Arise: A Simple Story

Arise: A Simple Story

Super Mario 3D World, if everything weren’t cats, they removed the Wii U gamepad, and wasn’t Super Mario 3D world

Random title cause I felt like it. I’m not sure on whether to give a ‘recommended’ or ‘not recommended’ for this game, cause it’s a 50/50 split between aspects of this game that I liked, and the ones that infuriated me.


  • The Level Designs are amazing. Most games with a persistent time-switching mechanic only have 2 versions of the same map that show the past and the future, and pressing a button transports you to one or the other, but this game lets you slowly see the polygons shift whilst giving you the feeling of manually seeking and rewinding time like it’s a tape recorder. While most puzzles require you to only go back and forth between 2 points in time and freeze it, some puzzles

    ! (like the rolling boulder or the falling log in level 3) have you constantaneously scrub time and walk at the same time.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Emotional Games.

Arise: A Simple Story

Arise is a simple yet clever puzzle-platformer that pushes the puzzle-platformer genre in the right direction. Arise is a soulful, relaxing game that revolves around a man’s journey of reliving his bittersweet memories with his partner.

It’s sweet, it’s simple and it’s truly emotionally driven. And combined with its beautiful world and enjoyable gameplay, we have an all-rounder on our hands.

*– [Real player with 12.5 hrs in game](*


![Time Master]( "")

## Time Master


After the disappearance of his sister Sophia (which may or may not have been his fault), talented wizard Zeno vows to never take up his wizard’s staff again. That is until a mysterious voice promises that Zeno could get his sister back… he only needs to take on a challenge created by the Ancients.


Time Master combines platforming and time manipulation wrapped up in a story told through cinematic cut scenes packed with surprises. Guide Zeno as he completes the Ancients’ trials to recover time fragments and defeat the evil wizard Lucix in this relaxing puzzle game.


*   Experience a fully voice acted cinematic story that delivers surprises and laughs.

*   Take on the challenge of the Ancients and master a wide variety of puzzle mechanics.

*   Use Zeno’s ability to rewind time and collaborate with his past self to overcome obstacles.

*   Recover time fragments by either unlocking trials and completing them in the order you choose or by perfecting previously completed trials.

*   Oh, and help Zeno get his sister back that he “accidentally” banished.




Read More: Best 3D Platformer Puzzle Platformer Games.

--- --- ![Shinobi Shift]( "") ## Shinobi Shift A good project, there is room for development. Good luck to the developers!) 9.2/10 *– [Real player with 6.5 hrs in game](* ---

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Cyberpunk Games.

--- Shinobi Shift is a first-person game with cyberpunk-style graphics and interesting levels, well done here *– [Real player with 4.2 hrs in game](* --- ![ChronoTecture: The Eprologue]( "") ## ChronoTecture: The Eprologue ChronoTecture Game Studio presents an indie video game created by an architectural designer. After losing his cat Mobiius to lifelong illness, a father sees him again in a brief Dream. The father then designs and builds a device called The DreamCatcher, which allows him to induce a Lucid Dream at will. When the father finally sees Mobiius again in the Dream World, the DreamCatcher glitches and the father experiences sleep paralysis, trapping him in the Dream World against his will. The only way forward for the father is as a guide for Mobiius as he goes through his Final Dream. --- ![Now you can't see me]( "") ## Now you can't see me Cool puzzle(!) game with unique set of gameplay mechanics. After completing the game you can play again in speedrun mode with world leaderboard. Thinking out a faster way to complete a level reveals the possibilites of the game a little more and is also pretty fun. *– [Real player with 9.0 hrs in game](* On one hand super interesting, on the other hand you have to read tips from the menu screen constantly to understand just the controls, and aiming while blinking is just ridiculous. Maybe if I simply point at someone with a gun it works, rather than pointing at the gun while I'm blinking and if I mess it up have to spend 5 more minutes trying the same thing despite knowing how to solve the puzzle. *– [Real player with 0.9 hrs in game](* --- ![Time Storm]( "") ## Time Storm If don’t win like the game of the year at "The Game Awards", it’s because you were bought *– [Real player with 4.1 hrs in game](* I love this time travel stuff. you go back in time and interact with yourself is incredible. having to think about what moves you should make to help your future makes this game very enjoyable. *– [Real player with 3.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Afterlife Beans]( "") ## Afterlife Beans an experience *– [Real player with 3.5 hrs in game](* IT'S POGGERS *– [Real player with 0.8 hrs in game](* --- ![Quantum Conundrum]( "") ## Quantum Conundrum ### Many people say this game seems like Portal. Well, if they mean it looks like a physics-based first-person puzzle-platformer then yes, it is like Portal. The difference is that you manipulate the physics of the level rather than where you enter and exit the 'test chamber'. There are 5 dimensions you can change between to alter the physics. * Fluffy dimension makes everything that's not nailed down light enough to pick up. * Heavy is the reverse, nothing can be picked up. * Time slows everything down, including light beams. *– [Real player with 29.1 hrs in game](* Rating : 8/10 Overview: 1st person puzzle platformer The Good: + The game allows you to switch between 4 different dimensions to solve puzzles and traverse the environment. The first dimension is 'fluffy' dimension, which makes objects lighter allowing you to carry them and place them on switches. The second, is heavy dimension, which makes objects heavier, the third is slow time and the fourth is reverse gravity. You can only be in one dimension at a time. + The game offers a mix of puzzles and platforming. Some areas are strictly related to one or the other while other areas combine the two. It provides a nice change in pace as you are not strictly doing one thing over and over again. *– [Real player with 23.2 hrs in game](* --- ![Hourglass: Prologue]( "") ## Hourglass: Prologue Just completed the game. I think the atmosphere and the style of it are well choosen. The game made me enjoy the world, in that you get thown. I hope the full version of the game will be published soon caus I really want to get further in the sorry. *– [Real player with 3.1 hrs in game](* Amazing I can already see the potential for this game, especially in the speed running scene. Puzzles are great but not too complex. Can't wait for the full release! *– [Real player with 0.8 hrs in game](* --- ![Let's Go! Skiing VR]( "") ## Let's Go! Skiing VR Follow a deer down a hill, collecting coins and avoiding trees. There is only one track, but there is a leaderboard for score hunting. *– [Real player with 3.7 hrs in game](* Fun and simple entertainment for parties. Play with your buddies to proove who's faster! *– [Real player with 3.2 hrs in game](* ---