ChronoTecture: The Eprologue

ChronoTecture: The Eprologue

ChronoTecture Game Studio presents an indie video game created by an architectural designer.

After losing his cat Mobiius to lifelong illness, a father sees him again in a brief Dream. The father then designs and builds a device called The DreamCatcher, which allows him to induce a Lucid Dream at will. When the father finally sees Mobiius again in the Dream World, the DreamCatcher glitches and the father experiences sleep paralysis, trapping him in the Dream World against his will. The only way forward for the father is as a guide for Mobiius as he goes through his Final Dream.

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Time Travel Games.

ChronoTecture: The Eprologue on Steam

Green Phoenix

Green Phoenix

  • Informational review

On rails shooter + good graphics - a bit slow = Narrative experience in futuristic world. Avoid obstacles and collect crystals. Could use more enemies or obstacles to shoot.

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Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Capitalism Games.

Green Phoenix on Steam

Mirror Land

Mirror Land


Mirror Land is an original game that focuses on optical illusion puzzles. It is inspired by some Magic Mirror Concepts such as FengYueBaoJian in Dream of the Red Chamber and The Mirror of Erised in Harry Potter. It uses MAGIC MIRROR to GRAB and RELEASE characters and cooperate with moving the MAGIC MIRROR to complete incredible space puzzles.

According to THE MIRROR CONCEPT, a series of gameplay and stories are created. Meanwhile, this game uses poetry-writing methods as a source of reference, which makes the game more interesting and creates a poetic atmosphere in it.

**For closer eye movement and deeper puzzle layout, the puzzles of this game are specially developed for vertical screens. If the player’s display can be rotated to vertical, as long as the windows desktop is set to vertical. Then open the game, the game will be full screen. Or, if the display cannot be rotated or you don’t want to bother, players can just use the normal horizontal screen mode. The game experience will not be different, and the areas on the left and right sides of the screen will be filled with black. **


You can learn how to play from the demo video or read the tips below.

0.The MIRROR and The Feet of the character have an interactive relationship.

1.When you can see The Feet of the character in the MIRROR, press the MIRROR Button, thus the character is tied to the MIRROR surface and turns into 2D form.

2.When the MIRROR is moved, the terrain reflected in the MIRROR is changed.

3.When the 2D form character’s feet meet an empty foothold reflected by MIRROR, press the MIRROR Button again, thus the character is released to the corresponding terrain.


Pedal Trigger can make the terrain or other things change.

THRUST DEVICE When the character moves to the front of the THRUST DEVICE, this device will do a powerful thrust and push the character out for a certain distance. During this process, the

character is not affected by gravity.


When the source of The CLUSTER LIGHT is turned on, there will be a beam of The CLUSTER LIGHT. It can be reflected by a MIRROR. You can make the LIGHT travel to different positions by adjusting the angle of light emission as well as the angle and position of the mirror.

1.The CLUSTER LIGHT can pass through transparent terrain.

2.When the CLUSTER LIGHT reaches a FLAT place whether it is transparent or not, a TELEPORT POINT of LIGHT can be etched at the irradiation point.



LUMEN STONE CAT is a passenger of the CLUSTER LIGHT. It is a mysterious animal imprisoned in the LUMEN STONE. When it is not exposed to the CLUSTER LIGHT, it looks like a dull square stone that is almost as tall as the character. In this case, It can be dragged and moved on a flat place, helping characters reach different terrain. But when THE CAT is moved to a teleport point of the CLUSTER LIGHT, which connects with another teleport point by CLUSTER LIGHT, THE CAT will transform into a cat that can swim in the LIGHT. After it reaches the teleport point as far as it can, THE CAT will transform into stone-form again.

The SILENCE is such a STABLE being that no character can push it away. When it blocks a character’s way, the character can only walk away and wait for it to go to the next position, or catch it and put it in the MIRROR.

The STRENGTH In most cases, the STRENGTH will push away every movable object that gets into its reach. How far it pushes an object depends on the size of STRENGTH. During the pushing process, the STRENGTH and the object are not affected by gravity.

What The STRENGTH can push away: the character, the cubes, and smaller STRENGTHs

What The STRENGTH can not push away: THE SILENCE, THE LIGHT FLOWING STONE CAT, and solid terrains.

When the STRENGTH pushes the objects beyond its ability, it will be pushed away by the reaction force.

The STRENGTH can also be caught and put in the MIRROR.


1.When the character is caught and put on the CHESSBOARD OF THE MIRROR, he will become a chess piece that can move to the adjacent chessboard grid.

2.Each chessboard grid has a corresponding relationship with a certain foothold out of the MIRROR. When the MIRROR releases the character, the character will be placed in the corresponding position.


There is a continent in the darkness where the sun, the moon, and stars do not exist. The LIGHT is stored in a big mountain like gel. The mountain is called LUMEN.

Living creatures near the LUMEN gradually evolve into humans. They learn the methods of mining and using the LIGHT. They pipe the LIGHT to high places, illuminating most places. Technology and civilization are developing. Kingdom has formed.

Not far from the west of the LUMEN is the MIRROR PLAIN where the supply of MIRRORS is inexhaustible. Once the last piece of MIRROR PLAIN was exploited, an earth movement will come. A new MIRROR PLAIN will raise.

These MIRRORS can catch living creatures and put them into the surface of MIRRORS. This is discovered by accident.

One of the believable legends is about a hunter. Once upon a time, he was chasing the LUMEN BEAST. This BEAST escaped to a mirror. The hunter prayed subconsciously that someone could help him catch it. Unexpectedly, THE MIRROR responded to his prayer and caught the BEAST.

Later, people found a way to make MAGIC MIRRORS between witchcraft and technology.

THE STORY OF XIU(the character)

XIU’s ancestors are INKMEN,XIU is a inkman as well. INKMEN is one of the results of human genetic modification.

After humans learned to make MAGIC MIRRORS, some clever bad guys commit crimes with MAGIC MIRRORS they make, and leave no trace of themselves. The ruler of the kingdom decides to keep all the clever guys under supervision. Every movement of them has to leave a trace behind. So the clever ones become INKMEN. Ink always seep out through their skin, and their shoes cannot be waterproof. So the footprints they leave are all ink-like.

XIU’s mother was a TRAFFIC MIRROR ENGINEER. In a TRAFFIC MIRROR test 7 years ago, when the MIRROR released her, she disappeared. This strange thing made people panic, but no reason was found.

Now XIU is fifteen years old, inherited mother’s relics.XIU found 7 SPECIAL STONES among them. One day, a mysterious voice came into XIU’s ears, saying,” Take THESE STONES to the FURNACES I designate. Then forge them into a HAMMER according to the drawings I give you. Use the HAMMER to smash the one-thousand-year-old MIRROR hanging in the capital. And you can find your mother…”

“As long as there is a chance of finding my mother, I will try it…”

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Mystery Dungeon Games.

Mirror Land on Steam



The game’s difficulty ramps up as you progress through the 28 levels, each of which poses unique challenges. It’s not hard to work through them, though: with mechanics that are easy to pick up on without explanation (except for controls, shown when starting the game), plenty of accessibility features (those being autojump, automove, and the undo/redo buttons) that can make it easy to traverse over obstacles, and a free hint that can be picked up at the start of every level, plenty of help is given for players to work through the rather complex nature of 3D first-person puzzlers. Observation, planning, and cleverness are key in order to reach the end of all of the puzzles made, even more so with the bonus yin-yang collectibles.

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

Obversion is a complex yet elegant platform puzzler. You can work your way through it without significant struggle or you can take time to ruminate on the puzzles. The difficulty does ramp up through the worlds and you may find yourself with a puzzle that requires more thought than blindly barreling forward.

The music is a special gem. I wouldn’t want to spoil it for prospective players, but what I can say is that it compliments the levels and builds on itself as you progress.

The dev put a lot of thought into movement mechanics and it seems that the puzzles have been mapped out and thoroughly thought through. I found myself stumped in one place or another until I noticed a pattern or subtle hint.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Obversion on Steam

Let It Slide

Let It Slide

Help Cat Mermaid find the legendary Fishburger, through all the obstacles he will encounter on his journey of suffering. No wait, fun.

Oh oh, Cat Mermaid made a huge mistake and has been cursed! Now he can’t go back in the ocean until he finds the legendary Fishburger, made with sacred tuna fish!

But remember: it’s not you suffering, it’s Cat Mermaid!





  • Cat Mermaid

  • A Fishburger

  • Professor Bartholomeow, your guide

  • Jewels and checkpoints to help you

  • Unnecessarily difficult controls

  • Suffering

Let It Slide on Steam

LOST EGG 2: Be together

LOST EGG 2: Be together

I recommend it. Peaceful music, hair pulling situations. There’s only 5 levels (with an extra 6th hardcore one)

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Very frustrating yet so addicting. Despite how annoying it can get, it makes you keep getting back up to try to get further than before. xD Finally clearing a stage feels so good!

Before buying, I did not expect it to be this difficult as it looked like a short simple game. Boy was I wrong… You start with a fairly easy stage, and then you get hit with stage 2. Which was difficult at the time but after I cleared it and went to stage 4, stage 2 became a piece of cake.

To clear all the stages, it will probably take several hours tbh. I may not even be able to clear the last stage, seeing how I could not even get past the first portion. Going to take a lot of practice for sure which makes me feel excited and not at the same time lol.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

LOST EGG 2: Be together on Steam

Grayscale Memories

Grayscale Memories

Aesthetically, this game is gorgeous. The soundtrack flows well with the ethereal artwork. The dialogue is where it falls short as it can be pretty juvenile in a way that feels heavy-handed despite the game’s attempt to be seemingly abstract and thought-provoking otherwise, although if you have played JRPGs, then this is par for the course and can even be endearing to a degree as you progress.

Despite the ostensibly heavy subject matter, this game is far too short to convey any real depth on the topic of death and the afterlife. I had hoped to glean something about who the characters were in life, but of course that was expecting too much given the brevity of the story. The remaining problem is the conclusion is abrupt and nonsensical after the buildup throughout the game, leaving a rather anticlimactic sense of frustration on my part. As this is Early Access, it’s possible the “ending” will be expanded according to the informational post. If that occurs, I will update my review accordingly.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Grayscale Memories on Steam

7th Sector

7th Sector

A great side-scrolling sci-fi puzzle-adventure game, occasionally let down by some tedious elements.

Picture Playdead’s side-scrolling masterpieces, LIMBO and INSIDE, add some of Cyberpunk 2077 and Half-Life 2’s atmosphere, and what you get is essentially what 7th Sector is all about.

7th Sector is a visually striking side-scrolling story, occasionally interjected with puzzle elements, set in a dystopian city of the future, the likes of which strongly resemble the environments encountered in Half-Life 2 and Cyberpunk 2077.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Thank you to the lone developer and publisher,Носков Сергей, for creating and providing a good game for me to escape, explore, think and enjoy.

The 7th sector is simply put, a very good side scrolling puzzle game set in a beautiful cyberpunk dystopian future. I can name a half-dozen games where it is similar in aesthetic and story, but it is able to differentiate itself from others with a no hand holding approach to the puzzle/problem gameplay. This approach is welcome to puzzle adventurers but newcomers will find this difficult to frustrating and reading user reviews not surprising.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

7th Sector on Steam



Agora™ is an upcoming single player physics FPS from K.O. Koala Entertainment™.

Set in the Parthenon training simulation, players will experience visceral physics-based challenges while they unravel the mysterious circumstances surrounding their enlistment into the advanced technology corporation, Agora.

Agora on Steam

All Our Asias

All Our Asias

The game was quite surreal. I have gained some insight within the Asian community and addresses true feelings and doubts toward those who are mixed in race from Asia to America. Floating around the atmosphere felt interesting and intriguing, with an old PlayStation One style graphic to help set off the oddity. It’s a free too, so id day give it a try. There are a few things that could make the experience better but doesn’t set off the mood so I’d give it a 7/10.

The graphics are obviously supposed to be unintelligible but in a way gives the player a sense of what it’s supposed to be, as what PSX style is supposed to be. The environment is great, from simplistic looking geometry to image based texture. There are some places that are un-textured, but doesn’t ruin the experience and not that obvious to others who aren’t familiar with engines. I like the empty space, but I would like a bit more on the environment.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Aside from the price, I was intrigued by the title and the visuals. What would this free PS1-style title about multiple Asias be about?

Truth is, after reaching the end I’m still not entirely sure.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a premise and it’s a good one, but I’m not sure I get all the plot in the middle. I found this didn’t matter though as the script was a pleasure to read; it was good quality prose and there was just about the right amount of it.

I wouldn’t say the visuals suit, but I think in “All Our Asias”, the visuals aren’t that important. This is a game where the ethereal whistle of the soundtrack can be recalled many hours later and, I don’t the have the words for it, but the mood and tempo of the game is both melodic and melancholic at the same time.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

All Our Asias on Steam