Escape from Naraka

Escape from Naraka

I think Escape from Naraka is similar to SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell.

But In Escape from Naraka, your overall score will be tallied up from crystals and artifact collected, damage taken throughout the level, and the time it took to complete the level (No level select option)

Gameplay is great, good graphics. My biggest gripe in this game is the Enemy AI . AI is attacking/moving too fast, it FEELS like you’re surrounded and there’s nowhere to run, the only option is to fight, but you cant….kill (mostly) or outrun them (mostly).

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Parkour Games.

Game yang sangat menarik,, mekanisme game yang simple dan juga puzzle yang cukup buat saya degdeg’an bukan karna gampang atau susahnya suatu puzzle, di stage 1 saja puzzle dan jumpscare bisa muncul bersama’an yang membuat saya harus waspada pada puzzle selanjut’a. dan mungkin untuk stage selanjutnya akan menjadi lebih susah lagi dari sebelumnya.

Selamat buat Xelo Games yang berhasil membuat game dengan nuansa Bali, dan juga untuk Soundtracknya juga enak didengar dengan campuran Gambelan dan musik modern. dan saya berharap kedepannya nanti Xelo Games bisa menghadirkan game - game lain dengan Nuansa Lokal lainnya.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Escape from Naraka on Steam



I gotta cleanse my soul after writing a negative review for Hunter’s Legacy. Mulaka is SO MUCH better of a game, and I’m happy to recommend it unequivocally and at full price. It’s a fast-paced action game with light platforming and even lighter RPG elements (there’s a linear skill “tree”). The art style, music, and even the level geometry itself pay tribute to Northern Mexico and its indigenous people the Tarahumara. It plays somewhat like a modern Zelda (one of the game’s achievements even nods to Zelda explicitly), as it’s level-based ending with bosses that have a slight “gimmick” to them, along with light puzzle elements. There’s collectibles, NPC’s, a bestiary to fill out, all the hallmarks of a game of this style. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it’s really solidly designed and built, and it’s an absolute blast to play. The story may not seem like much on its face, but it’s the Tarahumara creation myth playing out in front of you, so you can even say you learned something by playing this game. And do. Do play this game.

Real player with 69.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Historical Games.

Though controls are clunky and detail is quite thin, this is a nice medium-length action adventure.

Most combat is boring and annoying, but the boss fights are interesting and quite fun, easily the strongest point in the game. Unfortunately poor controls mean a lot of frustration as you often can’t get Mulaka to do what you want him to do. There is also quite a bit of platforming—fortunately the poor controls are not quite as frustrating here. It’s mostly just weird because the world boundaries are rather porous.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Mulaka on Steam

Skabma - Snowfall

Skabma - Snowfall

Skábma - Snowfall is a never before seen representation of indigenous Sámi stories and culture. Explore Nordic beauty in a world where the old northern campfire tales come alive! Use your wits to solve environmental puzzles and platforming challenges in this narrative 3rd person adventure.

Save your home!

The daily life of a Sámi village is disturbed after an accident at a nearby Tar-Burning Pit. An odd disease starts spreading across the area, affecting everything from the land to the people and animals.

You play as Áilu, a young Sámi herder searching for a runaway reindeer doe. The mystery of the growing disorder starts to unravel when Áilu finds an old enchanted drum, Goavddis. Time is running out for the infected, but the long lost knowledge of Sámi healers, Noaidis, is still beating within the drum.

What is lost can always be regained! Find the four Familiar Spirits and reconnect with nature to find the source of the disease. It’s your time to become a new Noaidi for a new era!

Key features


An unique story tied to the northernmost indigenous people of Europe, Sámi. Embrace the cutscenes fully voiced in Northern Sámi and immerse yourself in this narrative adventure.

Familiar Spirits

Find four familiar spirits, Skuolfi - The Owl, Guovža - The Bear, Čámsa - The Trout and Rieban - The Fox, with varying powers affecting your movement and ability to Attune the Disorder spreading through Sámiland.

Drum and Explore

Use your drum and Familiar Spirits’ powers to reveal invisible elements in the arctic nature. Follow the trails leading to collectables, spirits of people and trees that will help you through obstacles and environmental puzzles.

Immersive Northern World

Discover mysterious landscapes across the physical and spiritual worlds with spellbinding music including traditional Sámi yoik-singing from award-winning Hildá Länsman. Explore Áilu’s world, find grandfather’s family treasures, notes on outsiders’ view of Sámi culture, catch hares and talk to spirits to learn more about the game world and Sámi stories.

Jump into an adventure through wilderness and spirit worlds!

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Singleplayer Games.

Skabma - Snowfall on Steam

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

I’ve been eagerly awaiting Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy since it was announced for re-release on the PC by THQ Nordic, it looks and feels just like I remember, however, on a 1440p monitor, the GUI elements are extremely small. It’s good that they don’t stretch unnaturally, but the subtitles and button display are quite small and currently have no options to increase them. Developer Swyter has confirmed on the Community Hub that this will be fixed. I’ve only experienced one minor freeze so far, but I think this happened when my Xbox Controller suddenly became disconnected from the computer.

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

Well this has been a long time coming. This game brings back so many childhood memories. My biggest question is WHERE IS THE 2ND GAME!!! A second game needs to be made. Alright enough ranting for part 2 let’s get into the review.

Let’s start with the pros:

  • Beautiful graphics

  • Very solid story line

  • Simple and easy controls

  • Not too difficult (Gameplay wise)

  • Excellent music

  • Very fun overall

Now for the cons

  • Very short (Completed it in almost less then 12 hours)

  • Very little to no voice acting

Real player with 41.9 hrs in game

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy on Steam

IDLE GOG: Endless War

IDLE GOG: Endless War

“IDLE GOG” is an exploration game that will take you to the other side of the magical world. When the spell was cast, Heroes rose and slaughtered all the demons. Enter the fantasy world and turn into a world savior! Complete the stages and conquer the valley of darkness to gain super power.

◇ All Heroes united and explored the Abyss - Heroes rose and destined to win. When strangers come, the lost world will open!

◇ A group of low level heroes summons Super Hero - Keep training and become an Advance Hero, summon Elite Hero. Lead the mightiest team to the temple!

IDLE GOG: Endless War on Steam

Praey for the Gods

Praey for the Gods

I’m giving this a negative review so the devs can see what is wrong with their game, and hopefully make changes. Or explain how to circumvent issues if they are integral. I also want to offer guidance to others. While I love many aspects, it is still a long way from being outstanding.


-The tracks in the snow are so simple yet so well executed. I know it’s not a big deal, but I love it. So I think it should be noteworthy and praised.

-The grappling hook is underwhelming from what I was expecting. I can’t shoot as far as I wanted. But it still is a very impressive tool.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Wall of Text incoming, so if you want the short version scroll down to the TL;DR-MARKER. ;)

So i played Praey for the Gods for quite a while now, and now it’s time to share my first thoughts and impressions.


First of all: YES! It’s kinda like Shadow of the Colossus. You face (at the time of this review: 01.08.2019) 5 bosses. Very big Bosses!

Of course you can’t beat them with usual weapons, so you have to reach certain spots on the creature and use some kind of cylinder/sigil thingy to damage and/or kill it. This takes time, stamina, sometimes some of your nerves and besides it is one of the funniest things i’ve done in the last few years.

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

Praey for the Gods on Steam

Harmony’s Odyssey

Harmony’s Odyssey

A 3D adventure puzzle game set on the verge of mythical legends and the modern world. Harmony’s Odyssey offers engaging and thoughtful tile-based riddles based on classic jigsaw idea, brought to the new heights, accompanied by mighty creatures and their unpredictable attitudes.


Embark on an adventurous odyssey through mythical lands, presented as lively, detailed dioramas, filled with engaging mechanics and gameplay features. Each diorama is diverse, unique and represents mini universes - biomes. Can you solve the mystery surrounding the Suburbs? Or outplay the home team in the Stadium?


Meet wonderful, curious creatures and experience their daily lives full of comedy and drama, where fables and urban legends are shared on smartphones and even a dragon can sometimes get stuck in traffic. A trio of penguins looking to shoot some selfies? Minotaurs getting ready for another Bull Football match? Get to know them better and bring their little worlds together - piece by piece!


Journey through dioramas of Olympus is full of things to discover. Along the way, you will come across engaging side activities including varied puzzle challenges and mini-games. Solving tiles is just one of the ways through these mythical lands and a round of good old ‘Dragonmice Dungeons’ sure does sound like fun!


  • 3D tile-based gameplay with interactive puzzles

  • 7 distinctive biomes filled with life

  • Mini games that resemble popular puzzlers

  • Cheerful, fussy creatures that resemble common myths

  • Engaging, thoughtful riddles to solve

  • Eventful story of myth & modern times

Harmony's Odyssey on Steam

Dragon War

Dragon War

This game has good potential. The idea of fighting other dragons and having to worry about more than one is rad. I like how each dragon varies and has different abilities but overall are the same, which makes the fighting a bit more fair. The AI will circle around a bunch and do lots of movements that can be very mind boggling or annoying. The game is obviously in early release so there is lots of updates that are needed. I definitely recommend this game and give it a chance to help devs build it further

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Dragon War on Steam

From Earth To Heaven

From Earth To Heaven

This is exactly what I was looking for!

  • there are no puzzles

  • no plot

There is only tranquility and tranquility again!

Real player with 874.0 hrs in game

Interesting game with great graphics that is worth having on your account. The game is simple and straightforward, nothing to be expected) Nice music, a lot of locations. A quiet game for relaxation and recreation. I advise)

Real player with 99.7 hrs in game

From Earth To Heaven on Steam



GO HEROES: Prometheus is an innovative cross-genre game based on Greek Mythology. You play as the Titan Prometheus, and through the game, you unravel the myth while activating shrines that connect the past with the present. In your journey, you will face fierce enemies and mind-bending environmental puzzles, but fear not! Valuable skills will be given to you while mighty followers accompany and assist you in your mission to Steal the Fire from the Gods!

The innovation: Action-Turn-Based

Travel through vast grid-based levels in a four-directional movement. You’ll always move first in a turn-based logic. Yet, your enemies will respond instantly to every attack, with one goal, to encircle you into tight, challenging spots, rearranging the battlefield like a rhythmic choreography.

At your disposal, a four-slot inventory to keep and swap armor and utilize abilities with the touch of a button, allowing you to focus on the action.


  • Lore and storyline are based on the original myths; Trust us, we are Greeks.

  • Innovative Action-Turn-Based tactical combat

  • Innovative Intuitive Inventory System


GO HEROES Prometheus development started at a game jam back in 2017, where it won 1st place.

For some time, the devs showcased the prototype at conferences and festivals. After collecting positive feedback, in 2019, they decided to self-fund and focus full-time on the development. In 2021 after a long and rocky development, they have ended up with a story-rich world, innovative gameplay, and an hour-long demo. The next move is to run a Kickstarter campaign on June 29, 2021, and get the much-needed support to push the game through to its completion.

About Happyland Games

GO HEROES is being forged in the dungeons of Athens by a creative duet. Vasiliki and Marinos, both veteran visual designers, have gone developers out of their passion for building unique & imaginative journeys of adventures!

GO HEROES on Steam