Unlock The Cat

Unlock The Cat

Unlock The Cat is a fun sliding puzzle game with simple yet charming backgrounds and an adorable animated kitten that you have to guide through 40 levels of increasing difficulty. The first 15 levels are easy to moderate, levels 16-30 are moderate to difficult, levels 31-35 are challenging and the last five levels are diabolical. It took me roughly 7 hours to play through the whole game, with about half of that time on the last 3 puzzles alone. Finishing the game will require both patience and perseverance, however you can always enjoy a break by watching the kitten while you think over your next move. The replay value is also quite good as you likely won’t remember how to solve most of the higher level puzzles until you’ve played them through several times. Overall, I found the game to be a pleasant way to spend an evening and very fairly priced. You’ll get your money’s worth just from watching the kitten. I’d recommend it to anyone who likes sliding puzzles and cats.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Cats Games.

The scenery is beautiful, the cat is cute, the music is hypnotic and it’s a sliding puzzle to make ways for the cat to reach his destination. I can’t play the game with the music or sound on although the music is very soothing. It makes me feel worry for the cat when I’m stuck. And I feel sad that I can’t clear the path for him when he meowed.

I hope they will change the colour of the blocks on the Winter levels because the colour is quite similar with the colour of the ground.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Unlock The Cat on Steam