Frame of Mind

Frame of Mind

The term ‘Non Euclidean’ gets thrown around a lot these days in the puzzle game world, but after seeing this game & its unique monotone art style recommended to me in a YouTube video. I couldn’t resist.

Turns out it was free too? WHAAAAT?

Anyways, back on track. Loved the feel of this game & I hope it gets expanded upon in the future with more levels (or possible achievements?).

The Art Style really sold me here & the gameplay truly backed it up.

The team did a fantastic job & Iook forward to future projects big or small.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer First-Person Games.

This is a great little game. Requires some thinking outside the box, not as much as some people say but it’s more innovative a puzzle game than most of the portal clones.

The graphics are fun, work really well and allow things to be turned on their head nicely.

Took about 40 minutes to complete (the other 25 was idling).

It lacks a story, the soundtrack is nothing and there’s no narration. For those not bothered by that sort of thing, there are very few downsides to this game.

I’d pay for a sequel to this.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Frame of Mind on Steam

Papo & Yo

Papo & Yo


Papo & Yo or Father and I markets itself as a puzzle, action, platformer set in a dream world of a Brazilian favela. You play as Quico a boy who has to help a monster who has a strange addiction to poisonous mushrooms that enrage the beast upon consumption. The only way to temporary calm down the monster is to feed him some blue, rotten fruit. Following the advice of a mysterious girl named Alejandra, you must navigate the favela by manipulating buildings with chalk magic and bring the monster to the temple to cure him of this unfortunate addiction.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Singleplayer Games.

Good story alone isn’t enough to make you cry

Papo&Yo is a puzzle platformer with a good good which sadly doen’t excecute first two aspect very good.

You play as the buy names Quico and must find a way how to deal with a serious which i’m not going to talk about because that’s the point the story. What i can say is that it’s pretty similar to Rime story-wise, but excecuted not as good as that game.

At first the puzzles seem fine, but after some time they get boring because the principle is the same and you usually need to repeat same actions again and again. There are good and fun puzzles, but maybe half of the puzzles are either frustrating or time wasting.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Papo & Yo on Steam




A stomach-turning puzzle game not for people who are scared of heights.


73 ️⭐️⭐⭐️

Gameplay Footage


Youropa is a 3D puzzle game where you must defy the laws of gravity to reach your goal. Walking on walls, upside down, on your side, at ridiculous heights, will have your senses mixed up and confused. On a few occasions I had to stop playing the game because I felt a bit sick. The game really portrays a sense of height as you walk around on ledges and walls looking down at the scenery below.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Level Editor Games.

Second Update

I’d like to keep the original review in tact so future viewers can see the full context and timeline of the events that took place. To summarize, the developer saw my review and responded with patches much faster than I would have ever expected. In the comments I called the response unprecedented, and I’ll echo that here.

When I review a game I’m never going in to that with the hope of punishing the dev or game. In my opinion, the absolute best outcome one could hope for is for them to care and respond positively to criticism which happened here.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Youropa on Steam

7th Sector

7th Sector

A great side-scrolling sci-fi puzzle-adventure game, occasionally let down by some tedious elements.

Picture Playdead’s side-scrolling masterpieces, LIMBO and INSIDE, add some of Cyberpunk 2077 and Half-Life 2’s atmosphere, and what you get is essentially what 7th Sector is all about.

7th Sector is a visually striking side-scrolling story, occasionally interjected with puzzle elements, set in a dystopian city of the future, the likes of which strongly resemble the environments encountered in Half-Life 2 and Cyberpunk 2077.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Thank you to the lone developer and publisher,Носков Сергей, for creating and providing a good game for me to escape, explore, think and enjoy.

The 7th sector is simply put, a very good side scrolling puzzle game set in a beautiful cyberpunk dystopian future. I can name a half-dozen games where it is similar in aesthetic and story, but it is able to differentiate itself from others with a no hand holding approach to the puzzle/problem gameplay. This approach is welcome to puzzle adventurers but newcomers will find this difficult to frustrating and reading user reviews not surprising.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

7th Sector on Steam

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power

This review is relevant to all the Trine games(so far) in regard to themselves, and how they fit into the whole Trine series. I’ll try to be as thorough and clear as I can. I’m also one of those players that cares about the story just as much as the game play, so I’ll also be mentioning that. Bear with me, please. (One thing they all have in common: the artwork and music is out of this world)

Trine 1

I liked Trine 1 because of the gravity of the story and because of it’s relatively good game play and good puzzles. Story wise, it was dark and rather heavy, but for a game like Trine it was good since it kept me focused and in anticipation of the happy ending, which was all the more satisfying. The story wasn’t very involved though (meaning you travel to one place, get a clue, then basically go to the next place while fighting monsters), so that was pretty much the only thing I wish they’d done better. Still, to me, it felt a lot more as if I was in there with the characters, on my way to defeat the forces of darkness.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game


achievements are short and sweet: finish this, collect that - nothing terrible or hard

why it is so bad?

check the rating of other Trine games. they usually get universal acclaim or overly positive reception. their Steam ratings are varies in 85-95%% rank, which is insanely good. however Trine 3 lacks this and its rating in 60-70%%. why so? what did contribute towards such negative review? ohh, the right answer, as always, lies in monetary direction…

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power on Steam

Annie and the Shadow Palace

Annie and the Shadow Palace

Annie’s shadow has lost her body and is trapped in the shadow palace. Her shadow must balance light and dark to navigate the winding walls and endless tunnels to escape.

Annie and the Shadow Palace is a third-person isometric puzzle platformer where you play from the perspective of a shadow projected on the ground. The environment is a two-tone world, there is light and there is dark. You will have to use the shadow’s projection to navigate through various light and perspective based puzzles.

Annie and the Shadow Palace on Steam




Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

At its core Elli is a puzzle game that is dressed in platforming. I very much enjoyed playing it all the way through the end which took me a little over 6.5 hours..

The puzzles in the beginning are pretty simple and there is next to no real platforming. But the further you progress into the story the more complex the puzzles get. Towards the end some puzzles span over multiple rooms which made it just the right amount of challenging for me. Yet the platforming difficulty, with a handful of exceptions, is only raised to a moderately challenging level throughout the game which I particularly liked because that way the platforming never really got into the way of solving the puzzles.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Elli on Steam

Ginger: Beyond the Crystal

Ginger: Beyond the Crystal

I spent a lot of time with this game and played it thoroughly, but I just can’t recommend it…the things I disliked about the game outweigh the things I did like about the game, which sucks because I had this on my Wishlist for a long time.

What I loved about the game was that it was how obvious the team who worked on the game loved it. After leaving the (bland) hub worlds each of the 15 levels are vibrant and distinct. I also really enjoyed the different costumes you unlock as the game progresses and the special ability that each one of them has.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Ginger: Beyond the Crystal was a fun game, I did enjoy it while i played it but there were a few things that stop me from giveing the thumbs up.

1. There is a bugged achievement, you can get it buy NOT buying every accessory before getting all the in-level ones.

2. The game has a few bugs, these bugs were in no way game breaking however.

3. There is a lot of unnecessary stuff, ALL of the quests given were one of 3, Race, kill monsters, collect items. the fall damage was 100% uneeded and felt like it was really holding me back as you dont need to fall but 10 feet to instantly DIE

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Ginger: Beyond the Crystal on Steam



I’ve really had a lot of fun with this game. It’s free, but it could easily be sold for some money. I think how all of this was made was executed perfectly and I want/ can’t wait to see a speedrun of this game.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

This game is very fun to speedrun, but there are minor physics bugs. Also there is a part right before reservoir where you can clip through the ceiling in a tunnel. It is very fun though and relaxing. The worst part is the game will freeze as it renders in new parts and it screws you so hard when trying to wall run at certain parts because you just fall off.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Gorge on Steam



This game has TONs of promise, and to be honest I am quite impressed at how stable it ran for me given it’s a one-man-show - fantastic work!

Now to the details -


The game mechanics are phenomenal and with a story-line this literally has the potential to be the next Portal/Portal2 in my opinion.

Uses a known-stable engine and runs rock-solid already.

I had a LOT of fun with it!

Cons/Areas needing support:

Graphics are rather simple and definitely need to be spruced up drastically (this is not a one-man job in my opinion though… if a shop were to pick this up and give it a total makeover it would be a huge boon for the game.)

Real player with 59.0 hrs in game

Very much in the Portal tradition, although I don’t remember Portal being that difficult, esp. when it comes to failing at something…and in this case - always dying. I think if you lighten the requirements for staying alive, eg how far you fall, and maybe a little more tolerance with the missile range, it would be a lot more fun (?). Love the physics at play here, and it seems pretty accurate.

Also, unlike Portal (the second version), it would be interesting after developing these skills to be put into a different environment (maybe escape the old one?) and try to go from point A to point B in order to survive. Perhaps this could be the sequel to part I.

Real player with 48.0 hrs in game

Gravia on Steam