passable but surprisingly dull; it was so dull that boring, worn tropes that I expected to see didn’t even get included. It was unpredictable in that it didn’t even rise to the level of generic predictability, it just didn’t bother to follow-up on things you likely will expect it to. The characters are one note, and those few that exhibit any sort of change just switch like a light. The world is poorly developed and small-feeling. One can’t help but wondering how two nations, seperated by an ocean, had a war, when we only see one dock and one ship in the entire game. I will give it this; the mid-game twist, while partially foreshadowed, did mostly come out of nowhere and throw you for a loop. That almost feels like it was the great idea they had and the rest of the game was structured around it, M. Night-style.

Real player with 70.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Adventure Games.

The oldschool JRPG that slightly overstays it’s welcome. It would be a very hard game if not the fact that there is no death penalty and every battle can be repeated as many times as needed.

The story and characters aren’t particularly interesting and quite simple. The ingame (not battle) character animation is funny in jumpy-jittery way, it grown on me with time for some reason and I find it hilarious now. The characters are partly voiced (Japanese only), the important dialogs and combat, most of dialogue is just text.

Real player with 56.3 hrs in game

Alphadia Genesis on Steam