Miasma Caves

Miasma Caves

The gameplay of Miasma Caves is very simple: Explore a cave, find treasure, escape alive to sell said treasure in town, repeat.

The Cons:

  • No Automap (for an exploration game this is a huge drawback)

  • Intermediate cave levels are a bottleneck in difficulty (rocks fall, everybody dies faints)

  • Not much of a story

  • A few minor bugs

The Pros:

  • Over 150 different treasure items of 4 different categories

  • Town can be developed

  • A lot of variety in available tools, which allows for different approaches of exploration.

Real player with 150.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Voxel Games.

I have played enough Miasma Caves to recommend it. You play a dragon-lady who spelunks a procedurally-generated cave in search of treasure and you’re a pacifist, so that means that you don’t attack any of the monsters inside. But you still can get hurt (such as from cave-ins, and falls, and the titular miasma), and there’s still a challenge in seeing how far you can go whilst getting out alive! It’s a fun game and I recommend it to anyone, especially those who loved Leila “Woofle” Wilson’s soundtrack in Freedom Planet; some of the greatness in that soundtrack is carried over in this game.

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

Miasma Caves on Steam

Mirror Land

Mirror Land


Mirror Land is an original game that focuses on optical illusion puzzles. It is inspired by some Magic Mirror Concepts such as FengYueBaoJian in Dream of the Red Chamber and The Mirror of Erised in Harry Potter. It uses MAGIC MIRROR to GRAB and RELEASE characters and cooperate with moving the MAGIC MIRROR to complete incredible space puzzles.

According to THE MIRROR CONCEPT, a series of gameplay and stories are created. Meanwhile, this game uses poetry-writing methods as a source of reference, which makes the game more interesting and creates a poetic atmosphere in it.

**For closer eye movement and deeper puzzle layout, the puzzles of this game are specially developed for vertical screens. If the player’s display can be rotated to vertical, as long as the windows desktop is set to vertical. Then open the game, the game will be full screen. Or, if the display cannot be rotated or you don’t want to bother, players can just use the normal horizontal screen mode. The game experience will not be different, and the areas on the left and right sides of the screen will be filled with black. **


You can learn how to play from the demo video or read the tips below.

0.The MIRROR and The Feet of the character have an interactive relationship.

1.When you can see The Feet of the character in the MIRROR, press the MIRROR Button, thus the character is tied to the MIRROR surface and turns into 2D form.

2.When the MIRROR is moved, the terrain reflected in the MIRROR is changed.

3.When the 2D form character’s feet meet an empty foothold reflected by MIRROR, press the MIRROR Button again, thus the character is released to the corresponding terrain.


Pedal Trigger can make the terrain or other things change.

THRUST DEVICE When the character moves to the front of the THRUST DEVICE, this device will do a powerful thrust and push the character out for a certain distance. During this process, the

character is not affected by gravity.


When the source of The CLUSTER LIGHT is turned on, there will be a beam of The CLUSTER LIGHT. It can be reflected by a MIRROR. You can make the LIGHT travel to different positions by adjusting the angle of light emission as well as the angle and position of the mirror.

1.The CLUSTER LIGHT can pass through transparent terrain.

2.When the CLUSTER LIGHT reaches a FLAT place whether it is transparent or not, a TELEPORT POINT of LIGHT can be etched at the irradiation point.



LUMEN STONE CAT is a passenger of the CLUSTER LIGHT. It is a mysterious animal imprisoned in the LUMEN STONE. When it is not exposed to the CLUSTER LIGHT, it looks like a dull square stone that is almost as tall as the character. In this case, It can be dragged and moved on a flat place, helping characters reach different terrain. But when THE CAT is moved to a teleport point of the CLUSTER LIGHT, which connects with another teleport point by CLUSTER LIGHT, THE CAT will transform into a cat that can swim in the LIGHT. After it reaches the teleport point as far as it can, THE CAT will transform into stone-form again.

The SILENCE is such a STABLE being that no character can push it away. When it blocks a character’s way, the character can only walk away and wait for it to go to the next position, or catch it and put it in the MIRROR.

The STRENGTH In most cases, the STRENGTH will push away every movable object that gets into its reach. How far it pushes an object depends on the size of STRENGTH. During the pushing process, the STRENGTH and the object are not affected by gravity.

What The STRENGTH can push away: the character, the cubes, and smaller STRENGTHs

What The STRENGTH can not push away: THE SILENCE, THE LIGHT FLOWING STONE CAT, and solid terrains.

When the STRENGTH pushes the objects beyond its ability, it will be pushed away by the reaction force.

The STRENGTH can also be caught and put in the MIRROR.


1.When the character is caught and put on the CHESSBOARD OF THE MIRROR, he will become a chess piece that can move to the adjacent chessboard grid.

2.Each chessboard grid has a corresponding relationship with a certain foothold out of the MIRROR. When the MIRROR releases the character, the character will be placed in the corresponding position.


There is a continent in the darkness where the sun, the moon, and stars do not exist. The LIGHT is stored in a big mountain like gel. The mountain is called LUMEN.

Living creatures near the LUMEN gradually evolve into humans. They learn the methods of mining and using the LIGHT. They pipe the LIGHT to high places, illuminating most places. Technology and civilization are developing. Kingdom has formed.

Not far from the west of the LUMEN is the MIRROR PLAIN where the supply of MIRRORS is inexhaustible. Once the last piece of MIRROR PLAIN was exploited, an earth movement will come. A new MIRROR PLAIN will raise.

These MIRRORS can catch living creatures and put them into the surface of MIRRORS. This is discovered by accident.

One of the believable legends is about a hunter. Once upon a time, he was chasing the LUMEN BEAST. This BEAST escaped to a mirror. The hunter prayed subconsciously that someone could help him catch it. Unexpectedly, THE MIRROR responded to his prayer and caught the BEAST.

Later, people found a way to make MAGIC MIRRORS between witchcraft and technology.

THE STORY OF XIU(the character)

XIU’s ancestors are INKMEN,XIU is a inkman as well. INKMEN is one of the results of human genetic modification.

After humans learned to make MAGIC MIRRORS, some clever bad guys commit crimes with MAGIC MIRRORS they make, and leave no trace of themselves. The ruler of the kingdom decides to keep all the clever guys under supervision. Every movement of them has to leave a trace behind. So the clever ones become INKMEN. Ink always seep out through their skin, and their shoes cannot be waterproof. So the footprints they leave are all ink-like.

XIU’s mother was a TRAFFIC MIRROR ENGINEER. In a TRAFFIC MIRROR test 7 years ago, when the MIRROR released her, she disappeared. This strange thing made people panic, but no reason was found.

Now XIU is fifteen years old, inherited mother’s relics.XIU found 7 SPECIAL STONES among them. One day, a mysterious voice came into XIU’s ears, saying,” Take THESE STONES to the FURNACES I designate. Then forge them into a HAMMER according to the drawings I give you. Use the HAMMER to smash the one-thousand-year-old MIRROR hanging in the capital. And you can find your mother…”

“As long as there is a chance of finding my mother, I will try it…”

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Mystery Dungeon Games.

Mirror Land on Steam

Eternal Cycle 永劫之环

Eternal Cycle 永劫之环

Game introduction:

“Eternal Cycle” tells the story of a protagonist who wakes up from a corroded cave, and finally finds and resolves the source of the cave’s corrosion. The game takes place in a cave corroded by alienated substances. Players experience the entire game flow by manipulating the protagonist who has awakened from the coffin.

The game is a bit like some other games such as little Nightmare series,Inside and limbo.

The protagonist has the ability to explore caves with various props. Throughout the process of exploration, the protagonist will escape from different monsters in search of survival. As the exploration continues, the protagonist will undergo some subtle changes.

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Puzzle Platformer Games.

Eternal Cycle 永劫之环 on Steam

The Long Gate

The Long Gate

The first thing you notice about this game is the grandeur and mystery of its environment, and it doesn’t ever let up; as I moved through the different sections of the game I marveled at the design of the machinery and rooms. The soundtrack provides an excellent backdrop to levels that are variously organic, mechanical, dark, and alien. The puzzles themselves are unlike anything I’ve seen in a game before. Built on the simple (and very much real) principles of electricity, the puzzles quickly take you from clicking on/off switches to troubleshooting gigantic electromechanical computers. Sometimes the goal is clear, other times not so much. This forced me to experiment and learn the principles before I could really solve anything complicated. The learning curve steps up quite a bit at some points, but not unreasonably so. A very satisfying challenge with plenty of those “oh I get it now” dopamine hits. Highly recommended.

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game

Ok, so I’ve just finished the game for the first time (replaying soon because I still need that sweet, sweet 100% engineer mode achievement!) but I wanted to get my immediate feedback at 14.4hrs in onto paper :P

Firstly, a bit of my background. I’m a researcher in Computational Chemistry, and have a keen interest in quantum computing and electronics. I mention this as I think I’m not your typical audience, as not every gamer will have my experience with these kinds of things.

Onto the review! Spoilers abound from here on out so don’t read on if you care about those!

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

The Long Gate on Steam

A Wonder

A Wonder

(Review below)

Keyboard and mouse controls guide:

  • Walk = WASD (or W + Mouse movement)

  • Run = WASD (or W + Mouse movement) + Shift

  • Climb/Drop = Space bar + W

  • Recharge lamp = R + Mouse movement

  • Activate/deactivate lamp = Left click mouse

  • Crouch = E

  • Camera movement = Mouse movement

  • Run jump = W + Shift

  • Pick up items/Activate ingredients = Space bar

  • Normal light mode = 1

  • Stun = Mouse wheel

  • Blue light mode = 3

  • Yellow light mode = 2

  • Activate (with yellow light on) switches = Space bar

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Most of the negative reviews are due to controller problems. As for me, my controller was fine. Every button functions as it should be. Though the movements/actions of the character is not too fluid, I still highly recommend people play this game!


I played for 30 minutes, and so far I enjoy this game! It’s FREE, graphics are good, and has a story. Judging from the number of pearls / constellations to collect, I think this game might take a good 5 hours to finish. I’ll update my review as I progress. But for now, 9/10

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

A Wonder on Steam



The basic gameplay of Murk is okay (although but nothing special), but I can’t recommend it. Murk is a side-scroller where you have to find power ups to regain health and ammo. It also has an automatic save point system. However, when you are low on health at the moment a save point is activated, and you die a few seconds later in the level from a single hit, you respawn at the last save point but still with your low health, causing you to die over and over again at the same point in the level, basically blocking you from progressing in the game. I played at normal (i.e. the lowest) difficulty.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

I bought this game to get into it and try it out - it looked interesting and I couldn’t wait to play it, as I love indie games and dark, sci-fi shooters. However, when trying to launch the game, all I saw was a white screen. I tried backing up the files, running it in compatibility mode - there was nothing I could do to get the game to actually show up. All my other Steam games work fine, for perspective. If this is fixed in a future patch (if it is indeed a game issue,) then I will gladly update my review once I’ve had the chance to play it. Until then, I do not recommend purchasing this game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Murk on Steam



KAIKATANA is a fun 3D action adventure game.

Fight giant creatures, explore maps, find hidden items, engage NPCs, do parkour, buy new swords and follow your journey with all your hatred to free your people from despair.

Enter battles with colossal Kais in this difficult adventure to save the people of the planet Laphit.


KAIKATANA tells the story of the warrior Kirai, who lives in a world where all living beings are descendants of nine giant creatures called Kai.

Most living beings have direct links of humor with the original Kais, who when they are very agitated can influence the way beings feel and act on a daily basis.

Most beings are influenced by several different original Kais, but there are exceptions in which a living being can be influenced by only one original Kai, these are called pure.


Disturbed R.I.P.

Disturbed R.I.P.

2.5D Platformer Action-Adventure game. An illusory adventure in the form of a linear uroboric path. Or a short narrative story with platforming elements.


An unexpected natural cataclysm, somewhere in the wilderness, disturbed the peace of the peacefully deceased hero. And as it turned out, in the depths of a nearby plot of land, mining work was carried out. Actually, he fell into these mines. Unfortunately, not all of the miners managed to evacuate quickly and … In general, it is regrettable that the number of deceased (but not peaceful now) became a little more.

Now there is no choice but to find a way back up and return to your last refuge.

Briefly about the gameplay

A small adventure that simulates walking on eight platforms.

Free Demo


Disturbed R.I.P. on Steam

Serial Killer Life

Serial Killer Life

As the player you will become the owner of strange and scary place. Do not be afraid and expand your business, attract your victims and reach your weird goals over the dead bodies. Become the evil Howard, criminal mastermind in every way possible, tries to get rich. Theft, fraud, murder, lie, setting traps for your hotel guests is your daily routine. You pretend to run the legitimate business but in fact your goal is to dig the secret tunnel to reach the bank’s vault . Don’t get caught.

Build your hotel using the money of the victim guests visiting you. It is important to always look for the richest victims. Only then you would be able to afford this sophisticated, expensive and time consuming construction.

But don’t think it’s going to be easy. Beware of the police, the tax office forensic control and the reporters. The tunnel that would lead you into the bank’s vault must be done solidly and in absolute silence. You have to be very cautious in your plans. Remember that any unforeseen noise can cause your mission to end prematurely and get your into a jail.

Serial Killer Life on Steam

被遺棄的雙子 Gemini of the abandoned

被遺棄的雙子 Gemini of the abandoned

You did a great job!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Game is interesting and fun, a little ferry doing missions and getting the job done, not a lengthy review, but a good experience and def a fun one indeed. Give it a go, you won’t be upset!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

被遺棄的雙子 Gemini of the abandoned on Steam